Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic Are you working or not ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
YES and Why? Diverse practice
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic Landscape Architects volunteering in Haiti? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 1 month ago
Hi Kevin, I have thought about it for the future. I am a lay member of a Catholic Order with a hospital and staff working in Port au-Prince. I am waiting to go down at some time later. While there I would like to bring up the subject of restoration with my order and perhaps Haitian officials. Let’s get this thing going. This is an opportunity for…[Read more]
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic Goats as landscapers in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years, 5 months ago
A little humor Roland. Actually, we had goats when I was a child. We didn;t have to mow the lawn. In fact, they pretty well wiped out honeysuckle and other invasive plants. A very much unappreciated animal that takes a beating from the bible.
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic The Recession is OVER! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 5 months ago
Ben, I wish I could be that hopeful. Some say as long as another 18 months to 2 years. It seems as though we LAs in private practice are weathering the storm much better than the employee types. I know of several large firms that have closed their offices here in the southeast and have layed off the entire staff. This is why I respond to the kids…[Read more]
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic Survival in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Nick, Sherman
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic The Economy and Marketing: August 12th Chat Conversation in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
that was a good chat subject. Thanks. Sherman
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic Do you recognise this place? in the forum PLACES & SPACES 15 years, 7 months ago
Wisteria Lane. It is beautiful. Be cautious how you use wisteria inthe landscape.
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic Forestry Restoration in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
Thanks very much.
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic To What Extent Should Ethics and Environemtnal Issues Drive Landscape Architects in their Projects in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
Sherman C. Runions, ASLA replied to the topic Forestry Restoration in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
Dear Fellows, thanks for your reply. The situation will be handled by non-professional people for the time being. We are on standby in case something happens such as a landslide. Sadly we will wait for the cows to get out of the pasture and then close the gate. Mike you are right down the middle on your approach. Appreciate it. Andrew I agree with…[Read more]