Eli Paddle replied to the topic Getting an education abroad? in the forum EDUCATION 7 years, 10 months ago
MLA degrees are usually intended to be research focused rather than preparing you for entry as a junior LA. If that is your intent then it is a good idea to augment your learning with some CAD, illustration and perhaps GIS learning so that you have the entry level skills that makes you a profitable employee. Generally MLA degrees don’t cover these areas.
Eli Paddle replied to the topic Can I apply for MLA programs or jobs in LA? in the forum EDUCATION 11 years ago
With your background, skillset and interest and given that you are in Canada, you should look at the MLA program at the University of Guelph. Sustainability is a major focus (have a look at the research done by the faculty there for more info) and you do not need a BLA to do an MLA. Bear in mind that an MLA is a research degree and is inte…[Read more]
Eli Paddle replied to the topic Why don't professors teach more AutoCAD in schools? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 3 months ago
Depends on the school and the program. My students get CAD every semester (and Dynascape and Land F/X). Most university programs cannot or are discouraged from teaching practical skills in favour of theoretical learning. We had a…1 CAD class…not a semester, ONE class in my MLA program.
Eli Paddle posted an update in the group
Italy Semester Abroad – Fanshawe College Landscape Design 11 years, 3 months ago
Is everyone excited, packed and ready to go? You leave in 2 days!
I can’t wait to join you. -
Eli Paddle replied to the topic sketchup in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 4 months ago
To achieve what you are after you could create marker materials in SketchUp. I have drawn out the swatches myself with Chartpak markers but never got around to scanning them and making them seamless textures. I have done it with pencil crayon as well. Anything that you can take a photo of can be made into a material in SketchUp.
In response to…[
Eli Paddle replied to the topic How To: Create Photorealistic Renderings? in the forum GRAPHICS 11 years, 8 months ago
Definitely looks like Vue to me for the atmospherics and plants. Likely 3DS MAX for hard scape although you it could even start as Sketchup and be exported into Vue. Many ways to skin a cat and end up with a photorealistic render these days!
Eli Paddle replied to the topic Are (or were) 3ds Max and Rhino a part of your LA curriculum? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 9 months ago
I too have noticed many job postings asking for 3DS and Rhino and as a professor who teaches this subject area, I respond by adding these to what is taught in my program. In addition we also teach Vue as a final part of our landscape visualization workflow. The base of this workflow is SketchUp with IRP programs (i.e. Twilight Render) and many p…[Read more]
Eli Paddle replied to the topic BLA or MLA working in video game production? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 11 months ago
That was who I was thinking of actually
Eli Paddle replied to the topic BLA or MLA working in video game production? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 11 months ago
I know of one here in London, Ontario…I will look for his contact info if that would be helpful
Eli Paddle replied to the topic What's important? Choosing an MLA program in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 1 month ago
The reputation of the school is important to an extent…but what some perceive as a good school can be turn off to others. In some cases programs built their reputation in the past and are no longer as good as they once were. This is a time of great turn over in academia with many faculty retiring or about to retire and consequently programs a…[Read more]
Eli Paddle replied to the topic Graphic Design in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 1 month ago
In the program I teach in, I use SketchUp as a starting point for 3D modelling and from there we use external rendering plug-ins such as Twilight Render or Shaderlight, as well as using Photoshop for layer blending, filters and general post production. As my students progress to upper years I introduce Vue Infinite (through SketchUp export), 3DS…[Read more]
Eli Paddle replied to the topic The Education of Representation in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 2 months ago
Interesting discussion and I agree with your premise. As a professor how teaches both traditional and digital illustration technique (as well as the best of both worlds…hybrid techniques), I “walk and talk” what I teach. I demonstrate every technique for my students be it traditional or digital. Not everyone does, there are certainly many wh…[Read more]
Eli Paddle replied to the topic Getting the best print quality from an InDesign document with SketchUp images? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
You might also want to be sure that you are exporting good quality image right out of SketchUp. When you export your 2D graphic use the “Options” to adjust your resolution and the size of the image. Make the dimensions of the image larger than what you intend to print the image at, bump the resolution up to a tleast 300dpi and save the image as…[Read more]
Eli Paddle replied to the topic rendering/design visualization competition in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
sounds like a great idea…I would love to have my students enter.
Eli Paddle replied to the topic Post Professional Degree Warning in the forum EDUCATION 14 years, 1 month ago
I read your original article in LAM and while I understand how you have viewed your experience as an MLA student, I my opinion, had you researched MLA programs as thoroughly prior to enrolling as you did after becoming disenchanted with your experience, you could have avoided this experience altogether. I do not think many MLA programs market…[Read more]
Eli Paddle replied to the topic Tree canopy diameter/spread + growth rates? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 5 months ago
Thank you for your responses…I will head to the library to look those sources now.
Eli Paddle replied to the topic What is the difference between Landscape Architecture and Landscape Design? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 11 months ago
As a landscape architect who teaches both landscape design and landscape architecture, I can say its not an easy task to differentiate between the two. Scale is usually the biggest difference…generally LA’s work on larger scale sites at a coarser level of detail whereas LD’s generally work on smaller sites at a much more resolved level of…[Read more]