Article by Frank Bourque The holistic sensory experience of the Scent Tunnel, by Olafur Eliasson, in Autostadt Park, Austria There are many new and innovative art works that bring the best of the modern world. One of them is Olafur Eliason’s Scent Tunnel, a majestic experience and an artwork that happens every spring in Austria. As humans, we are born to see, breathe, enjoy and appreciate the beauty of life. When brought together, all of these senses can become a part of an eye-opening experience that feeds the soul and creates a pleasant emotion. Olafur Eliasson is a unique Austrian artist who sees art from another point of view. His unique masterpiece is named ‘The Scent Tunnel’ and refers to an art event happening each spring in the Autostadt Park in Austria. Contemporary and holistic, Olafur’s approach to art is tailored to each one of the human senses. The Scent Tunnel is a large construction that acts as a bridge across a little waterway between the Audi and Lamborghini Pavilions.

Scent Tunnel. © 2004 Olafur Eliasson
Holistic Sensory Experience
This art-in-motion leverages a cutting-edge technology and turns in a circular way, therefore overwhelming every art enthusiast with the constant motion, the picturesque flowers and most importantly, the unique and unforgettable scent that is the result of this rotation. That being said, ‘The Scent Tunnel’ is a form of art that triggers each of the senses and lets you dig deeper in the meaning of art, introducing its brand new form.
The Secret Message Behind The Scent Tunnel
The Scent Tunnel is not just a rotating tunnel full of flowers and elements of nature. Its main focus, as the name suggests, is to capture the nose of visitors and overwhelms them with fresh, unique and sensory smells. The entire model is built by Olafur Eliasson as a new form of art, which is more than just art. First and foremost, the tunnel is powered via a rotating technology giving the carefully picked plants a unique smell while they are moving and resulting with an eye opening experience for every visitor.

Scent Tunnel. © 2004 Olafur Eliasson

Scent Tunnel. © 2004 Olafur Eliasson

Scent Tunnel. © 2004 Olafur Eliasson
A Final Word on this Holistic Sensory Experience
Artists have always been trapped inside their creative mindset. Only a few of them have managed to ‘escape’ from it and show the world why their vision is worth it. Olafur Eliasson is definitely one of them an artist that has transformed his fascination of the sensory perceptions and blended it within a park. More importantly, with The Scent Tunnel,Olafur shows us how simultaneous and dependant on nature and technology artworks can be. By stepping out of your comfort zone just like Olafur did, you are welcomed to Austria to experience this mind-blowing art and balance your senses while enjoying the bridge of art and architecture.

Scent Tunnel. © 2004 Olafur Eliasson
Full Project Credits For the Scent Tunnel :
Project Name: Scent Tunnel Designer: Olafur Eliasson Location: Autostadt Park, Austria Date of Construction: 2004 Client: Autostadt GmbH Recommended Reading:
- Becoming an Urban Planner: A Guide to Careers in Planning and Urban Design by Michael Bayer
- Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature by Douglas Farrs
Article by Frank Bourque
Published in Blog