Jeremy Macki

  • Fernando Reis posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 10 months ago

    a comment to JJ comment (?)
    “The greatest designer is normal people—the best cities in the world were not designed” – my frien i think we may include that in the design category. not in the academic kind, but in the category of the design made by specific needs of people, but is design.
    if t. Church said that the gardens are made for people (and…[Read more]

  • I am looking for some of your best exemples of rain garden project, rain managment etc. I am in a preparation of a seminar and will enjoy to see what is really happening outside my own practice. Please feel free to share informations and projects….

  • Nur Amalina Ali Mohd posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 10 months ago

    to justin, u were refering to the brownfield site. a master thesis by ledrew s.p from the university of calgary, an ecological design approach to urban landscape reconstruction might be helpful.

  • I’ve been aware of SSI but hadn’t seen their latest report. Go to:
    You’ll find a link to the report on the first page. I must say, the “documentation” requirements suggested in this report read like an undergraduate studio assignment for a year-long class. My recent work on a small LEED project looks like a total of…[Read more]

  • Jon Quackenbush posted an update in the group Group logo of Green StreetsGreen Streets 15 years, 11 months ago

    Does anyone know of a good source for construction details for ‘green’ design? I’d like to review these…

  • Elif;
    All the ideas written to you are good/great. I would also like to add how important relationships are, especially the more involved/complicated/pricey a job goes.

    History shows that the great designers were also people who were great “relaters”. Be personable, be authentic, be passionate, and be honest with your clients . . . it’ll carry…[Read more]

  • Hi Elif,
    Glad that you found my comments helpful. 🙂

  • Thank you very much. It’s always nice to get suggestions from experienced Landscape Architects as yourselves. I’ll try to follow and let you know about the result.

  • Hi Elif,
    I have always maintained that there is a profound difference between ‘planning’ a space and ‘designing’ a space. A good design trancends a good plan, but a good design must be based on a good plan.

    Part of what makes a design a good design is its uniqueness or as you call it, its identity.

    In my opinion the first person to whom you need…[Read more]

  • Hi there,

    I’m new to land8lounge and this is my first group to have joined.
    Hope to explore all of these web-site’s features and to get in touch with a lot of new collegues…

    Greetings from Croatia

  • Hi Elif,
    Now this is an interesting discussion, and I agree with a lot of what Michelle has to say, and I would like to add some of my own comments just as soon as I have time , perhaps over the week-end. Greetings from Ireland.

  • Elif,
    Not all well healed clients speak the language of art or architecture.
    If you use stories to relate your design charrettes then you have to speak to them in a language that they understand.
    If your client is a doctor use medical metaphors. In essence you are meeting your client at a level that they feel comfortable and knowledgeable in.

    In…[Read more]

  • Thank you very much Chris. I probably share a common problem with other Landscape Architects. Hopefully in time, it will change!
    Greetings from Istanbul!

  • Thanks for the suggestion.
    I also prepare images and perspectives. What I wanted to ask was: Generally the client doesn’t know what they want and when you come up with new ideas rather than the usual concepts, they don’t understand it. Therefore I develop a story for them. For example, I say ” It’s a Mondrian Garden and the design structure is ……[Read more]

  • Elif,
    I hope I understand your question, here’s goes. When I present a project to a client I bring pictures of plants and I try and draw quick perspesctives or elevations of the job. A lot of people can not visualize a plan view into a real life project. They have not had the training we have and don’t look at plans as we do. When I go to their…[Read more]

  • I have a question!
    Each time I prepare a project, I write a story for it. I try to present it telling this strory. I don’t simply say “Here a group of shrubs you like and some other here!”
    My clients are quite high level people but I don’t know why they don’t understand much when I try to give an identity to the design I prepare for them.
    I would…[Read more]


  • Hello Chris,
    In regards to your question about marketing at a home or trade show, I have some experience in this realm.
    20 years ago I designed and installed a small intimate garden exhibit at the San Francisco Garden Show. I had just recently moved to the Bay area and wanted to open my own design practice.
    The show was a success for me.
    After 5…[Read more]

  • Hugh Ryan posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Barlow…hmmmmmmm sweeping statement, but none the less there is some merit in what you say, but surely it is not simply an american[USA] problem. I guess it depends on whose work you are looking at, and at what stage they are at in their careers. It takes time to develop individuality.

  • barlow posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 15 years, 11 months ago

    Dear Brandon and others;
    Why are all american sketches the same and why are all american designs the same? It’s like copy – paste.

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