Bruce McWilliam Associates Landscape Design Group 778-809-9784

  • No problem, Radu! Glad to help.

    As for the conceptual design, it should be a general routing plan with generic bunkering and golf course character. You would want to establish number of tees, size of tees and greens, etc. so that you could generate an estimate. Other things, like drainage, earthwork, etc. would have to come from past experience…[Read more]

  • Ryan and Chad thnx a lot great tips, its very usefull for me to learn from someone who has experiance. In Romania the golf buissnes is at the start there is not yet a high quality golf course in Romania nad playing golf its very hard here, there are no profesionals in my country on golf course design and construction, so there is space for this…[Read more]

  • Radu, Ryan’s comments are on point. Of course, not everyone can do a conceptual design for the project before being awarded the project. We never did this when I was in the golf business. We always got paid for conceptual design, which is where we started with our fee, then if we determined the project was feasible, we rolled into CD’s and project…[Read more]

  • Hi Matei–
    All golf course design projects are unique from one to another and each has their own variables and client needs / desires. So there is no formula or guide that I’m aware of that you can work through and come up with a design fee proposal.

    My experience has been that the design team will typically receive 5-7% of the construction costs…[Read more]

  • I’ve used Auto Cad for 7years and I have to move on Vector Works for a new Company. It’s so confusing and not so much information so far.. Tutorials don’t really give me right answers and I have many problems to figure out, but it’s difficult ask somebody.. Not so many people are using this..

  • i want to ask a question about golf course design. i need to make a price offer for someone for golf course design plans and for golf course construction plans, and i have no experiance in this field, can anybody help me with some numbers. For exemple how much do you charge for a golf course project? How you negociete the price? Can anybody send…[Read more]

  • Hey folks in the KC area!
    Just a reminder to those on Land8lounge that we’ll be having our monthly meeting this thursday (27th). If you haven’t received details, let me know!

  • There is a competition in the City of Charlottesville, Va., for the design of a Clock for their famous pedestrian downtown mall..The prize is $1,500, I think. Nice little project!

  • Kim, I have seen some examples in Charleston, SC that are using some green street technologies such as curbside bioretention and permeable pavers. I would look up Liberty Hills and Oak Terrace Preserve which I believe are both in North Charleston. Here are some pics:

  • Kim Hawkins posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 6 months ago

    Does anyone know of any implemented green streets in the Southeast? We are completing a project in Nashville in the next few weeks and wondering if there are others?

  • I’m a residential Landscape Designer in San Diego’s East County. Has anyone mentioned Tree of Life Nursery in San Juan Capistrano? They have a nice newsletter as well you can subscribe to.
    I like to incorporate garden-friendly california natives in my designs.

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 15 years, 6 months ago

    Nick _here is a link to a gallery of portfolio work I have created so you can look at some of my works in a larger form… please take a look and let me know what you think… I will happily respond to any comments, questions, or critiques…

    or you can just search in the album…[Read more]

  • How can landscape architects become cultural middlemen for site decontamination? Remediation doesn’t only have to be about soil borings and lab tests. Cleaning up junk can be an opportunity for new landscape experiences, typologies, and processes to emerge. Let me hear your thoughts.

  • I am pulling together a maintenance manual for a design studio that wants to install storm water mitigation in its projects. After reading widely, I have noticed that most information has the same maintenance guidelines. I find it difficult to believe that if sedimentation must be cleaned out 4-5 times a year from an in-street planter in Portland,…[Read more]

  • Charles, This is probably easier to deal with in Phoenix as most people don’t really expect anything to live here without water. Even natives. I don’t know how you can expect a plant that is used to regular and frequent irrigation at the grower, to suddenly become a plant that thrives with irregular and infrequent feeding.

  • Ya Bill, all I know is when a local suburban city requires the planting of natives in parking lot islands that get hammered by not only the heated asphalt but also the vehicle exhaust, I tend to shake my head. With pedestrians tromping through and no irrigation, it is just tough sledding. What we need is to educate the planners who write the…[Read more]

  • Info Q/Request? Anyone got a thumbrule cost computation rate for an earth fill using MSE (Mechanically Stabilized Earth)?

  • I Navid, the pine like plant looks like a grevilia flower. I’m not sure but it’s similar.

  • Ya Charles, all the natives around here grow in balls and cubes. You never have to water them and they never grow past the 3′ dia. ball or cube. They even flower in colors that contrast well with the building they are planted next to. I love natives. They’re truely the answer to all your sustainable dreams. You just need more experience, buddy.

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