Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic We are seeking applicants for an entry-level LA / land planning position (Jobs section of site and firm sign-up do not work) in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
Sure thing,
When I click on “Post A Job,” I get linked to this site: “http://land8.net/signup_firm.php” but nothing pops up on that site. The page just looks blank white.
About 2 weeks ago I was able to sign up my firm, but then there was no way to continue the process, and then a week after I tried to post the job using the same link “Post A…[Read more] -
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic We are seeking applicants for an entry-level LA / land planning position (Jobs section of site and firm sign-up do not work) in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
Mr. Wainner,
Thank you for the comment. We do have built design work under our belt, and I’m not sure why it is not shown, but my guess is that it’s because a majority of our work deals with eminent domain, which usually entails being hired as an expert to produce regulatory and site analysis of each case, and solutions to the damages caused by…[Read more]
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic LA projects in Minneapolis in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years ago
Thanks, that’s a great resource!
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic LA projects in Minneapolis in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years ago
That would indeed be a wonderful resource! One way to do it would be in Google Maps. Any gmail user can create personal maps that are shared with the public. These maps can be expanded or edited by anyone, making it an ideal medium for a collaborative map.
Here’s some info I found on the abilities of collaborative Google maps: http://googl…[Read more]
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic LA projects in Minneapolis in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years ago
These are wonderful replies! Thank you all so much!
I can’t wait to make a map with these places for easy wayfinding, and if I keep all the info you’ve given me handy, I should be good as gold. -
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic What is "progressive" urbanism? How does it differ from New Urbanism? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Thanks a lot. I will definitely look these up over my semester break!
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic What is "progressive" urbanism? How does it differ from New Urbanism? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Thanks for the book recommendations!
Vanessa Ruiz posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years ago
Hi James,
Actually, my professor introduced me to your work this past summer, my first semester in LA, and it was he who let me know about your rendering techniques and color usage. In fact, our first shot at perspectives involved 20 minute perspective-making sessions that aimed to emulate your graphics.
I could only hope that if he hadn’t told…[Read more] -
Vanessa Ruiz posted an update in the group
Graphics 15 years ago
James Richards is great. I love his simple color palette. He blends darker colors in his lighter colors to make things look cohesive. For instance, he used carmine red and true blue (i think it was true blue) prismacolor color pencils over cream to create this really nice effect. So, the cream hardscape and buildings really popped after i tried to…[Read more]
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic What is "progressive" urbanism? How does it differ from New Urbanism? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I remember first hearing the phrase “New Urbanism,” and being quite intrigued by it. It seemed, just by the phrase, that it was a “new” thing, that I can jump on board with. If I had heard “Progressive Urbanism,” I think I would have been a bit more skeptical (which is a good thing) as to how exactly it proposed to make something better. Maybe…[Read more]
Vanessa Ruiz replied to the topic What is "progressive" urbanism? How does it differ from New Urbanism? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Thanks for the great responses.
I agree with both of your descriptions of New Urbanism, and it seems that many of the basic guidelines of New Urbanism exist for Landscape Urbanism and Progressive Urbanism as well: walkability and bikeability, accessibility, user safety, etc.
Does progressive urbanism differ then by making these principles…[Read more]