Eric McQuiston, RLA replied to the topic What is VALUE PROPOSITION for Landscape Architects? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 8 months ago
I have not posted in Land8 in some time but I found this to be of some interest to me. I think that what our Slovenian friend, aaVlaDoR, is asking about is the business concept of ‘Perceived value’.
I agree wholeheartedly with Andrew and others with one exception. I think the emphasis in this thread has been assigned to how we as practitioners…[Read more] -
Eric McQuiston, RLA replied to the topic Design fee in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
This is an interesting and important question. I too have looked for some kind of standardized fee schedule for landscape architectural work and found very little. Architects typically charge a fee of around 7-15% of the construction budget. Sometimes this is a sliding fee; Lower dollar budgets have a higher percentage and higher budgets have an…[Read more]
Eric McQuiston, RLA replied to the topic Architects venturing further into landscape design… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
I just finished reading this entire thread and, wow, talk about a ‘hot button’! It seems to me there are a couple of issues weaving through this. The first being Architects muscling in on our turf. And, second, who is the better designer. I agree with Dennis that we must all become better ambassadors of our profession. While practicing in…[Read more]