Robert Anderson replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 4 years, 2 months ago
I have used and consult with others on Using Vectorworks Landmark for all 3D design through to complete documentation and collaboration with architects using Revit.
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 6 years, 2 months ago
Welcome to the family!
Robert Anderson replied to the topic MLA… Mac or PC? in the forum EDUCATION 6 years, 8 months ago
Congratulations on starting a new phase of your professional career! I have been practicing Landscape Architecture for nearly thirty years. My recommendation is a Mac. they are much more durable and all in your software expenses are less than with windows. I’m not sure what “superior” CAD platform Sean is referring to but if you want to use…[Read more]
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 6 years, 12 months ago
Are you asking if LandFX is compatible with Vectorworks? If so the answer is most definitely not as Vectorworks Landmark has all the features and more of LandFX. You can also exchange files with AutoCAD users, import Sketchup and Revit files and create 3D renderings and AR models to show clients.
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 7 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the response. I like you had used that combination for many years. I switched to Vectorworks Landmark in 2010 when I started my own practice. Since I have gone down this road, and helped other firms with the transition I can provide you with valuable insights. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 7 years, 2 months ago
Thanks Jamie for your thoughts.
Robert Anderson started the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 7 years, 2 months ago
It looks like it has been very quiet here on this forum. Quick survey to find out what Design package people are using and are they working in 3D or 2D? And of your design options what do think is missing for the type of projects you work on?
Robert Anderson replied to the topic ASLA dues in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 7 years, 11 months ago
An interesting dialogue that has started based on a simple question about dues and if they are deductible.
I would have to say that I’m on the other end of the spectrum. I have worked for employers who supported ASLA and paid the dues and others who thought that it was worthless and didn’t support it at all. I have been a member for over 20 years…[Read more] -
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Vectorworks, landmark thoughts in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years, 1 month ago
I wouldn’t think there would be a second thought as you work with at least three people I know, Shannon Stark, Emily Rogers and Lesley Conroy, who I believe are currently using it at your firm! They like Stephen and you neighbor down the street, The Landscape Architecture Bureau, have had great success transitioning and using Landmark.
As for…[
Robert Anderson replied to the topic North Carolina Stamping Requirements in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 8 years, 7 months ago
While Andrew is correct it does go on to say that to conduct business one must be registered. Check the State Business website. Contact Tedd Duncan at Stantec for more info.
Robert Anderson replied to the topic stamping drawings in the forum STORY BOARD 8 years, 8 months ago
The simple fact that you are not licensed in FLA should be enough to close this Client down.
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Multi-modular towers in Vectorworks in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 9 years ago
I sent you a message through Land8 but perhaps you didn’t get it. I know of a buy who can help you. He is Brazilian as well and an architect and has VW experience. If you would like I can see if he would be available to help.
As for 2016 you really should look at the project sharing feature that is new with this release. -
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Alternates to AutoCAD….Vectorworks? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 9 years ago
As others have posted Draftsight is okay but not, dare I say, as good as Autodesk. I use it just to check out files that I have exported or intend to reference into VW Landmark. If you do decide to sign up for service select with VW there support staff is always on top of things and they are very helpful. Heck I even try to stump them and…[Read more] -
Robert Anderson replied to the topic LandworksCAD Lt or Pro versus Vectorworks Landmark in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years, 2 months ago
Did you get enough to form an opinion on your original question? -
Robert Anderson replied to the topic LandworksCAD Lt or Pro versus Vectorworks Landmark in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years, 2 months ago
I can’t really make too much of a comparison as until your post I had not heard of LandworksCAD. In my brief review I did notice that it did seem to be a little weak in the 3D features. Landmark has a vast library of 3D objects and tools, walls, stairs, landscape walls and much more.
Depending on your workflow and your clients it would appear…[Read more]
Robert Anderson replied to the topic How many of you (students and professionals) have subdivision and master planning experience? in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years, 5 months ago
I for one have a ton of experience doing just as you described from early in my career and then again before the CRASH! The later was more in keeping with trying to use “New Urbanism” and make communities not sub-divisions.
If you are seeking an opinion on whether this website is good for finding talent I can’t speak to that. Additionally if you…[Read more] -
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Best 3D Modeling Software for Small Firm in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years ago
So you are in the market for 3D design but it would seem that you are asking only about preparing illustrations for your plans. What software are you using for the preparation of construction documents? If you are still using AutoCAD or similar perhaps your better option is to change entirely to something that will address your needs for…[Read more] -
Robert Anderson replied to the topic Pre-recession landscape architecture in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years, 1 month ago
Well…I survived two other downturns and never lost my job. I went through the trough in the late 80’s early 90’s then the dot com bust and then the “great recession”. That was the worst. Some economists are saying it was not a recession at all but a depression, the definition of which escapes a humble landscape architect like myself.
Robert Anderson replied to the topic 3D Graphics in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years, 1 month ago
If I understand the point of your question is what 3D design software is compatible with CAD (guessing AutoCAD) and other illustrative or design software?
Well you could go with SketchUp, which is widely used in our profession for its ease of use and short learning curve. The resulting models, with a third party rendering too like Vray or Maxwell…[Read more] -
Robert Anderson replied to the topic International Visit to USA in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years, 1 month ago
I would be happy to meet with you and show you some projects that one of my main clients are currently involved in. They have even done work for the IMF here in Washington. I’m available currently during those days and would enjoy meeting with you as I have done work internationally on three continents.
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