
Situ Studio’s ‘Heartwalk’ Uses Sandy Debris to Create a Room Within The City

Situ Studio’s ‘Heartwalk’ Uses Sandy Debris to Create a Room Within The City

Over the last five years, the Times Square Alliance has invited architecture and design firms to submit proposals for a romantic public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square. This year’s winning design, Situ Studio’s “Heartwalk”, was unveiled on February 12th just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Made entirely of debris from Hurricane Sandy, Situ Studio’s “Heartwalk” draws inspiration from, “the collective experience of Hurricane Sandy and the love that binds people together during trying times.”  Two ribbons of salvaged planks rise from the boardwalk deck and flare out like waves; creating an illuminated, heart-shaped “room within the city.”  

“Triangulation is the process by which some external stimulus provides a linkage between people and prompts strangers to talk to other strangers as if they knew each other…” William H. Whyte

Visitors from all over the world are capturing the mood and sharing their experience on Instagram using #heartwalktsq.  The photos are being aggregated from the many visitors that visit Heartwalk in Duffy Square between February 12th and March 8th.  

Below are a few shots that tell the story…

The inspiration.

The concept.

The prototype.

The construction.

The result.

Via heartwalktsq

Here are a few more shots found from around the web…

Via ArchDaily and Inhabitat

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