Jeremiah Farmer commented on the post, Data + Design [Video] a year ago
I love this. Very cool.
Want to know more about the custom scripts. -
Jeremiah Farmer commented on the post, Beyond the CEUs: 4 Benefits to Attending the ASLA Conference 2023 a year ago
And the Land F/X party will be bigger and better than ever. Saturday night!
Jeremiah Farmer commented on the post, 6 Reasons to Attend LABash 2023 at Kansas State University 2 years ago
#7 – the Passport Raffle! We will be raffling off a fully loaded MacBook Pro, and the other exhibitors always have excellent prizes as well.
Jeremiah Farmer commented on the post, Why Landscape Architects Choose Vectorworks Landmark 4 years ago
This article really highlights Vectorworks. I don’t mean as a software product, I mean as a company. As an obviously ethically-challenged company.
Most would consider Land8 a great source of information, with the understanding that such resources are to provide information, sure with possibly some bias, but some vague notion of journalistic…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer commented on the post, Landscape Architect Todd McCurdy and Vectorworks: Doing BIM Before It Was Cool 5 years ago
Oh look, another puff piece about Vectorworks, lol.
Jeremiah Farmer's profile was updated 5 years ago
Jeremiah Farmer commented on the post, British Firm Wynne-Williams Associates Takes Leap of Faith 5 years ago
Hey, I realize that Vectorworks is one of the sponsors of this site, but I don’t see the other sponsors placing fawning puff pieces on here. This article would be fine on their own site, but here it feels a bit off. Like, I honestly need to ask, were you paid by Vectorworks for this “article.” I really feel I need to put quotes around it. Why are…[Read more]
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic Land F/X vs. VectorWorks Landmark for Design/Build in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years ago
Having just returned from the ASLA Expo, and our customer appreciation party there, I can relay the vastly common sentiment among our users, is that the Land F/X experience is like no other — the service, the quality of product, the response time, and so on.
Go ahead and grab a trial of Land F/X, and I’m fairly certain you’ll appreciate…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic Land F/X or Vectorworks Planting; 2 questions in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
Hi Deborah,
I’m the CEO and Developer for Land F/X.
Being on a Mac certainly does put you in a spot in terms of just testing our software, as you would at a minimum need to purchase Parallels and a license of Windows.
However, we have an all Mac office here, and Parallels allows us to run AutoCAD, as well as some other PC-based software such as…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
Well said x2.
–J -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
It just all depends on how you want to define “BIM”.
In the world I deal in, our clients need results. They do not care if it satisfies some made-up term, or uses Proxy Objects or Cloud Services, or any other particular buzzword of the day. They need to get plans done, have the quantities correct, have the plan accurate, and interface with o…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
The BIM portion you are referring to is done in SketchUp, and can be exported to open file formats (IFC, Cobie, etc.).
I am well aware of the capabilities of the software you keep referring to, yet you are apparently ignorant of the capabilities of our software. So I don’t see where this discussion can lead.
–J -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
Again, from the UK BIM Task Force directly:
“little of direct relevance to landscape yet”.
And actually, rootball clashes is the number one request from our users in terms of clash detection.
I get that you like BIM, that’s great. Let’s just agree to disagree on how well it works for LA. Right now I have to get back to work.
–J -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
We stick with standard AutoCAD objects, so the resultant dwg file can be opened by anybody, does not require additional libraries to view, modify, print, etc.
This is called Event-driven development, in contrast to Object-driven. So only when using our tools do the “objects” in the drawing have intelligence. Our object types are Plants (Tree, S…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
I don’t want to get drawn into an argument on the subject, but I feel pretty strongly that “BIM” as it is thrown around doesn’t fit very well at all for Landscape Architecture. Consider particularly:
– a database of Manufacturers and Model numbers, with warranty information, fire code validation, etc. — this does not apply to landscape at all,…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
Why don’t you try out Land F/X?
We’ve been doing BIM for Landscape Architects for eight years now.
We personally don’t like the term “BIM”, as it by definition doesn’t apply to Landscape Architecture.
–J -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic BIM in Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
I had some email correspondence with some of the BIM Task Force in the UK.
I felt that one of the most important points to stress regarding Level 2 compliancy was this:
“A quick review shows little of direct relevance to landscape yet”.
In terms of attempting to actually satisfy Level 2 requirements, that would require generating a BIM…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic Autocad 2014 versus 2013 in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years ago
First, if you have 2013, it’s not the full $4,200 to upgrade to the next year.
Although the changes from year to year will never be that stark, putting it off for a number of years will guarantee a large amount of downtime as you acclimate to the now dramatic changes. Staying back a few years is also going to make it more challenging for new…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic name-style in AutoCAD? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 12 years ago
It’s really unfortunate, but a few firms cling to this really inappropriate way to handle plotting.
Color based plotting works great for the AEC industry, and most firms use that, with CTB files to correlate a layer color to a plot thickness. It’s elegant and it works. Meanwhile, Named Plot Styles were developed for those in the Mechanical,…[Read more] -
Jeremiah Farmer replied to the topic Computing Advice Needed! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
Macbook Pro.
That way you are mobile, and can have both Mac and PC environments.–J
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