Mike Ingles

  • HUSSEIN KIWAN posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 13 years, 2 months ago

    Dear All

    I am working In Dubai,,,on my own projects ,,,,,and I am looking for ,,,landscaping hand sketchers ,,,and landscape architect ….please send what do u have to the following e mail kiwanlandscape@gmail.com

  • Matthew Durkovich posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 13 years, 3 months ago

    Denis – try “From Concept to Form in Landscape Design” by Grant Reid.  It’s a good starting point for what you’re talking about.

  • Denis Vasiliev posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 13 years, 3 months ago

    Hello! I am looking for manuals on Design itself – especially combining forms and shapes(geometry), getting beatiful lines, proportions and finally getting harmonious composition. Any good books or e-books? The best free available on-line:) Waiting for advices!

  • Hi all.  I’m working on a planting plan for a steep slope in an area that has plenty of DG (East San Diego) and need to add a burgundy color to the palette.  All of the other plants are xeric.  I’m hoping to find something that someone doesn’t need to prune (due to the steepness) but that will add color even if it’s deciduous. I’m using Ma…[Read more]

  • Cielo posted an update in the group Group logo of Residential Design GroupResidential Design Group 13 years, 6 months ago

    Hello all.. Any plant buffs out there have experience with Panicum virgatum ‘heavy metal’ or ‘Northwind’ in the SF bay area?  Based on the zone specs it should be fine but my broker hasn’t sold too many of them and couldn’t comment on how they perform in the area… any help would be appreciated.

  • marcial andan flores posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 13 years, 9 months ago

    hello guys…
    glad to join the group.

  • Here in india, i do not think how much points or requiremrnt is fulfilled as per LEED USA, but green building is done in india on based on india green building council .
    explain more about your projects about commerical/ factory/ park /residentials.

  • Does anybody have any experience with LEED projects in India? We are working on a possible LEED ND project in Tamil Nadu and I’m not sure how some of the US requirements will transfer over there. Is the USGBC pretty amenable to adjusting the prerequisites based on differences in infrastructure systems?

  • Glenn, and all
    True that clients like to see green plants in the summer. Which is why some designers advocate a mix of native (80%) and non-native (20%) plants. The non-natives – which may require some summer water – stay green while the natives go summer brown.

  • Since many of our native plants go dormant in the summer as a survival technique to dry summers, I’m saying “advantageous for the summer-dry months” as it relates to the clients who prefer to see green plants and leaves still hanging onto their Buckeyes. Alternatively, Juncus, Western Sword Fern, and Iris, for instance, often receive summer water…[Read more]

  • Glenn Do you really need to irrigate these plants that you mention in summer? They are native to N California, and so in a “natural” context do not get any summer water. Why would you need to irrigate them in a cultured situation?

  • Ahmad Ali Al-Gilani posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 5 months ago

    Dear All,

    I am looking for Landscape Archiyects for my office in Jeddah- Saudi Arabia, if you or some one you know interested please send your Cv to : aa.algilani@gmail.com
    Salary based on experiance, benifits include, housing allowancw, helth insurance, and transportation. please forwared to those who might be interested, new graduates and those…[Read more]

  • Ryan Sand posted an update in the group Group logo of DESIGNDESIGN 14 years, 6 months ago

    barlow, I would really be interested in seeing what European style sketches are and what one would percieve is the common american style of drawing?

  • landplanner posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 6 months ago

    Anyway we can get some quick sketch technique (marker, colored pencil, pastel etc) and rendering tutorials on here ?

  • nca posted an update in the group Group logo of GraphicsGraphics 14 years, 6 months ago


    you bring up a good point..atmosphere is difficult to convey in hand drawn work. all I can think of at the moment is airbrush..

  • to David — your response was great. thanks. we are about to over-seed an area with native wildflower mix. have to say, had a really good chuckle, more like chortle reading your comments. then had this amazing image of you talking to some folks out in your mojave neck of the woods about carbon sequestration (mostly because I have been in that…[Read more]

  • I was wondering what sites residential designers use to find certain products or materials. Let’s say you want to find certain types of outdoor porcelain tiles, sculptures, water features, etc. Are there sites out there that are relevant for us to use? And if so, would anyone like to share these?

  • David, I love your common sense approach!!!

  • Oops — just saw the link in your second post — thanks, David.

    Still would be great to read the actual pub to know what was included in the study.

  • Wow…. and I thought my comment was long winded!

    This is great, though, David. I appreciate it. It is helpful to have to have a peer reviewed pub in this conversation (it means i better try to find the one I was referencing!). And it does run contrary to the prevailing wisdom in the “green” community regarding turf. Do you have a web link or…[Read more]

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