Mike Mitchell replied to the topic A review of the 9/11 memorial by good old Wytold in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
I have to say kudos to all involved with the redesign of the entire site. There will be tons of if’s, should, could, etc associated with this destination in lower Manhattan. The fact is that a team was chosen, and they undertook one of the most politically and emotionally charged sites in all of the US if not the world. Critics can say what they…[Read more]
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Time to Panic? -> LAM March 2011: "Leaping Into What?" in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
If you want to make money and have job security don’t bother with Landscape Architecture as a career.
Electrical Engineers make a ton of cash and are in heavy demand. We all need energy and where it comes from (generation) and where it goes (Transmission and distribution) is a huge market. Utility companies hold billions of dollars and will n…[Read more] -
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic How many people design equestrian facilties? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Try contacting Les Smith. He’s a professor at Ball State University who specializes in Equestrian Design and Planning. He was involved in the planning of the equestrian facilities for the Olympics in Atlanta 1996.
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Working over 40 hours? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Nice work! We (the gf and I) are coming up there this weekend. Should be up on Friday night, staying in Aspen. Snowmass on Saturday?
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Working over 40 hours? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
I agree with you 100%. Some people tend to “spin their wheels” for the majority of the day. Deadlines are one thing, but 8-9 hours in perfectly reasonable if you are productive. Now if your employer is cutting costs by having multiple people work tons of hours to avoid hiring someone else, might be time to start looking elsewhere.
When are we…[
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic CAD – colored/rendered trees in plan and elevation and other blocks for graphics in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years ago
I have not used this program in a few years, but it seemed to work well for site plans.
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Working over 40 hours? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
I think you’d have to define reasonable. For people that graduate with no debt a salary of 40k might be “reasonable”.
I’m hearing from most friends that compensation is stagnant. I applied to a very well known firm in the east coast, having a friend/former classmate who works there try and get me in the door. His response was that Upenn and GSD…[Read more] -
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Working over 40 hours? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
If I worked an extra 8 hours in a pay period I “earned” a day off. Usually they would happen after the project’s major deadlines/deliverables.
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Working over 40 hours? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
No compensation. Comp time on most occasions.
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Working over 40 hours? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
While I was working for a well known firm the hours were reasonable most weeks. 50 hours/ week was typical. Most principals were there about the same amount of time. Some late nights here and there. If you take out all of the meetings, etc the actual time spent on projects was closer to 45/week. It all depends on the firm. I’ll not call out…[Read more]
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Considering a graduate program at University of Copenhagen & seeking advice. in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 2 months ago
If you’d like some insight into that particular program a former classmate of mine went to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts for his masters degree (I believe in Landscape Architecture). He is a Danish citizen and could give you some good insight into the program and his personal experience. Cheers.
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Turfgrass reinforcement in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 14 years, 8 months ago
I don’t have an observation personally for this company, but their demos at the office were very solid.
Look at this particular product: Netlon Advanced Turf System (ATS)Good Luck.
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Mike Lin Workshop in the forum EDUCATION 15 years ago
I would like to say that I took his course a few years back and was a TA for him in Manhattan, KS. His course truly offers people a way to loosen up and build a solid foundation for rapidly cycling ideas and refining them through spatial organization. The key here is rapid. If you are sitting in front of a client and they would like you to change…[Read more]
Mike Mitchell replied to the topic Unemployed Recent Graduates in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 10 months ago
I was laid off after working for a little over one year here in Denver for a great firm. I realized quickly that I was not going to be able to land a job in Landscape Architecture here in Denver. So, I decided to branch out and I am now working for a large engineering firm that does work in many areas, but specifically my office works on wind…[Read more]
Mike Mitchell posted an update in the group Denver LA 16 years, 5 months ago
Make sure that you check out at least some of the following:
1. Riverfront Park
2. 16th Street Mall and the extension to Commons Park
3. The Denver Art Museum
4. The Museum of Modern Art
5. Larimer Square
6. Washington Park
7. Confluence Park (next to REI) -
Mike Mitchell posted an update in the group Denver LA 16 years, 6 months ago
All great things take some time to build momentum… but still weak at the moment.
Mike Mitchell posted an update in the group Purdue Landscape Architects Lounge 16 years, 6 months ago
Jenny from the block is right, where was my invite?