Tim Daugherty replied to the topic Types of Entry-Level Roles? Place for ppl w/o BLA or MLA? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 years, 7 months ago
To be blunt I’ve never hired anyone without a BSLA degree. It’s not that those 4 years of college teach someone a craft that we couldn’t on the job, but it’s the initial litmus test about how serious someone is towards this career. It also strengthens the profession to have more people integrated into the academics of being an LA, eventual…[Read more]
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 4 years, 2 months ago
We use AutoCAD, Adobe products, Sketchup, and Hand Drawn illustrations. Often times all within the same exhibit.
Personally I’ve always hated add-on or third party software as it relates to CAD. Just give me a generic version of AutoCAD that can produce basic geometry.
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic WHY IS "ASLA"…..LIBERAL??? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 4 years, 4 months ago
Bob – do you know what the biggest predictors of voting preference are? 1. Level of Education, 2. Where you Live (City vs Country), and 3. Religious participation (not to be confused with affiliation).
It’s safe to assume a significant majority of all LA’s have a college eduction. And most live in the City (or suburbia).
Add to this the…[Read more]
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, Designing High-Performing (Digital) Landscapes: Social Media’s Place in Landscape Architecture [Webinar] 4 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for the response. Glad someone is monitoring these! I don’t think FB will be for us, but these things are so fluid so who knows in a year or two. Will look forward to an advance presentation on video down the road. Thanks again.
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, Designing High-Performing (Digital) Landscapes: Social Media’s Place in Landscape Architecture [Webinar] 4 years, 11 months ago
This was a solid presentation. Thanks! I still find Facebook to be very awkward as a professional social media platform, but maybe that’s just me. Also curious why no mention of YouTube or video in general?
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, Learning the Language of Contemporary Planting Design 4 years, 11 months ago
Caleb – nice article. Thanks for sharing. One thing that could probably be added (in terms of planting style) is “modern” or perhaps “architectural”. Where planting is entirely geometric in use and layout…playing directly off architectural or constructed features in the site design. I always think this is a good way for Landscape…[Read more]
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic 5 Landscape Architecture Things in the forum EDUCATION 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi Edward. I’m increasingly convinced that University Degrees, including Landscape Architecture, don’t need to become trade schools. Yes, there is some aspects of professional craftsmanship and design knowledge involved in our education, but how deep into the technical weeds do we really need to get? Can’t a lot of these things be taught in…[Read more]
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic Residential design programs in the forum TECHNOLOGY 5 years, 3 months ago
There was/is a program called LandFX that may do this. I don’t remember if it was a 3d package though as I never personally used it (I prefer a combo of SketchUp & Photoshop for digital graphics). Good luck!
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic Why are there "weak talented" Licensed Landscape Architects??? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years, 3 months ago
Bob – did you actually read what I wrote? I’m pointing out the professional exam doesn’t have a graphic component and hasn’t for decades. Yes, we used to have to manually draw the G&D plan, and site plan sections of the exam, but it wasn’t scored on graphic! There was no artistry involved. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact – so disagree…[Read more]
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic Why are there "weak talented" Licensed Landscape Architects??? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years, 3 months ago
Bob, I would argue the purpose of a college degree is not confined to job training – regardless of major. Otherwise the university is just a trade school – and it isn’t. One should be able to graduate with a college degree, majoring in landscape architecture, and not necessarily be good at it in practice.
Second, you seem to define talent in…[Read more]
StudioCK and
Tim Daugherty are now friends 5 years, 3 months ago
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, How to Draw Landscapes (Like a Landscape Architect) 5 years, 7 months ago
Great tutorial and I love the video.
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, Portfolio Secrets for New Landscape Architects and Designers 5 years, 10 months ago
Good stuff Caleb, and great tips for those first assembling a portfolio. I love your suggestion for demonstrating “hands on experience”.
I’ve hired quite a few designers in my career and one additional suggestion is to clearly acknowledge team projects and what your role was. Whether academic or professional.
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic Employment opportunities for Landscape Architects? in the forum EDUCATION 5 years, 11 months ago
Robert – regarding some of your data. The 1,600 jobs over 10 years are just NEW jobs, right? On top of the baseline number of jobs currently out there and held. Presumably in that same 10 year span there will also be people retiring, changing careers, dying (!), promotions, etc.
In other words, I don’t think 30,000 graduates are fighting for…[Read more]
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, Drone Applications for Landscape Architecture 5 years, 11 months ago
Hi Robert – thanks for your comments. I do state that “UAV technology can’t replace the skill and experience of an in-person site review”, so you’d get no argument from me. With regards to privacy I also point out multiple times the importance of FAA rules and regulations, which includes privacy concerns.
Tim Daugherty wrote a new post, Drone Applications for Landscape Architecture 5 years, 11 months ago
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s or drones) have multiple applications for landscape architects, from early efforts like site analysis to creating awareness and excitement for a completed project. Although s […]
Hi Robert – thanks for your comments. I do state that “UAV technology can’t replace the skill and experience of an in-person site review”, so you’d get no argument from me. With regards to privacy I also point out multiple times the importance of FAA rules and regulations, which includes privacy concerns.
Tim Daugherty replied to the topic From AIA to Landscape Architecture – Any advice welcomed! in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 5 years, 11 months ago
I’ve worked for studios in the past that hired Architects in an LA studio. I’d look at mid-sized boutique firms that specialize in Public Works and going after Awards and such.
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, Land8 Social Media Awards in Landscape Architecture 2018 – Winners! 5 years, 12 months ago
Interesting numbers if accurate – and I have no reason to believe they aren’t. It feels right anyway.
Tim Daugherty commented on the post, 5 Top Planting Design Resources for New Landscape Architects 5 years, 12 months ago
Nice article with sound ideas. One tangent to Public Gardens are Cemeteries. It’s amazing how many of them function like a formal garden/park space.
Tim Daugherty changed their profile picture 6 years, 4 months ago
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