Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Where are Obama's Green Jobs? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Good listen:
Cliff’s notes: politicians/governments don’t create jobs – anyone who says differently is selling snake oil
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Question Regarding CLARB Council Record in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
I maintain a council record, though my employer pays for it. If it were up to me I would likely not spend the money. I believe CLARB will transmit LARE test scores for free even if you don’t maintain a council record. It is a nice tidy spot to keep test scores, employment history, education, and references all in one place. If your emp…[Read more]
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Non-RLA's using the title Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
No I believe experience is vitally important, and I’m eclipsing 5 years of it. It’s simply Minnesota’s draconian rules about how it is obtained. I’ve worked on some very cool projects, managed/led some of them, worked with some very talented architects, learned a lot about grading, drainage, and HSW from our engineers, presented in front of c…[Read more]
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Non-RLA's using the title Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
There also needs to be a distinction between the RLA designation and passing the exam. Passing the exam does not instantly make one an RLA, as in my case. I’ve passed all of the exams but because I work for an architecture firm, and not directly under an RLA, I need to go to extra lengths to fulfill the experience requirement.
Believe me, al…[
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic LEED AP or LEED AP with Specialty – what is everyone doing? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
True, many industry BMPs have for quite some time been aiming to achieve similar results as the LEED certification process, though in many areas, LEED encourages going above and beyond those BMPs. The goals of LEED are also different in the regard that industry BMPs are aimed at cost savings, not necessarily environmental protection.
Though it…[
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic LEED AP or LEED AP with Specialty – what is everyone doing? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
Yes the LEED AP designation (people are accredited, projects are certified) is very much a marketing tool, in a similar fashion to professional credentialing (e.g. the RLA designation), as information to clients who don’t know you, that you have been qualified by an independent agency as minimally competent in the realm of sustainable design. In…[Read more]
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic LEED AP or LEED AP with Specialty – what is everyone doing? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
I need to correct myself, if you take the exam route to gaining a “specialty” designation, you can choose from any of the categories. However if you take the credentialing route, you are locked into the BD+C track.
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic LEED AP or LEED AP with Specialty – what is everyone doing? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
I got my original LEED AP designation back in ’07. From what I understand, if we want to skip the Green Associates exam, the only route we can take is the BD+C. If you go onto the USGBC website to select a track, I think it will only allow you to select BD+C.
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic As A Landscape Design Build Company Is It Abnormal To Team With A Landscape Architect If You Yourself As The Owner Is Approached To Do A Project With An Architect? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
MN allows architects and engineers to perform landscape architectural work, so the arch/engineer would sign/stamp the drawings, taking on the professional liability.
Check your state licensing requirements, it might be the same, in which case just have the architect sign the drawings. -
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic NO water use plants in Alpine Areas in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years, 11 months ago
Yarrow, coreopsis, echinacea, juniper, spruce, potentialla, any succulent hardy to the area (e.g. sedum)
check out: http://plants.gertens.com/NetPS-Engine.asp?12070009
Though they are located in MN, it is one of the best plant search engines I’ve come across. -
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic MLA Decision Time in the forum EDUCATION 13 years, 11 months ago
I’m with everyone else on this one, City College is the logical choice. At the other two schools you will end up with med-school type debt with nowhere near the salary potential. Do you have an undergraduate degree in landscape architecture?
Also, don’t use your savings for tuition and living expenses. Put that $73,000 into the stock mar…[Read more] -
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic To Beard or not to Beard? That is the question… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Wow an employer asked you if you would shave your beard if offered the job? It sounds like they may have had their priorities mixed up. However, by making light of the subject, you yourself have some idea that it might be a point of contention for some employers. If you have an inkling that it might be frowned upon, then it makes sense to el…[Read more]
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Time to Panic? -> LAM March 2011: "Leaping Into What?" in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Hahaha bi-polar? BI-WINNING.
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic How did you get that job? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
My first (and current) job in landscape architecture I found, oddly enough, advertised on Craigslist. It was kind of strange, because it’s an awesome family owned company, multi-disciplinary, with a great workplace attitude. It just seemed a little odd that it was posted on craigslist, though it may have been advertised elsewhere as well.
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Does Our Profession Need a Union? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Boy, a lot of the responses on here make me truly sad for some people’s view of the profession. I truly hope this forum is like most internet forums, where disgruntled/disenchanted people come to rant about their misfortunes; and not a realistic cross-section of our industry.
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Getting an MLA without professional experience in the forum EDUCATION 14 years ago
A bit out of left field, but get an MBA. It’s like an asset portfolio, diversify. If you can’t get LA work out of school, you will have a good shot at getting a job in business. You can always keep looking for LA jobs…while gainfully employed, even if it’s not your dream job.
In my opinion, having a working knowledge of finance, marketing, an…[Read more] -
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic If you had unlimited start-up capital what kind of firm would you start in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 1 month ago
From a purely practical standpoint, I would go the route of interdisciplinary firm. Simply put, diversify, diversify, diversify. It is a biased opinion, as I am employed in such a firm, but the ability of one discipline to pick up the slack of another discipline has helped us weather this proverbial storm.
This type of firm can also hinder wh…[
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic PLAN VIEW VERSUS REALITY in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 1 month ago
I tend to agree, you can have a great plan that is wonderfully rendered, and is a great design when experienced. You can also have a terrible plan that is wonderfully rendered, and is ineffective when experienced. You can also have a good plan that is poorly rendered or presented, yet have it be a great design when implemented. Therefore, as Tr…[Read more]
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic How much should a student charge to do a landscape design? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 1 month ago
As Jonathan said, set a fixed design fee up front. Outline exactly what you will provide for that fee (e.g. 3 concepts and 1 final plan), that way there are no questions when it comes to pay day.
Theodore Tegen replied to the topic Positive experiences? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 1 month ago
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