Peter M. Boyle replied to the topic feel like a typewritter salesman circa 1994? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Since I spent much of the past two years un- and under-employed, I can truly appreciate your dismal attitude, but you should only feel like a “typewriter salesman” if what you have to offer is outdated ideas and methods.
Take it back even farther: picture yourself as a Macintosh computer salesman in 1984. ( talk about selling something that…[Read more]
Peter M. Boyle replied to the topic Are you working or not ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Peter M. Boyle replied to the topic "The 'scape' is killing the profession." in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I like this. A lot. Those offended by someone elses misunderstanding of their profession are most likely supremely insecure about their own misunderstanding of their profession.
Peter M. Boyle replied to the topic Essential Reads in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
-Ecological Design by Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowen
-Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture by Charles Harris and Nicholas Dines
-A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
-The Next American Metropolis by Peter Calthorpe
-Gardens are for People by Thomas D. Church
Peter M. Boyle posted an update in the group
Graphics 16 years ago
I just picked up a handful of Blick markers. Are they any good? I’ve used AD and Prismacolor, are these better, worse, or about the same?