Cara McConnell replied to the topic What are hiring managers looking for? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
Most of these responses were from 2009! I wonder if these people are still employed by the same firm.
Cara McConnell replied to the topic What are hiring managers looking for? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
They must’ve lied to you, Bob.”Writing” memos and editing “details” are not your strong suit.
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Interesting Article in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
Remember when you were a kid and Mom and Dad told you stories about Santa Claus? This is equivalent but on an adult level. Nothing but a pipe dream! Story is probably straight out of Rick Perry’s presidential campaign. Look at history of the world. Each country had its chance to be in power one time or another. From China to Spain to England and…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic 18 hours in London in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
Puhlease! Not enough time. By the time you leave the airport and get to your destination, you have 5 minutes before you need to be on your way back to the airport. Public transportation is way too slow. When you start the security checks, you will have no luggage since it’s a connection flight, which means security pulls you aside thinking you’re…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Is graduate school worth it? in the forum EDUCATION 13 years, 5 months ago
Short answer: NO! However, it depends on your bachelor’s degree. If it was landscape architecture, then why in the world are you doing MLA? Maybe you’ve smoked one too many weed back in college. Graduate school is okay as long as its another discipline. My upcoming M in Accounting will open up possibilities in various fields, including…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Interesting in light of recent conversation about women and career advancement in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
I think, women need to stay at home! Leave the ‘bringing home the bread’ to the men. Women should go back to cleaning, raising the kids, cooking and taking care of the home. Women’s lib ruined everything! Women want this or that. There’s no place for ladies in the workplace. This is a man’s world.
Cara McConnell replied to the topic More than half way to Shanghai (From Beijing) By Bike! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
Sounds more like an Infomercial from SWA Group. SWA is another traitor with exportation of jobs and helping build China. What about the home country, USA? Just trying to bring up another point and being the devil’s advocate.
Cara McConnell replied to the topic How did you get started on the path to where you are now? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
RA, I like the way you attack me, but leave Andrew and Henry’s responses alone. I’m sure your lone motive was to get me to respond. I’m simply stating the obvious here and some of you just don’t have the guts to say it. Some of you guys simply lack a backbone and can’t accept constructive criticism and harsh realities. The dude LOVES to work…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic How did you get started on the path to where you are now? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
Nope not ranting, but giving some difficult advice and truth. Failed LA? Lol. Okay sport, whateva you say! You know everything about me and how I put myself through Grad school working at 3 different part time jobs the last 2 years. Eyes are on the prize in May 2012! Never qualified for unemployment benefits because of my returning to school, so…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic How did you get started on the path to where you are now? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
Sir William, you sound as if you’re smoking a few magic herbs right now! Pretty simple to figure out water covers most of this planet. Listen up, sport. In general, Landscape Architects don’t desire to be called Landscapers. It’s the image most of them try to distance themselves from. LAs have enough of a difficult time convincing the public that…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Rise & Fall of LA Firms: Did Company Greed Kill Our Jobs? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
Well, I’m not the one who turned down a job offer because I thought the office space was filthy or complain about RLAs for not giving an opportunity to the entry level grads to work under their wings as an intern. I think you are the one missing the point, mister. Did you read the other responses. No? Generation Y wants to constantly talk on their…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Rise & Fall of LA Firms: Did Company Greed Kill Our Jobs? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
The size of your office isn’t as important as the size of your paycheck. I cannot believe what I’m reading from some of you. A bunch of pansies! No wonder American corporations are exporting U.S. jobs overseas due to all your office demands. For me, just give me a desk, adequate space, nice computer and projects to work on. You know, projects that…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
No need for additional antivirus, Frank. None. The new Mac OS Lion has all the protection you need out of the box. PC users simply do not know about the current Apple computers and it can run Windows softwares. Therefore, no need for version of Autocad for Macs, because Autocad for Windows runs just as effectively. You can toggle between the Mac…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
Autocad for Macs, huh? Maybe so, but that’s a moot point since the new Macs can run Windows programs out of the box and no additional money involved as you stated earlier. No money because everybody can find a pirated copy of Windows someplace. You were using the old Mac OS at your previous job and not OS Lion with the Intel chips. Otherwise, you…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
You haven’t read the comments after your post, Heather. After reading everyone’s post, I’ve come to realize that the PC users simply do not understand or have any knowledge of the current Mac OX Lion. Their references from Macs are obsolete, because they refer to using the old Macs. I haven’t read anyone here with the latest from Apple, hence the…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Eye opener on the job front … in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years, 8 months ago
I know it’s tough all over, but when people with Masters degrees advertise on ASLA’s joblink resume page seeking entry level work at $30k per year. You know it’s a sad profession.
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
Let me give you my 2 cents worth: I am a graphic designer and former landscape designer. I’m employed by an advertising agency/graphic design firm in Las Vegas. We use iMacs on all of our machines. Our primary softwares are Adobe CS Web version, Persuasion, inDesign, Msword, Fontographer, Realsoft 3D, Poser, Color It, Painter and iPhoto. These are…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
The misinformed, ignorance and delusional continue to ramble on. Right Tim? Those who don’t know are truly out of touch. Your descriptions about Macs are obsolete and inaccurate. The latest Macs are able to run windows software without any addition. Today’s Macs are equipt with dual Intel chips and you can switch platforms in 2 steps or clicks. I…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
The misinformed, ignorance and delusional continue to ramble on. Right Jared? Those who don’t know are truly out of touch. Your descriptions about Macs are obsolete and inaccurate. The latest Macs are able to run windows software without any addition. Today’s Macs are equipt with dual Intel chips and you can switch platforms in 2 steps or clicks.…[Read more]
Cara McConnell replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
The misinformed, ignorance and delusional continue to ramble on. Right Joshua? Those who don’t know are truly out of touch. Your descriptions about Macs are obsolete and inaccurate. The latest Macs are able to run windows software without any addition. Today’s Macs are equipt with dual Intel chips and you can switch platforms in 2 steps or clicks.…[Read more]
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