Baan Krung Thep Kritha, by Landscape Architects 49 Limited, in Bangkok, Thailand. It takes an amazing talent and a generous amount of tenacity to take a flooded area and transform it into a beautiful landscape. The project in this case is Baan Krung Thep Kritha, and it is a clear demonstration of how talented the team from Landscape Architects 49 Limited actually is. Completed in 2006 and covering an area of 15 rai (24,000 square meters), this project transformed from a flooded area in Bang Kapi (Bangok, Thailand) to a space that is defined by elegance and perspective.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Baan Krung Thep Kritha
From Concept to Reality One of the most exciting parts of a landscape architecture project such as this one is taking the ideas one has on paper and transporting them into reality. The team at Landscape Architects 49 Limited managed to take their concept and make it even more spectacular in the real world. It all started with the idea that the internal level should be two meters higher than the surroundings; in doing that, the architects followed the requirements of the client, making the property look as if it was placed on a small hill.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
A Varied Landscape with Functional Requirements As the architects had a lot of space to play with, it should come as no surprise that they chose so many landscape features to integrate within the project. They wanted to offer variety, and they certainly managed to provide it — within the functional requirements of the project. The space available was divided into three different parts, each with its own set of features and characteristics.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Trees to the Rescue The north side of the property was located close to an adjacent road, so there was a good chance of the owner being disturbed not only by the noise, but also by the gas emissions coming from vehicles. Having such problems in mind, the designers ingeniously placed a buffer of trees to protect the building from both excessive pollution and potential noise.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
A Protective Screen of Green The trees are visually pleasing, and they also act as a protective screen against the problems mentioned above. So it is safe to assume that they are doing the job. In the front area of the property, you can see that a part of it has been allotted to the monk’s house, this being near to the ritual room of the house.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Proving that Landscape Architecture Projects can be Sustainable The back area of the property, located to the south, is one of the most beautiful parts of this project. There is a detention pond of high aesthetic value, but the surprise comes from the natural swale, guaranteeing the preservation of rainwater. Once more, the designers demonstrate that landscape architecture projects can be sustainable. The water captured through the system is recycled and used for irrigation purposes.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
A Re-invented Tropical Forest Delivers Peace and Relaxation As there are no other buildings located in the surroundings of the project, the entire area is defined by a sense of peace and relaxation. Specific elements, such as the gigantic rain tree and the small pavilion, have been chosen so as to guarantee a place where people can discover pleasure in its finest form. In the center area, close to the main house, one can discover a generous green space. Here, different activities can be performed and everyone can enjoy the healthy outdoors.
The planting at Baan Krung Thep Kritha
The selection of plants is amazing, with the tropical rainforest serving as a source of inspiration. However, the plants and the trees that remind one of the tropical rainforest seem to have integrated very well within the climate of Thailand and this specific area in particular. Moreover, the plants have been chosen to ensure easy maintenance while delivering a natural feeling. The plants are spread throughout the entire property, blending in with other elements in the landscape in the most natural manner

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
A Diverse, Mixed use Space It is fascinating how the functional requirements of the project blend with the natural elements of the landscape. Among these functional requirements, one can find the gathering space, the small pavilion underneath the gigantic rain tree, the kitchen garden, the jogging track, the aesthetically pleasing pond, the multifunctional lawn, and the walkway. This project really has it all.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
A Strong Demonstarion of Modern Landscpe Architecture in Thailand In conclusion, if you are looking to discover Thai landscape architecture at its finest, you can always consider the project of Baan Krung Thep Kritha. It is bold, well made and demonstrates that modern landscape architecture always works with the concept of sustainable development in mind. It is high time that we all understand that the resources on our planet are limited and that we must learn how to re-use them at our best.

Baan Krung Thep Kritha. Photo credit: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Full Project Credits: Project: Baan KrungThep Kritha
Designer: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Location: KrungThep Kritha Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Size: 2.4 hectare
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