John.Dallinga replied to the topic Plan view photo trees? in the forum GRAPHICS 12 years, 7 months ago
I’m interested nonetheless in your process since I end up doing a lot of “from scratch” trees with random brushes, etc.
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Dynascape design program. Designers in philadelphia in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 5 months ago
I know for sure of only one company that is currently using that package, being Laurel Hill Gardens in Chestnut Hill. From my understanding, it is aimed more towards residential design applications versus larger projects that might require more complex data input (i.e. grading, utilities, drainage, etc.). Are you using the software or just…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Student looking for unique ways to indicate grasslands, meadows and prairies in the forum GRAPHICS 13 years, 6 months ago
When you rendered the trees, did you create them using a custom brush? Did you create several individual trees, render, and then disperse throughout the plan? -
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Plant sourcing resource in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years, 6 months ago
This looks great! Can’t wait till they make it into the Northeast market as well. Thanks for bringing it to everyone’s attention. -
John.Dallinga replied to the topic In search of a good perennials reference or "Dirr for herbaceous plants" in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years, 7 months ago
Thanks all for the suggestions. Coincidentally, I currently work at a nursery and find local wholesale catalogs to be very helpful, though some are more informative than others. I will check out Still and Armitage for sure. Too bad so few include more than a couple hundred color plates.
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Walter Hood featured in Architect Magazine in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for bringing this forward. I have little familiarity with Hood’s work, but found a video of a talk he did at TEDxBerkeley (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBshFBR_fR4). I think he is a good example of what a “master builder” might look like today. Someone who might not have the expertise in all areas of design/engineering, but can…[Read more] -
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Photoshop Cutouts for Perspectives in the forum GRAPHICS 13 years, 8 months ago
I’ve had good success with CG Textures and the freebies from Vyonyx.
David, you mentioned ImageCels and I’ve seen their stuff before. Anyone know of other companies that produce a good variety of plants that aren’t necessarily free? -
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Licensure rant in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 2 months ago
My impression is that the law believes there to be a difference in the skill sets as well as the need to protect the profession from arch’s and eng’s who don’t have the diversity of schooling/training. The health and safety piece may be less the intent of the professional and more concerning the likelihood that they confront the exact types of si…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Who is going to take your place when you retire? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 2 months ago
You make a good point. Someone who is working retail or food service is going to invite assumptions about what they’ve been doing during school or since graduation. Before I landed an internship as a E&S plan reviewer, I worked, you guessed it, in a coffee shop for three years. I wasn’t doing a lot of extra thinking about LA since I was…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Who is going to take your place when you retire? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 2 months ago
I like that kind of strategy. What have been the most valuable sources of data in your research?
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Who is going to take your place when you retire? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 2 months ago
I’m coming fresh into this topic so there is much I could respond to. To preface, I myself am in “landscape designer” status with 1 year of 2 needed to be able to sit for the LARE in Pennsylvania. Were I currently working in an LA firm, I’d be well passed that point. I am the only person at my job that holds a BLA so unless I switch jobs (which is…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Happy World GIS Day everyone! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 2 months ago
In my (very brief) experience, the effectiveness of GIS has everything to do with project type/scope and the availability/accessibility of data. For planning it can be a great tool; for a strictly landscape architecture practice, the potential is there unless you’re simply too small a firm to chase the big municipal projects that large…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Resume Gaps: Should times of unemployment be represented on the resume? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for your humorous take on it. There is always a hint of fear in breaking from the conventional, but most times that break is exactly what it takes to get the response your looking for.
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Resume Gaps: Should times of unemployment be represented on the resume? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 4 months ago
I’ve come across a similar internal debate as to how to handle this subject on my resume and perhaps some of you could provide me with some specific insight. Typically, I follow the format of being as brief as possible (1-1.5 pages). Since my past two places of employment have not been specifically design firms, I’ve created a separate…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic What is ecological urbanism? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 5 months ago
I could not agree more. Well said!
John.Dallinga replied to the topic What is ecological urbanism? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 5 months ago
You make a very good point in your last paragraph. As I understand it (and have experienced in the office I used to work in), when a large firm hires a local firm, it is usually to take the lead on construction administration and assistance performing CDs. Perhaps non-local firms should set a different precedent, while preserving their…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic What is ecological urbanism? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 5 months ago
This thought reminds me of an article I read recently that transcribe a discussion from last year’s ASLA Annual Meeting centered upon the role of research in practice (Making Research Matter, LAM January 2010). The panel cited a lack of research that can be practically applied to practice. Academics look for quantifiable data, where as practice…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic Portfolio Critique Thread in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 5 months ago
As an initial impression, I think your portfolio effectively displays your proficiency in a broad range of skills. You provide a nice mixture of projects for the viewer to consider. It sounds like you might still be working on additions to this and I do hope there are more for a couple of reasons. Overall, the format of the pages is good.…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic State of the Profession in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 5 months ago
I must say I both agree and disagree (best way to say nothing at all, right?).
I currently work very closely with the landscape contractors and many are locals who have grown up cutting grass, planting trees, shrubs, and flowers, and maintaining peoples’ properties. Many of them pick up the difference between a rose and an azalea and, through…[Read more]
John.Dallinga replied to the topic State of the Profession in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 6 months ago
“what we’re pursuing for the long term is a 3 legged model: one part traditional service fees (work for hire), one part related ‘product’ design (designing, say, furniture or model home plans – basically an actual ‘product’ that gets done over and over) which would bring in recurring licensing fees; one part speculative work, in which we are an…[Read more]
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