Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
Kansas State University 13 years ago
Last day for early bird registration for Central States Conference! Save some money and knock out a bunch of continuing education credits. We will see you there!
Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
Kansas State University 13 years ago
2012 Central States Conference will be held May 2nd-4th in Kansas City. More information here: Central States. Great speakers, great event!
Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
Kansas State University 13 years ago
Save the date! Be on the lookout for information for “Landscapade”. A reason for LA alumni to come back to campus, socialize and enjoy KSU take on Iowa State. December 3-4.
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic We Need Some New Blood! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
You are discounting the “lurkers”. I love reading but don’t have time to post. I know better. If I post I will get caught up in long drawn out debates that are fun but time consuming…
I just did it, didn’t I? I posted. Now I am screwed. -
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Opportunity knocks for us all! EPA Survey for stormwater projects in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
If you or your firm has done a project that fits this criteria submit it. It will not take long and ASLA needs lots of case studies!
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Time to Panic? -> LAM March 2011: "Leaping Into What?" in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic A crappy job is better than no job at all….right? How low would you go? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Check out “The Dip” by Seth Godin. It is on my reading list, just haven’t got to it yet.
Here is what the author says about his book:
“It’s a mind grenade, a little bit of insight that will help you see what’s causing your organization (or you) to get stuck. Here’s the official description:
The old saying is wrong-winners do quit, and qu…[Read more] -
Brian Hochstein posted an update in the group
PGASLA -Prairie Gateway Chapter of ASLA 14 years ago
PGASLA will be trying to send out information through a wide network of forums, Land8Lounge being one of them. Look for updates and additional information soon.
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Politics and Professional Practice – keep it to yourself or wear your heart on your sleeve? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
(Full Disclosure: I had a candidate MAGNET on my vehicle during the last presidential election) I agree with most others that politics and bumper stickers need to stay out of the work enviroment. BUT the problem is not with the political leanings or beliefs of others. I welcome conversation with others with a different opinion.
In my opinion, the…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic "Deliverables" in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I have been working as a professional for 6 years. So I guess that puts me in the “savvy” tier. In my six years I have seen small changes in the form of deliverables. The same plans and details go out but I have seen additions to the design set as necessary. Items such as models in sketchup, vast graphic improvement in computer renderings and…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Corrugated Steel Retaining Wall… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I like the pile idea. I have only set walls on top of the retainined area. It would be sweet to pull that out of the ground (in the right style and context of course).
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Changing Factory 'image' using Landscape Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Check out some of the green walls being installed in Europe. They can change the scale of buildings in a hurry. Also check out Gas Works Park in Seattle Washington.
I agree, without knowing what the site looks like I am guessing at what might work.
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic ASLA and the Economy: The saga continues…. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I think Eddie is great for our profession and we should use any and all means necessary to continue exposure. I think Eddie might not like you saying he went to LSU though. I am sure it is a great school and everything but he actually graduated from The Ohio State University. He also has an MBA from Northwestern. I think he is a solid “Big 10” guy. : )
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic ASLA and the Economy: The saga continues…. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
In general just being a celebrity does not warrant an honorary membership. But Brad Pitt has funded Make it Right, a group dedicated to building 150 green homes in New Orleans. The foundation has a landscape architect on staff. Sounds to me like the staff should educate Mr. Pitt about landscape architecture. This endeavor is among other…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Homeless shelter in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years ago
Shipping containers, off of the ground with a simple foundation, oriented to keep air moving or be closed from elements. Create various uses, sleeping quarters, restrooms, kitchens. Power with renewables.
The problem with this idea? Too permanent. It would take an accepting population and help from the community. But a metal shipping container…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Sustainable Stone? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years ago
And on the lighter side of this discussion, The Onion weighs in…http://www.theonion.com/articles/geologists-we-may-be-slowly-running-out-of-rocks,17341/
In all seriousness, working with a local stone supplier that you trust is what has worked for me when using natural stone. I love the concrete comments though. There are so many things that can…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Residential Market in Your Area? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years ago
OK, so I found one of my online digital reads. Look for “Housing Giants” a publication of Reed Business Information. It seems to come out a couple times a month. This months main piece is on “Home Prices Improve in 17 of 20 Metros”. There is a lot of information but you are going to have to pick through it. Here is the subscription…[Read more]
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Residential Market in Your Area? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 years ago
I’m in KC. Doesn’t exist except in the high end market and some independent living. Single family is pretty much dead. Not much is moving with credit markets locked up and no real demand. As far as residential construction there are a few e-mail newsletters out there. If I can find some of them that I have gotten in the past I will post them.
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic ramps for cars in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Fantastic find. I enjoyed the creativity.
Brian Hochstein replied to the topic Did CLARB get hacked? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
Good news. It just looks like CLARB is terrible at writing e-mails, including major typos like misspelling their web address. They issued a new e-mail clarifying their errors. I would still follow the good advice to type or search out the web address rather than click a link received in an e-mail.
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