Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Master Plan Technics in PS in the forum GRAPHICS 10 years, 11 months ago
It sounds like you are going for a realistic as opposed to artistic rendering. For that style, you’re probably better off having your trees/shadows/ground plane colors and textures figured out in CAD, so you’re plotting straight from CAD instead of using photoshop. I’ve achieved very good and pretty realistic results this way…Alternately, for a…[Read more]
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Recommendations for Photoshop Rendering File Sizes? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 11 months ago
Alternately, make your canvas size a lot smaller, then when you’re done, use illustrator to vectorize the finished rendering and you can make it as big as you want without becoming pixelated.
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Knowing Our Limits. Habitat Restoration Requires Ecologists Input in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 10 years, 12 months ago
Wetlands develop in the natural environment because of what’s around them and beneath the surface. It’s the relationship of several meters of various soils, geology and the hydrology of a greater drainage system. The problem with “designed” wetlands is that we decide it would be nice to have a wetland somewhere and none of the bigger picture is…[Read more]
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Recommended firms specialising in quality digital perspective illustrations – FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE in the forum GRAPHICS 11 years ago
Nick Aceto – He’s the best digital illustrator I’ve ever seen in person. He does work that’s on par with your examples. http://www.terrainstudioaspen.com/
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic All sheets in one file?… in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
You could write a chapter on the subject. The basics… Yes, you can (and should) have a standardized file you open for a new project that has all of your layers and their properties set up properly (weight, color, type, etc). The file should be locked so it doesn’t get altered. Then when you open it, “Save As” using the correct file name for your…[Read more]
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Jokes in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 9 months ago
How do you know God is an Engineer and not a Landscape Architect?Because only an Engineer would put the sewer right next to the playground…<This one might take a minute to sink in…>
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Do you really want to know what theyre thinking? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 10 months ago
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Rope or Steel Cable Pedestrian Suspension Bridge in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 10 months ago
Hire an engineer…
Rope? That’s some serious rope…
1,000 lbs of people or 800 lbs of decking and one 200 lb person?
You’re only able to gain 5′-00″ on each side with cantilevered platforms? I bet you could get 10′-00″ on each side and only need a 15′-00″ bridge but that might look goofy…
Having a drainage doesn’t prevent you from using a…[Read more] -
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Efficient way of creating planting plan and planting lists in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years ago
What’s the complicated new school way?
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Help! I've Got BUGS! in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years ago
Yes, tree art indeed. Now all I need is 250,000 rhinestones to stick in those holes, a pile of amphetamines to give me the manic ambition to complete the meaningless-mindless task and an exorbitant amount of free time to create free public art so that some guy with a lot of money and the right connections can steal my idea, take all the credit,…[Read more]
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Help! I've Got BUGS! in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years ago
Dang, you’re probably right… it looks like there is larvae in the holes but maybe it’s just sap…
Gonna have to go sleep on the expressway with my pellet gun…
http://youtu.be/tuhRhFyu-Bs -
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Getting Drawings from Tracing Paper to Standard Paper in the forum GRAPHICS 13 years ago
1. Tape Trace to standard paper before scanning.
2. Hang trace on white wall. Use Tripod and camera to capture image.
3. Use trace paper for presentation. -
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Fee structure for RFQ presentations and interviews as a consultant on a "project team" in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years, 1 month ago
I guess my question (and I’m not being a smart a$$), is; why would your fee structure be any different than if you “had” the project? It seems like you place a value of X on your time. They want 35 hours of your time? That will be 35 x (X), please and thank you (see, there I’m being a bit of a smart a$$).
If you’re traveling, your traveling. If…[
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Construction Detail Comedy in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 13 years, 1 month ago
I’ll have to take another look at it but I think what you’re referring to is a stainless steel L-bracket… but yeah, it was just glued to it.
Lessons Learned:1. Smooth granite glued to smooth stainless = Fail.
2. Heavy material glued to small surface area = Fail.
3. Brittle material used near snow clearing machinery = Fail.
There are literally 5…[
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Construction Detail Comedy in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 13 years, 1 month ago
Maybe I’ll try climbing in there on Monday and see what happens…
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Construction Detail Comedy in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 13 years, 1 month ago
I guess it’s all just lipstick on a pig…
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic good design – not! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 1 month ago
3 stories into a pool of water is hardly a “sure thing”… Police Raise Fears of Suicide “Attempts” might be a better title of the article… You’d probably just hurt yourself really badly…
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic NYC AIDS Memorial Park Design Competition…And the Winner is…what do you think? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 1 month ago
You guys are quite the jokers…
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Southern Exposure – An Interesting Observation in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 3 months ago
Hi Steve –
It went something like this… I ate my lunch on a West facing bench and then relaxed for a moment before realizing that only the left side of my face was getting sun. Not wanting a lopsided tan, I set out to find a nice south facing bench. There were two in my immediate vicinity but because of the way the adjacent benches were being…[Read more] -
Thomas J. Johnson replied to the topic Southern Exposure – An Interesting Observation in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 3 months ago
Millennium is an excellent spring, summer and fall park, no doubt about it. It’s crowds are a testament to that fact. It’s a really well designed park, in general. It’s modern but ties into the adjacent classic architecture. It’s spacious and popular yet it still enables you to find a quiet spot to yourself. It has a variety of attractions and…[Read more]
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