Matt Hawker

  • hello to all

  • Stephen Gibson posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 8 months ago

    So I started this discussion a while ago – considering a move back to Australia from the US. Well, I finally arrived in Perth this week (my new home) and I think I’ve answered my own question – there are so many construction cranes towering over the city skyline it’s bloody amazing. And I just landed a senor position with Hassell here in Perth. So…[Read more]

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 8 months ago

    Also, is anybody in Sydney? I am going to go up to McGregor’s new park at Ballast Point if anybody wants to meet up and go.

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 14 years, 9 months ago

    I just got Revit and am starting to play around with it. Has anybody started to use it? I might have to take a training course though. We will see.

    Also started playing with Maya’s MEL scripting. I got a book called “MEL Scripting for Animators” which is really good so far but slow to get through.

  • giovanni posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 9 months ago

    Hi, any landscape architects here from Adelaide?

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 9 months ago

    Also, has anybody started the GradAILA in NSW?

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 9 months ago

    Where are you getting practice materials for the registration process?

  • I’ve used Auto Cad for 7years and I have to move on Vector Works for a new Company. It’s so confusing and not so much information so far.. Tutorials don’t really give me right answers and I have many problems to figure out, but it’s difficult ask somebody.. Not so many people are using this..

  • Michael Roy posted an update in the group Group logo of LA DownunderLA Downunder 14 years, 10 months ago

    Hi all
    for any graduates (or graduates to be) out there I am involved in a group called GraduAILA we are graduates who are going for or preparing for registration through AILA. At the moment we are only based in the ACT but want to see the idea spread. There has been some activity in Perth with JAILA starting up earlier this year (before I left to…[Read more]

  • Bob Luther posted an update in the group Group logo of Digital assets and resourcesDigital assets and resources 15 years ago

    Land F/X is a great tool if you are going to do a concept to working drawings set and are looking for real world ability to create and modify a great set of plans, it is functional within Autocad and now BricsCad ( a cheeper version of ACAD, which looks very powerful for the price), and LandF/X functions with SketchUp (which is not a TOY as stated…[Read more]

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 1 month ago

    So I spent about a week trying to insert a design into Blender’s gaming engine. The outcome worked ok, but wasn’t very pretty. The process went like this:

    1. Wrote script to randomly generate terrain in Maya.
    2. Made a post and cloned it, then used the vortex dynamic to blow them around the terrain.
    3. Created a ncloth from a nurbs plane and…[Read more]

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 2 months ago

    Well, I have been away for awhile.
    I have been looking at the use of Maya Dynamics to force design.

    It is kind of fun but I don’t know if it will go anywhere. Has anyone used
    any of the dynamic functions in Maya (Airfield, Gravity, Newtonian field etc)?

  • Whilst I am glad you all find the discussion useful – let’s avoid blank statements and overlooking the progress some applications had achieved. Every release of each application brings many new and sometimes very good features. Some of these upgrades make a huge difference and change the appeal of the software.
    So for 2D – AutoCAD LT is g…[Read more]

  • I’ve been using Rhino and just a word of caution, it is primarily an industrial design 3D modeling program and I’ve found that it does not work well for large scale applications. It exceeds in designing small elements, which can then be exported into other programs that work better with land manipulation.

    I think this conversation is great…[Read more]

  • After using AutoCAD for about 12 years of drafting, and then switching over to Vectorworks Landmark, I would say without hesitation that the advantages of working in Vectorworks over AutoCAD are immense. The only reason why I had been using the “industry standard” is because I didn’t seek anything better. Many take their work out of AutoCAD to do…[Read more]

  • Has anyone looked at Viz Terra?

  • Ryland Fox posted an update in the group Group logo of Design TechnologyDesign Technology 15 years, 3 months ago

    I thought I would post a few Grasshopper files that I made to help out in the site engineering department. They basically interpolate contours a couple of different ways.

    The first one works on contour lines and the second on elevation points. I made a third for roads but I am not sure about it…[Read more]

  • Shimi; Thanks for the advice. I’ll give you a mini-review of the Vectorworks and its capabilities once I get started with it. I’m also interested to find out about an add-on program called Doodle. It looks promising. I’ll let you know. Thanks again.

  • I still have not found an intuitive terrain modelling platform for us landscape architects.
    Rhino can produce nice surfaces, which can be pulled and pushed to get the aethetics right, but its contours are inaccurate and, unlike Civil 3D, very static. Civil 3D on the other hand is very dynamic and great in live sections and contours, but falls…[Read more]

  • Thanks RFox. I’m going to download a trial copy of Rhino and play around with it. I did that a few months ago with AutoCAD Civil and found the new interface pretty intuitive. I still need something that’ll be a simple interface with a landscape design focus. Right now, I don’t need super high-quality rendering capabilities, but I would like to…[Read more]

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