LARE Florida Section F

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  • #174454
    Kevin Hardt

    Hey , hey!!!

    Were you able to obtain any study material? It’s time to tackle this one now.
    Hope you’re well.

    Joseph Wilson

    Mark, I’m in the same boat as well.  I am located in Colorado but have a ton of work planned in Florida.  I was hoping you can help me out.  My email is Thanks for any help you can provide.


    Could someone mail the materials to Thank you so much!


    Erin Porter

    Hi,  I would love any study materials or a list of study materials that you found helpful.

    Thank you, Erin

    Scot Lautzenheiser

    I am also looking for some study material for Florida Section F. Would anyone be able to provide this. Please send any information to Thanks so much!

    Jason Granado

    Just want to give this a Bump since the last post were in 2012….. I am looking to taking the Florida Exam  in the beginning of 2016. Any Advice on what to study?

    Kevin Krogulecki

    Hello everyone!

    Again, I am in the same boat and looking for any study materials for Section “F” that may be available for sharing.  If anybody has material they would like to share, please send along to

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks so much!

    Laura Duplain

    I noticed that Florida’s chapter of ALSA offers a study guide for $15 for Section F. I was wondering if anyone has purchased this and whether it was worth it? Also I was wondering if anyone found any books or resources that were helpful?

    Bridger DeMars


    If you provide your email I can do you one better than the study guide and provide the material participants receive from attending the annual study session. I am not quite to F so I am not sure how helpful the stuff is but its something…

    Robert C. Jones

    Hello, I am looking for study material for Section F. Please email me at


    Steve Hatfield

    I am also looking for any study material for Section F. Please forward to me at
    Bridger DeMars, Can you send me the material you have?
    Thanks for any information.


    I actually “feel” for all of you who are having to take the FLORIDA LA EXAM. Although, I do realize there are a few other U.S. States who have “State LA Exams”…IMO, I just believe that FLORIDA is trying to “limit competition” by creating a State Exam…to keep the out of state Landscape Architects from practicing in Florida. It’s my understanding, that there are approx. (40) various sources that you need to study…where exam question can be taken from. I have heard that this Florida Exam is NOT easy. Like I said, IMO, The State Board wants to “limit” the competition of Licensed LAs already in Florida from outsiders.

    I was once a Licensed Landscape Architect in the State of Florida (from 1979 to 1989). By State Law, Florida was supposed to mail me a notification letter that dues were owed or they would VOID my Florida LA License…the State NEVER sent me that letter…which means, the Florida State Board at the time was in violation of Florida State Law!

    Approx. 5 years later, I needed to design a few projects in Florida, but, The State LA Board said No, that I would have to take and pass their State LA Exam. I explained that I had previously been Licensed in Florida for 10 years and would like to be reinstated…they still refused. They even told me they had no records that I was EVER Licensed as an LA in The State of Florida. Really, I still have the Original LA License in my possession…I e-mailed the Board a photo copy of it.

    In further research, I learned that I had MORE experience as a Landscape Architect than every member of that Florida State Board….10 years in Florida, 30 yrs. in Texas and several years in 12 other States. I actually, personally stood in front of that Florida State Board (about 8 members)…they were very disrespectful. Though, one male member spoke up and felt maybe the Board should make an exception, due to my experience level…and I could hear some of the female members…trying to shhhhhhhh the guy; so, he backed off. I’ve heard of “Dog and Pony shows”, but, I’ve actually never been a part of one until then.

    I did apply for and received a Temporary LA License so that I could design a major Multi-Family Development near the campus of The University of Florida.

    Besides some of the LAs who work for a few MAJOR LA Firms in Florida (like EDSA and a few others)…IMO, most LAs in Florida ONLY design Planting Plans.

    I wish all of you the BEST OF LUCK on the Florida Exam. Once you do pass that EXAM…be sure you stay on top of the required “Continuing Education” requirements (keep records) and always pay your annual LA License dues in a timely manner.

    I truly HOPE that the current State of Florida LA Board is more “professional” than the one I had to deal with several years ago.


    Brian Blazewick

    I realize this thread is a little old, but I am also looking for any study materials for Section F that may be available for sharing. I purchased the ASLA Florida packet and it looks to be very outdated. Please forward to if anybody has additional material they can share.

    Much appreciated!


    Brian…..I just now GOOGLED looking for info. on SECTION F of the Florida State LA Exam.
    There’s a Landscape Architect who wrote a “PRACTICE EXAM” that you can order. This looks like it would be a LOT of help to give you an idea of what materials you should study in advance. I found it very easily.


    Caleb Robinson

    Anyone have any advice or information to share for the Florida Section F Exam? The Florida Board’s official list of resources is full of broken links! Any tips or resources you could share would be appreciated.


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