Be prepared to be wowed by this Swimming Pool Design from Cipriano Custom Swimming Pools & Landscaping, what they did for their client is amazing! This project includes a custom built swimming pool, two fish-filled koi-ponds, a 12-person perimeter overflow spa and river flow jet system.The surrounding landscape uses boxwood hedge in a “stem design”, rhythmic planted flowers, a path for leisurely walking and specimen trees as focal points and accents for the overall landscape. Motivation and Brief The homeowner, an amateur violin player and collector, came up with the idea of building a pool resembling an exact replica in scale of a 1700s era Stradivarius violin with all of its detail and intricacies. The client, upon realizing his dream could be a reality, soon wanted more than just a violin shaped pool. The owner’s affection for koi fish inspired the design team to incorporate two koi ponds seamlessly into the violin theme. The violin pool itself, while undoubtedly the focal point of this magnificent property, is complimented by the surrounding planting design that was implemented by Cipriano’s landscape architecture crew.
The client’s enthusiasm and drive for perfection, paired with Cipriano’s years of experience in building custom pools led to one of the most complex pool designs and installations within the whole design and build industry. Project Details All of the violin attributes were accounted for including purlflings, f-holes, a bridge, strings, a tailpiece, and a chinrest. The beautiful finish of the violin pool is made up of nearly 500,000 translucent glass tiles that shimmer across the floor and sides of the pool. The 4 violin ‘strings’ running down the center of the pool, are composed of jet-black translucent glass tiles, and are functionally used as lap lanes. The tiles themselves are intertwined with 5760 strands of fiber optics that illuminate the lap lanes at night. The two koi ponds represent the bow of the violin, which transect the neck of the violin. The chinrest of the violin is actually a 12-person perimeter overflow spa finished entirely in jet-black glass tiles. The perimeter overflow aspect of the spa means that the water emanating from the spa will endlessly overflow the sides of the spa. A boxwood hedge planted in an organic stem-like structure provides the green backdrop, which flowering and colorful plants ‘grow’ from. The pattern of green boxwoods mixed in with colorful plants is rhythmic, conveying movement similar to that which is found in music. A beautiful 30-foot fully mature Bloodgood Japanese Maple emerges from the planting design as a specimen tree. The Japanese maple accents the design and its radiant reddish purple leaves contrast the green color of the boxwoods and trees in the background. The natural stone patio comprise of dolomitic limestone connects the house to the pool whilst providing an area for entertaining family and guests. Incorporated into the patio spaces is a fully furnished outdoor kitchen and bar with an outdoor television. Materials and Techniques Many unique materials and special techniques were used to complete this project. The pool tiles were blended to transition through a 4 way gradient pattern. 350 feet of fiber optic rope lighting was also installed to illuminate the entire boundary of the pool. The two koi ponds were crafted with numerous platforms, devised to flaunt water irises, lily pads, and other aquatic plants, for those viewing the ponds from outside of the pool. Inside the pool, the koi fish are viewable through two transparent acrylic panels. Once the sun sets, 250 glimmering fiber-optic star-lights make their appearance and create a lighting spectacle. The landscape is then highlighted with contemporary landscape LED lighting systems. All of the lighting can be adjusted to fit whatever mood or feeling the client desires on a particular night. The gorgeous outdoor kitchen is composed mainly of steel and stone and the outdoor television is centered on a hydraulic lift, which lowers into the ground when it is not being used. A radiant heating system, paired with the homes boiler gives the homeowners the option to entertain and use the entirety of their pool and outdoor spaces all year round. Cipriano Landscape Design specializes in providing the entire outdoor living experience to their clients. While building luxury pools is their specialty, their teams of landscape architects, masons, horticulturists and others, provide the complete experience in luxury outdoor living. Project title: Private Landscape & Swimming Pool Design Project Location: Bedford, NY Landscape Architects: Chris Cipriano, Keith Steinhoff, Dan Shea and William Moore, Licensed NJ Landscape Architects of Cipriano Custom Swimming Pools & Landscaping See more of their work on their Facebook page or on their websiteSwimming Pool Design with the WOW Factor!