
4 Web-Hosted Portfolio Options

I felt the need to share some inspirational things after writing the post on design last week. Interesting design ideas don’t always spontaneously burst forth, so below are some of my favorite web-hosted portfolio options. I know you are all resourceful, clever designers, but maybe there is something in this list that will help you solve a problem or give you some inspiration. If a digital portfolio isn’t for you, don’t worry, more resources are coming in the future!

Issuu: It appears from reading posts in Land8 that web-hosted book formats are very popular right now. Issuu seems to be the most popular of these, and it is free!

VisualCV: In this website, you can have several different versions of your resume with images and also upload pdf files (like letters of recommendation!) for viewing. Again, having an account with the site is free.

WordPress: There are so many blogging websites, your options for this are limitless. I include only wordpress here because I know more people who use it than people who use others. It is free, flexible, and easy to use.

Carbonmade: Again, the opportunities for creating your own website for your portfolio are pretty much limitless. I chose to add Carbonmade because their website allows for categories of different industries (check out the architecture sites) and is…you guessed it, FREE.

I am sure that I have not listed about a bazillion other options. A quick visit to Google will show you that. Each of these four are good, functional, web-based ways of making your work available at a click. With the flexibility of different format or template options in each and your own materials and ingenuity, I am sure you can create something both useful and stunning. Please let us know in the comments if you have a resource that you think is superior! Good or bad experience with any of the above? Let us know!

We will be doing something slightly different next time, so stay tuned. I am excited about this, and am only hoping it will be ready in time…..

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