Phillip Smith

  • Cody Thurman posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 13 years, 9 months ago

    Hey guys and gals,
    I’m currently considering moving to Oz to get my MLA and was hoping to get some feedback from current practitioners in Australia about the following masters programs: University of Canberra, RMIT, University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, and University of Adelaide. I believe the Univ. NSW masters program is not…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone, I’m ‘surviving’ the Masters in LA program at the Polytechinic University of Puerto Rico.

    I have more more class to go, the thesis… uggg. Hopefully I will graduate in May 2011.

    I’m looking forward to help and get help from all of you.

    Take care. :))

  • romnick posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years, 1 month ago

    hello friends…
    I’m looking for some help, ideas, or suggestions about my thesis topic (a sustainable waste management into a park or simply “Garbage Park”)…wherein, i want to run the park that depends on the sustainable waste management, like cost efficient and effective waste to energy methods and how it can be a sustainable,,,, etc…thanks…[Read more]

  • Samantha posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years, 5 months ago

    I know many of you are concerned with the cost of Labash….well let me reassure you about what you are getting for the money!!!

    2 dinners fully catered
    2 lunches
    Open bar for 3 nights…come on guys you can’t beat this
    Tours (fees included in reg price)
    Transportation to all of our events and tours
    Amazing Lectures by: Mark Rios, Walter Hood,…[Read more]

  • Deltalok USA can provide a solution to to erosion control, vegetated retaining walls, strembank restoration and virtually any soil stabilization project with a GREEN product that reduces GHG by 97% over hardscapes.

  • Rachma Kania posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 14 years, 9 months ago

    Hi everyone..
    I’m a last year student of Landscape Architecture major in Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia ..
    nice to meet you all..
    hope that I can learn more in here..

  • hello to all

  • Stephen Gibson posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 9 months ago

    So I started this discussion a while ago – considering a move back to Australia from the US. Well, I finally arrived in Perth this week (my new home) and I think I’ve answered my own question – there are so many construction cranes towering over the city skyline it’s bloody amazing. And I just landed a senor position with Hassell here in Perth. So…[Read more]

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 9 months ago

    Also, is anybody in Sydney? I am going to go up to McGregor’s new park at Ballast Point if anybody wants to meet up and go.

  • giovanni posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 10 months ago

    Hi, any landscape architects here from Adelaide?

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 10 months ago

    Also, has anybody started the GradAILA in NSW?

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 10 months ago

    Where are you getting practice materials for the registration process?

  • Michael Roy posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 11 months ago

    Hi all
    for any graduates (or graduates to be) out there I am involved in a group called GraduAILA we are graduates who are going for or preparing for registration through AILA. At the moment we are only based in the ACT but want to see the idea spread. There has been some activity in Perth with JAILA starting up earlier this year (before I left to…[Read more]

  • Enrica Rinintya posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 15 years, 1 month ago

    Hi All,
    I am Enrica from Gadjah Mada University, indonesia.
    Majoring in architecture and still an undergraduate 3rd going on 4th year.
    lets be friends 😉

  • Craig W. Arnold posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 15 years, 1 month ago

    Hello all, I am Craig and I dwell in San Francisco. I will soon be starting my 2nd year in the Design Certificate Program at U.C. Berkeley Extension. I welcome any input about anything. Does anyone have any ideas about summer work somehow linked to L.A. in the Bay area?

  • Colt Yorek posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 15 years, 2 months ago

    Hi, i’m Colt and I am about to start my last year in the MLA program at UT Arlington. I was searching for some info on google and came across this site, and I had to join!

  • Vinay Jain posted an update in the group Group logo of Student LoungeStudent Lounge 15 years, 2 months ago

    hello..i’m final year student architecture from india…yeah indeed this is a nice place to learna swell as sahre our thoughts….Cheers.!..LAND 8

  • Re Justin and Glass Factory Brownfield conditions.
    Is there contamination of anything other than “broken glass” and in what condition would that contaminate be? .. Glass is just another form of sand, I wonder if you could tumble the contaminated ground in something like what they tumble new bricks to make them look old. Smooth off the edges, maybe…[Read more]

  • In regards to mitigation measures for the redevelopment of brownfield sites, the two design options that I am most familiar with, is to install a 40mil impervious linear and or install 3′ of clean fill.
    The basic concept is that you are capping the areas of contaminated soils with a liner or with soil.

    In regards to the impervious liner,…[Read more]

  • Will definitely browse a number of sites and see what they have. . thanks laura

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