Crostwaithe Park, Dun Laorighe, Dublin. 

The main function of the garden is aesthetic with the garden improving the overall appearance of the house. This garden respects the architecture of the house while reflecting the artistic personality of the client.

The first temptation in the design intervention was to create a very formal garden. However, this would be at odds with the artistic personality of the client. The entire garden has a rustic feeling with loose planting style rather than being laid out in a formal style. Reclaimed granite reflects the existing granite on the ground level leading to the front steps.

A major design and construction challenge was the relocation of a gas meter from inside the house to the outside. In the design phase it had to be located in the least obvious position of the garden while still being easily accessible. During construction the pipe leading to and from the gas meter had to be 700mm below ground level which required cutting through granite bedrock.

Important considerations on this project included:

• Most activity takes place in the lower level of the garden so it was important that this space did not feel enclosed;

• The upper level of the garden provides access to the front door and the lower level; and,

• Access was also required to the basement through the side door at the lower level of the garden. 

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