Jeremy S. Fillmore

  • Chirs,
    Here in Texas we are not required to be licensed for landscape contracting. Sometimes I wish we were because every guy that has lost his job in the last few months has become a landscaper/maintenace contractor. I am sometimes bidding against people that are brand new in the business.
    I am working with several Landscape Architects like…[Read more]

  • Hey Chris,
    We are in Phoenix, and we do mainly design and subcontract the work out on high end residential designs. I believe we are the main contractor, and the work is divided accordingly.

  • Chris,
    I operated a design/build company for 25 years where most of the work we did in-house with some sub-contracting on the specialized features. I now work by myself designing and then managing the projects. I have a network of contractors that work on these projects. I have a design fee and then negotiate a management fee with the…[Read more]

  • Elif-

    I have learned that high-level or not, clients don’t read a lot of text. They’re swayed by images, sketches, pretty colors, and your passion. If you say Mondrian, show them what/who that is so they don’t have to ask. Have images that clearly delineate the connection between a Mondrian piece and your design (for example). If you communicate…[Read more]

  • Chris-
    My advice:
    If you love design, find a couple of good contractors you can send work to on a regular basis. They will (or should) pay you a commission or referal fee for the work you refer to them. They will in turn send you work, some of which they will pay you for directly. Probably a little at first, then more as your relationship builds.…[Read more]

  • Hey Chris,
    My principal here in AZ is a licensed contractor. It’s pretty involved here, but definitely opens up many opportunities…

  • Hi Guys”
    An innovative design in stone surfaces that offers a customizable line for interior and exterior wall claddings
    Cheers / Bharat Mishra

  • Vance
    I created a link in the comment below but isn’t working for some reason. You can catch the album I created under my profile.

  • Great idea Vance. Here is a link to an album I created, per your idea, of photos I have taken of the temple in my area. The Sacramento California Temple. Design Workshop was the Landscape Architect firm. Also, feel free to wander the grounds of any temples in your area or travels. Occasionally there are open houses where the public can tour the…[Read more]

  • Vance W. Hall posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 15 years ago



  • I served in Poland from 99-01, and personally no one place made an impact on my design, but rather the entire European style. It was the first time I lived in a place that had the typical European streetscape of a business on the 1st floor and residences for the next 3 or 4 on top of the business. Something so simple, but growing up in MO you…[Read more]

  • Vance W. Hall posted an update in the group Group logo of LDS Landscape ArchitectsLDS Landscape Architects 15 years ago

    I am not LDS, but would love to hear of any experiences that you may have had or places you saw on your missions that affected the way that you design or that inspired you. Also if you have pictures of the temples and the ground from around the world please add them to an album and post so that we enjoy them.


  • If you want a little marketing inspiration, listen to this months podcast from

    Designers Susan Cohan and Rochelle Greayer discuss how they’ve built a following and presence online by blogging. Learn how blogging has directly impacted their businesses.

    Both are members of The Lounge.

    You can listen and download the…[Read more]

    I edit a FREE newsletter each month on a theme
    – 50 new pots and planters [april]
    – New outdoor kitchens [may]
    – Shade solutions [june]

    If you would like to receive copies please let me know
    IF you have designs to share same thing!
    A bientot

  • Elif;
    All the ideas written to you are good/great. I would also like to add how important relationships are, especially the more involved/complicated/pricey a job goes.

    History shows that the great designers were also people who were great “relaters”. Be personable, be authentic, be passionate, and be honest with your clients . . . it’ll carry…[Read more]

  • Hi Elif,
    Glad that you found my comments helpful. 🙂

  • Thank you very much. It’s always nice to get suggestions from experienced Landscape Architects as yourselves. I’ll try to follow and let you know about the result.

  • Hi Elif,
    I have always maintained that there is a profound difference between ‘planning’ a space and ‘designing’ a space. A good design trancends a good plan, but a good design must be based on a good plan.

    Part of what makes a design a good design is its uniqueness or as you call it, its identity.

    In my opinion the first person to whom you need…[Read more]

  • Hi there,

    I’m new to land8lounge and this is my first group to have joined.
    Hope to explore all of these web-site’s features and to get in touch with a lot of new collegues…

    Greetings from Croatia

  • Hi Elif,
    Now this is an interesting discussion, and I agree with a lot of what Michelle has to say, and I would like to add some of my own comments just as soon as I have time , perhaps over the week-end. Greetings from Ireland.

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