Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Did CLARB get hacked? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Good to know that others have received this e-mail. Hopefully they didn’t get any information from anyone.
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Experience necessary before starting your own practice? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Nick, I am totally following you.
Let me elaborate on a couple of my factors briefly as I may have been confusing. When it comes to experience I completely agree that you do not need to be a master. I was more saying do you have a decent amount of experience? Have you done this and feel comfortable with the entire process? Then you can adapt to…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Experience necessary before starting your own practice? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
You asked for the minimum amount of experience. I think that it in nearly impossible to guage when to start a business based on solely your experience. It makes the query simple but hard to answer. My opinion is that if you looked a 4 key factors: experience, licensure, networking and niche you could probably decide whether or not you were ready.…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic The Economy and Marketing: August 12th Chat Conversation in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
I wish that I could have been a part of the conversation but the timing doesn’t work very well with my schedule. That being said it sounds like it was a solid conversation.
Here is my question on the topic (I would really like any principals or decision makers to answer this if they can): How do you do more than network? I am a big believer in…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Are Landscape Architects Just Being Used As Graphic Designers/Visualisers in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Graphic design, 3D and other responsibilities are a niche, a specialization. First and foremost we are landscape architects. Almost everyone gravitates toward specializations from that point.
It sounds like you have been pulled into a lot of graphic work/3d modeling. It also sounds like you don’t like it. I don’t know your exact situation but as…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
Kansas State University 16 years ago
Professor Stephanie A. Rolley, FASLA, AICP, has been selected to head the Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning at Kansas State University.
Rolley, whose appointment is effective June 14, 2009, will succeed Dan Donelin. He is retiring at the end of June and has served as department head since 1995.
A K-State…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
Kansas State University 16 years ago
Congratulations to Professor Day!
Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
Kansas State University 16 years ago
The Jot D. Carpenter Teaching Medal: Dennis J. Day, FASLA
Dennis J. Day, FASLA, professor of landscape architecture at Kansas State University, will receive the Jot D. Carpenter Teaching Medal for his sustained and significant contributions to landscape architecture education. Day taught landscape architecture construction for more than 40 years…[Read more] -
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Is LEED Enough? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
I also understand the defense of LEED. If I had invested the time and money to become a LEED AP I would have to think hard before not defending it. I feel that many of the people vehemently defending this program are in this position.
I have looked into being an AP for years, been involved on some projects and even filled out the templates. I…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Is LEED Enough? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Thanks for finding this and posting. The article sums up my core concerns with LEED. I have always felt that there is no true accountability and the focus is actually on the reward of a LEED designation rather than creating more efficient spaces.
I have many other concerns that I won’t bring up here but I do think that it is time to…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic BIM in Landscape Architecture in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Anybody use or try LandFX? Thoughts? I am going to see there software presentation this week and wonder if it accomplishes any BIM aspects.
Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
Kansas State University 16 years ago
I thought it was about time to get this on here. Welcome and invite everyone you know!
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Colleges, degrees, and career planning questions in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
My personal opinion is that design training in conjunction with construction techniques is the most critical component of a good education. I have learned almost everything else on the side or out of interest. She will most likely get a well rounded exposure to everything necessary and then will probably gravitate to some specific area of…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Colleges, degrees, and career planning questions in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Great idea looking for answers here. I can’t help much with the East Coast factor. I am a graduate of Kansas State. I did work in Washington DC for a short time and become familiar with Penn State and Virginia Tech’s programs. I thought both were very solid. Each school is going to have something they are strongest at. For instance, K-State is…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Landscape Architecture magazine wants to know: How are you coping with the recession? in the forum RESEARCH 16 years ago
I love landscape architecture. I have been fortunate to retain a solid job through the economy so far. I have had to learn new skills and have been working on a lot more civil based work. My plan for this fall is to diversify and get my masters in community development. I feel that it is the right time for me to expand my skill set and review what…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Anyone designed and sold site furnishings? in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 16 years ago
Thanks for all of the great thoughts everyone! Dennis is there a reference that I should look to for copywriting design or should I just look at the copywriting process in general. I am trying to get this idea incorporated into a project and have met with a manufacturer, who also recommended I try to get a prototype built into a project. Thanks…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Magazine – Looking for Article? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 16 years ago
Bravo, bravo.
I just don’t want to say “I thought of that.” a few years down the road.
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Anyone designed and sold site furnishings? in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 16 years ago
This topic has had my brain going for a while. If we design a unique feature, that is replicable, like a trash enclosure, and that trash enclosure is different in design from anything out there how do you protect it? Patents are expensive and I am pretty sure not applicable for 99% of what I am thinking about. Imitation may be the most sincere…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic MARKETING REPS in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 16 years ago
It always depends on who the customer is. It is difficult to sell our product like more traditional sales services. I would think in the long run a marketing representative would not pay off. I am not saying it wouldn’t work, just that the payoff may not be that great. I think LA’s fill this role as another of the many hats that we wear. We get…[Read more]