David J. Chirico replied to the topic Municipal landscape requirements in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 2 months ago
Can we see a link to the article and your rebuttal?
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Occupy Wall Street – Are you with it? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 3 months ago
That wasn’t directed at you by the way Jon, this was just the most active place to post at the time.
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Occupy Wall Street – Are you with it? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 3 months ago
Try this one, just give yourself about 2 hours, but worth it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZU3wfjtIJY -
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Occupy Wall Street – Are you with it? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 3 months ago
This is interesting, 21 pages of forum debate in 20 minutes at Zuccotti Park:
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Another Failed Landscape – When Ideology Trumps User Needs in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years, 4 months ago
If you have an hour, these lectures offer a great perspective on that topic:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O2Rq4HJBxw -
David J. Chirico replied to the topic quotations, sayings, proverbs……….Landscape Architecture in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
“God made whales to be in the ocean, and God made camels to be in the desert, and He made man to be in the garden. And everything we do should reflect that garden.” Robert Marvin, FASLA
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”
“It is the time you have devoted to the rose that makes the rose so important.”
Antoine de Sai…[
David J. Chirico replied to the topic We Need Some New Blood! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
It’s not that hard of an interpretation.
You’re not competing with the bear. You have to be better than the other guy to survive. Apple Inc. clearly wears sneakers.
Hell they make their own sneakers and throw them at the bear to taunt him. -
David J. Chirico replied to the topic We Need Some New Blood! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 4 months ago
Hopefully, they are all working too hard to look at blogs 🙂
Try “bear spray” -
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Professional Boundaries for Landscape Contractors in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years, 5 months ago
Do we have all the facts here? I don’t know that I would convict the contractor just yet.
What if the concrator was having a casual conversation with the owner, mentioned how much more spectacular the home would look with more lighting, then went to Ms. Corson with his ideas? Doesn’t everyone benefit?
Now if the contractor said “hey afte…[
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Architects venturing further into landscape design… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
I encourage you guys to think about it a little differently.
In what other context do we say, “don’t improve yourself” or “don’t learn so much” or “stop trying to be so educated”.
In many other contexts, this is dangerous thinking.
If something is done wrong, we would be far better to criticize, and reason and explain the fault (and God fo…[Read more] -
David J. Chirico replied to the topic SafeLane in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
Now it looks like me!
David J. Chirico replied to the topic SafeLane in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 7 months ago
I thought it was a picture of Will Ferrell
David J. Chirico replied to the topic burial at sea.. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
I am sure many faiths disapprove of cremation, Islam being one of them. Being the clock was ticking on the 24 hour timeframe, and no country would take him, and the volatility of having the body buried in your country, seems to make the burial at sea the best option.
David J. Chirico replied to the topic burial at sea.. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
A memorial would be for someone to pay respect to the person buried there, to commemorate or honor them.
No one wanted his body! Not a single country. The entire world didn’t want him. It would be the least visited memorial ever.
Which is why they buried him at sea, they had nowhere to put him. I’m glad they respected his religion and disp…[Read more] -
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Hunting in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
Hampton Roads area, Virginia has not been doing too bad. The cities are still spending a lot of money building new schools which keeps the architects and civil engineers working, which in turn puts us on their teams for planning.
We all received raises this year for the firs time in about 3 years. I’m certainly not going to complain about that! -
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Enough with the Sinuosity already! Santa Monica park designed by James Corner Field Operations in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years, 11 months ago
I went to the link above, and there are pages and pages and pages of community input, workshops and presentations with hundreds of neighbors working on the concept back to July 2010.
Interesting to say its confusing, uncomfortable, inappropriate and unsafe with that much input.
Why is it that if the site…[
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Does Our Profession Need a Union? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Maybe I was thinking about this all wrong:
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Does Our Profession Need a Union? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Trace, you need to learn how to not assert something about someone and then attack them for it. Make a point, then argue for the point instead of denigrating people. Please, or no one will listen to you.
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Does Our Profession Need a Union? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
One more report:
This one states that Virginia has a ban on collective bargaining agreements. I am pretty sure that public unions are banned in Virginia. And there is a budget surplus. Contrast that with Wisconsin.
Thats a strong indicator that public and private unions do not need each other.
David J. Chirico replied to the topic Does Our Profession Need a Union? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
I’m going to respectfully disagree with you as well. Here is a great article on the contrast of government unions vs private sector unions.
And you need to give me more data than “most economists agree”. Thats not a strong enough point for me.
You cannot take a good argument and discredit it (spoken like a re…[Read more] - Load More