Adam E. Anderson replied to the topic space, it's still a frontier, New York TimesOpinionator Blog, by Alison Arieff in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 1 month ago
I discussed this briefly a while back on DUS.
Adam E. Anderson replied to the topic Landscape Architects volunteering in Haiti? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 1 month ago
Stephanie has what I think is the best established org to reach out to. Cameron Sinclair, the founder of Arch. for Humanity have been specializing in constructed relief efforts for many years.
While many of their projects have be architecturally based, he is planning on broadening into landscape for 2010.
You can contact him/them via twitter…[Read more]
Adam E. Anderson replied to the topic "The 'scape' is killing the profession." in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 2 months ago
What an absolute waste of a conversation. Perhaps if we spent less time worrying about what people call us and just do great things, then it won’t f*cking matter.
If you can’t tell, I’m exhausted with this frivolous conversation. Do good work and people will know what you do.
Adam E. Anderson replied to the topic THESIS DESIGN: integrating interactive narrative in a historical park in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 3 months ago
I have been interested in interactive landscapes for some time. I’ve touched on a few things on my blog, and I know Interaction Designers and Architects have been working together on several projects. I can’t think of specific historical projects off hand, but here area a few sites you can check out that cover digital spatial…[Read more]
Adam E. Anderson replied to the topic Landscape architecture world map in the forum PLACES & SPACES 15 years, 11 months ago
Andrew | Tim
Mapping Landscapes and Architecture
This is well underway. As a project started by friend and member Kris Lucius in the Boston region. I myself am currently working on a LA based map.
But of course, this is a major undertaking, so any links provided would be of great benefit.
Adam E. Anderson replied to the topic ASLA needs to market us! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 11 months ago
Why do we need the ASLA to handle this? Shouldn’t we be the voice and champions of our own profession? I agree that ASLA should play a part in promoting the profession. But the fact is that the role of Landscape Architecture is generally misunderstood, not only by the public, but by developers and even architects.
It seems Landscape Architects…[Read more]
Adam E. Anderson replied to the topic MARKETING REPS in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 16 years, 1 month ago
Nick is right. Your talking about business development, which marketing is a large part. I think many try to overcomplicate things, for any sized firm you have to answer:
-What is our competitive advantage?
-How do we effectively communicate this to potential clients?Naturally Web 2.0 applications are effectively being used, I would say not so…[Read more]