Many debates abound regarding the current legitimacy of drawing in landscape architecture. The onset of numerous computer programs has challenged traditional methods of drawing and sketching to communicate ideas. Which skill is more valid for today’s designer and design consumer? Which more effectively demonstrates the design in a clear way? Can these two styles exist in the same dialogue?

Book Cover
A general overview Drawing for Landscape Architecture by Edward Hutchison, stands as a middle ground for these two similar skills and joins them together. Published in 2011 by Thames & Hudson Inc., this seminal writing engages readers deeply into the act of drawing and explores a variety of representation techniques which are transferable to either skill set.
Hand drawing is presented as an essential skill which brings about concepts and ideas. Drawing helps designers feel the site and record emotions and feelings that are lost in the translation of photography. Drawings also helps flush out ideas and work through mental blocks. Digital drawing then takes up these ideas and transforms them into precise solutions to problems.
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Structure of the book Hutchison first guides the reader through a general overview of drawings basics, representation while on site. He then introduces a large variety of drawings types and methods for communicating by drawing. Site analysis, section drawings, perspectives, and construction details are all elaborately covered. Numerous illustrations are given in each of these sections.

Layout of the book
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The later portion of his book is a collection of selected works which he has completed.
Hutchison discusses his process from the beginning concept sketch to hardline drawing and even construction. The book is stocked full of sketches, hard-line drawings, computer drawings, photographs, and more. It truly is visual index from someone who utilizes drawings on a daily basis. The text and captions are easy to read and convey the main thoughts while leaving the images to explain the rest. One of the more enjoyable aspects of the book is Hutchison’s use of texture and color. Numerous examples are given throughout, displaying color combinations and hierarchy of texture.
Why should you get it? Drawing for Landscape Architecture is a perfect buy for the engaged college student, interested amateur, or experienced professional.
It refreshes the creative process and provides hundreds of tips and ideas for the designer. It would also make a great coffee table piece to have around the office or home.
Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site

A sample
About the author (taken from Thames & Hudson): Edward Hutchison is principal of a landscape design practice in London, whose work has won many awards. His drawings were featured in the exhibition
Drawing Space at the Garden Museum, also in London.
Publisher: Thames & Hudson Inc.
Type: Hardcover
Page length: 240 pages Article written by
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