Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 4 years, 7 months ago
Autocad Civil 3D and LandFX. Plan renderings in either LandFX or Photoshop.
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Commercial Building Site/Grading Plans in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 4 years, 7 months ago
I work for a multi-disciplinary architecture and engineering firm and I do all the preliminary site planning as requested by our largest commercial client. That includes all of the preliminary code research. Sometimes it might require multiple iterations until the client is happy with the layout. After the site layout is complete the document…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic How long is a LARE exam result valid? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years ago
Check with your State…they are all different. But don’t delay, finish the exam and get it over with, I had to repeat a section because I waited too long.
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Salary bump after licensure in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years ago
Andrew and Chris are right it doesn’t automatically mean a raise. Billable rates are based on the position you hold with the firm. Like Andrew mentioned having your license certainly makes you more marketable and most firms like to add that feather in their cap with the number of credentialed staff they have. I remember when I was in your sh…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic LandworksCAD Lt or Pro versus Vectorworks Landmark in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years, 2 months ago
Andrew, I believe that FX CAD is basically Autocad LT, but you are right there is a cost associated with it. I’m not sure why you can just use the LandFX add on with Autocad LT but i am sure there are some kind of proprietary features that prevent it from happening. A couple of times a year LandFX does offer some pretty good sale incentives w…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic LandworksCAD Lt or Pro versus Vectorworks Landmark in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years, 2 months ago
I am not sure what your background is when it comes to using any kind of CAD software, but before you purchase you might consider the following:
1. If you are new to using CAD software Vectorworks Landmark might be the way to go. I own the software and it has a lot of capabilities a lot of software programs do not.
2. If you have worked in Au…[
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic ce courses in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years, 1 month ago
Go to the State of Ohio Board of Landscape Architects link. Search their site for Continuing Education. They have a listing of Free online CE courses. They aren’t specific to Ohio either. You might find something there that will work for you.
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Structural Soil in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 11 years ago
The City of Chicago requires structural soil for plant pits in narrow planting areas. The projects that I have worked on the trees were in similar 5’x5′ plant pits with tree grates. My last project was in the downtown area and it required lava rock to be used in lieu of mulch. You might also google Cornell Structural Soil or Amsterdam Tree San…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic when it all makes sense? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 3 months ago
If you know who the contractor is before you get on site that would be great. Walking onto a job site and seeing a familiar face always helps to put one at ease. Call ahead let them know you are coming out to the job to observe the construction and answser any questions they may have. Be confident but not arrogant. If this is the initial mee…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic when it all makes sense? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 3 months ago
Given that you are working for a residential landscape LA firm, you will probably get to do some construction administration out in field. That is where you will start to see what you have detailed become reality and will have a better understanding of what it was you have drawn in 2D. When it really starts to make sense is when/if the c…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Job in developer firms in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 4 months ago
My first job out of college, which lasted for 15 years was working for a major US retailer. We had a 500 person Design and Construction staff. I designed stores that we “self-developed” but also hired and managed landscape architects that were working for developers who were building stores for us. It was interesting work, and I was tra…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Job in developer firms in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years, 4 months ago
My first job out of college, which lasted for 15 years was working for a major US retailer. We had a 500 person Design and Construction staff. I designed stores that we “self-developed” but also hired and managed landscape architects that were working for developers who were building stores for us. It was interesting work, and I was tra…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Why don't professors teach more AutoCAD in schools? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 4 months ago
Here’s to our generation!! Cheers!!
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic CIMIS irrigation schedule in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 5 months ago
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Usefulness of old LARE study guides in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 5 months ago
Its important to note that the exam is always evolving so what might not seem relevant now may come back and be relevant on a future exam. It always seems to depend on which way the wind is blowing that year.
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Things for a Landscape Architect to see/do in France and/or Spain in the forum PLACES & SPACES 11 years, 7 months ago
I was in Paris a couple of years ago in early September. We signed up for a couple of different bike tours not being familiar with the city. I found the bike tour of Paris and the tour of Versailes to be very entertaining. The trip out to Versailes was nice because you are able to bike through the town of Versailes out toward the Palace and wi…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Small Office (Solo Practitioner) Network Setup in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 7 months ago
You certainly have lots of options, I think you are going to have to lose Windows 8 from your computer. Land FX recommends against Windows 8 and encourages the use of Windows 7. Given that you are running Autoca13 and LandFX you probably will need a pretty robust computer. Our office has a central server located in another city and we are w…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Where to move in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 9 months ago
Sounds like your hearts in the West and near family. Those are the places I would venture too. Nothing like having a support network to encourage you to get the ball rolling. I have seen a lot of job postings for LA’s in California, and most of these were not even posted on the ASLA website. Get to a location and focus on the market, start NET…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic Plagiarism in a CE course in the forum EDUCATION 11 years, 10 months ago
I had a professor in college that taught Recreational Geography. He, also, basically read the textbook to us everyday. On the plus side, he was the actual author of the text book. Still it would have been nicer to have a deeper discussion on his themes instead of a regurgitation of them. What I thought would be enjoyable class turned out to…[Read more]
Dennis J. Jarrard, PLA, CLARB replied to the topic CAD Practice test for Potential Employees? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 10 months ago
Our firm tests every potential new employee who would be doing any kind of plan production. The reason for testing is because we have been burned in the past with people who are less than honest on their resume’s or how they have produced work. So now everyone gets tested. Our test is relatively simple. There is like 10-15 questions/steps tha…[Read more]
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