
Reading Recommendations in Print

Last time, I posted about portfolio formats. The ways we each approach and use our portfolios are sometimes as unique as we are. There are countless examples out there on the subject, and I wanted to share my top ten favorite (in print) resources.

  • Portfolio Design by Harold Linton. Geared towards architecture, it shows many examples of portfolios.
  • Designing a Digital Portfolio by Cynthia Baron. Good general information on the thought process of developing a digital portfolio, but this book is a little older (so technical information is out of date).
  • Designing Creative Resumes by Gregg Berryman. This slim tome is fun, creative, and old. I still flip through it every time I re-do mine, to remind myself to push for something new.
  • The Ultimate Portfolio by Martha Metzdorf. This book is geared towards graphic artists and illustrators, but contains good discussion on the reasons the examples were designed the way they were (something I find invaluable).
  • Writing for Design Professionals by Stephen Kliment – I like this book and include it even though it is not exclusively about portfolios or design. I think it is a must read for developing a professional writing style in a design industry.
  • Making and Breaking the Grid by Timothy Samara – There are several books on page layout, and I would be remiss if I didn’t include one. Much of it gets more technical than you may need, but with so much information, even skimming this book can be helpful for advancing your understanding of this important subject.
  • Magazines: HOW Magazine is my favorite, but anything on Landscape Architecture, Architecture, graphic art, or photography is good. The purpose of these publications is to showcase design work, so take a look at how they go about it. Try also foreign magazines like Topos (German), Abitare (Italian), and Gardens Illustrated (British).

Continuing to seek inspiration for your next portfolio, showing your best effort each time, is an essential part of maintaining your image. Portfolio upkeep is a process that should be ongoing whether each of us is currently employed by others or ourselves, and I hope that everyone finds something useful in this list. If there are other print resources you love, please send them along or share them in the comments. This isn’t the end, though, I will be sharing many more resources in the future.

The next post will discuss the meat in a Landscape Architecture portfolio: the content.

As always, please feel free to share your stories with me anytime!

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