Chris Whitis replied to the topic Luxury Streetscape in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
Here are some pics of a high-end retail development in Austin called the Domain that might be what you’re looking for. It has some nice boardwalk areas integrated around existing trees that give it a nice touch.
Sitephocus.com – The Domain -
Chris Whitis replied to the topic LA projects in Minneapolis in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 3 months ago
We’ve it quite a few of the sites mentioned in Minneapolis on sitephocus.com and have a pretty extensive collection of images of sites broken down by city. Here’s a link to Minneapolis
Chris Whitis replied to the topic ASLA 2010 Annual Meeting in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 7 months ago
I’ll be in town photographing sites all over the place, but am skipping the meeting. Would love to meet up or if anyone wants to tag along to see some sites, drop me a line. If not a Tweetup, then we’ll see ya at the Happy Hour.
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Freakonomics and transportation planning myths and realities in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 7 months ago
But the same can be said about highways. They don’t recoup their costs and ‘bleed money’ as well. Why the double standard? If people had to start paying the true cost of highways, they might be much less extensive as well (tolling, raise gas taxes). I have my doubts that the roads would be paved with gold. TxDOT recently did a study that showed…[Read more]
Chris Whitis replied to the topic TANKLESS UNDERGROUND WATER HARVESTING in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 14 years, 7 months ago
I’m not sure how the system has worked out, but our local concrete association has done something similar. The cross-section is porous concrete over washed 57 stone with a pond liner/ membrane acting as the reservoir. The 3/4″ aggregate has ±40% pore space for calculating volume/ capacity. I’ll DM you his contact information and you can check in…[Read more]
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Green roof: Drainage, Irrigation, and Water Quality all in one in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 7 months ago
Do you have his report? I can’t seem to find it. I’d love to see his numbers to back up his statement. Curious if he’s trying to discredit other systems in order to push his.
Here’s some additional info:
MSU – http://www.hrt.msu.edu/greenroof/
“Over the 14-month period the study was conducted, the vegetated roof treatments retained 60.6% of…[Read more] -
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Green roof: Drainage, Irrigation, and Water Quality all in one in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 7 months ago
Yeah, the basal system is the one I’m remembering. Haven’t heard any more about it or looked into it further, but am guessing the added weight costs would be of concern with owners. Plus, having a full-time bath tub overhead might scare a few people as well.
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Green roof: Drainage, Irrigation, and Water Quality all in one in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 7 months ago
His beef appears to be more of biodiversity of what’s going on in the soil, not related to stormwater. Or at least I’m not gleaning that green roofs have failed in that aspect.
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Green roof: Drainage, Irrigation, and Water Quality all in one in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 7 months ago
Are you providing an irrigation system, or are the perforated channels intended to provide the irrigation for the entire roof? If you’re going with a traditional extensive (4″) green roof media, I’m afraid you’re not going to provide any irrigation other than immediately adjacent the channel. Green Roof media typically conducts water pretty…[Read more] -
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Case Studies / Design Precedents: Parks in Urban Settings with BMPs/Swales/Retention Basins in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 8 months ago
Here are a few that come quickly to mind:
Tanner Springs Park (Portland)
Epler Hall, Portland State (Portland)
Bioretention and educational componentCitygarden (St. Louis)
Bioswales/ bioretention along cross-streets, permeable pavers in certain locations in the park
Public Square (Nashville)
Park/ Plaza green roof…[
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Artificial or Real turf for public spaces? in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 14 years, 8 months ago
We were in NYC in the spring and the plaza at 55 Water Street (Ken Smith) had a turf panel that was synthetic. The newer surfaces can fool you from a distance and can only tell its fake when you’re up close. I’m betting they chose it for maintenance and also growing conditions due to lack of solar exposure.
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Curb Cuts to Bioretention in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 10 months ago
Portland does a great job of creating individual cells that daisy chain together with each cell having an inlet and an outlet. Most of their examples are on pretty shallow grade, though and street in the St. John’s area outside Portland was a bit steeper and you can get a feel for the spacing of the inlets. The most typical inlet erosion…[Read more]
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Best Image Bank for Landscape Architects? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 11 months ago
Thanks for the compliments, Laith! We’re looking at revising our search set up to include a ‘Search Keywords Only’ search box. Currently on the beta site, when you search for a keyword the site pulls up images that have the keyword as well as that word within the site’s name (ie. park/ Baldwin Park TND).
A feature that’s on the site now to help…[Read more]
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Best Image Bank for Landscape Architects? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 12 months ago
What we hear from many of our subscribers, and the primary reason we created the site in the first place (besides enjoying traveling and photography), is the time savings of having hundreds of photos that they can quickly browse and are high quality. Time searching various sites in the hopes of finding good, hi res images is a direct…[Read more]
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Best Image Bank for Landscape Architects? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 12 months ago
A fellow LA and I have developed http://www.sitephocus.com as an image library for the built environment. We’re currently in beta mode on a new platform we recently launched and offer high res image downloads through pay-per-image and yearly subscription (unlimited downloads). Registration to the site is free and will keep you up to date on our…[Read more] -
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Green Streets in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years ago
You’re correct, Philip. Everything we’ve heard is that pervious needs to be swept and/ or vacuumed once or twice a year. There shouldn’t be any issues with sedimentation filling the entire cross section as fines are typically caught in the gravel pores between pavers and don’t migrate downwards.
Morton Arboretum in Chicago dissected a section of…[Read more]
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Green Streets in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years ago
Thanks for mentioning Johnston Medical Center. Here’s a link to some images of that project.
Johnston Medical CenterThat was a unique project in that we had a client allow us to have the GC price green infrastructure vs conventional in the schematic stages. Green ended up being slightly cheaper, but also had benefits that don’t typically equate…[Read more]
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Looking for examples of Parks or Plazas under highways in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 5 months ago
Mission Creek Park in San Francisco is something you should check out. It was covered recently in LAM and here are some photos we have on sitephocus.com – Mission Creek Park
This month’s LAM has a feature on a new park/ greenway in Houston under a highway system.
Chris Whitis replied to the topic suggestions for Hotel Gardens in the forum PLACES & SPACES 15 years, 6 months ago
The Hotel Modera in Portland has a nice courtyard with Living Wall. Unfortunately, it was under construction when I was there last summer.
Chris Whitis replied to the topic Greywater Treatment Systems in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years, 8 months ago
Are you looking for something like living machines? Here’s an example of what they are and I’ll give a brief description of the little I know….http://www.livingmachines.com/
The system’s utilize plant material and fish to help break down and purify wastewater through a series of lagoons and constructed planting beds, usually in a green house…[Read more]
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