It’s always so interesting to hear the thoughts of the people who compose the work that gets displayed in our top Sketchy Saturday feature each week. Each featured image is so much more than a sketch, it often has a story behind it, capturing a moment in the artist’s life, reminding them of how they use to think as well as acting as a token throughout course of their lives. Along with a high standard , we always look for the unusual, the personal and the imaginative when we choose our top 10 and certainly I think you’ll agree that this week’s top 10 have all of that and more. 10. Swayam Prakash Mohanty
“I had made this sketch last month during my summer course “Shared Grounds” in Revdanda, Maharashtra. It represents my impression of the region and how I perceive it as a student of Landscape Architecture. This shows how the landscape is shaping the architecture of the region. The region moved me as the smooth flow of land is highlighted by the coconut plantations called Wadis and the Portuguese forts. Medium: Pen/ Ink” 9. Ana Rotaru A late entry by Ana, that we found really interesting due to the choice of colours and perspective drawing skills. The space itself does look tight, awkward and convoluted, but the level of skill that went into portraying it cannot be denied. 8. Coleene Yumul “The sketch depicts a mixed emotion of warmth and sadness, two contrasting feeling. This is an imaginative portrayal of sunset on the beach. The style is somehow gothic. Materials used for this sketch was oil pastel and color pencils”. 7. Mark Almazan, Architect/Project Engineer in Philippines/Singapore “Sketching is one of my passions wherein I can express my imaginations, my wants and desires to see some places exist. Through pens and markers my visions somehow come to life, like this park beside a calm river, it opens our eyes to see the beauty in nature”. 6. Sue Orme, chartered Landscape Architect in Suffolk, England “I found the watercolour last week on top of the wardrobe. This was a view of a derelict house painted from our sailboat while we were travelling with our daughters on the Intercostal waterway in Florida in 2006. Back home in England I framed most of the paintings from our travels but this painting wasn’t finished. Now I don’t think it matters.” 5. Aaron C. Elswick a masters of urban design student at the savannah college of art and design. “The drawing was part of a design proposal for New Orleans’ Upper Ninth Ward that was selcted to be presented at the 2014 Conference on Ecological and Ecosystem Restoration. The render of the designed re-established wetland was aimed to depict that sustainable urbanism can be beautiful as well as the right thing to do. Drawing over a existing site photo I used my imagination, pens, and markers to bring this idea to life”. 4. Liza Valentine, Independent design consultant at Liza Valentine Design, BA, M. Arch, from Calgary Alberta, Canada “I drew this as part of a larger project illustrating architecture/urban design concepts for a proposed environmental development in Western Canada. I like to make my sketches in a loose graphic style where the black pen can define edges but also flow into the marker like a water colour. I put the sketch on trace so that the markers behave like a wash and mix together”. 3. Jaime Barba “Is a sketch of a (stilt houses ) residential villas belonging to a tourist development, that is planning on “Bahia de Conejos, in Huatulco.” I made it in my iPad, with an application called Sketch Time. Location of the project: “Bahia de Conejos en Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico”. 2. Susan Pollock Susan sent us in a range of these pencil sketches, that we will never get tired of, such a simple technique is so effective at conveying the space in a soft and welcoming way; a powerful method to sell any project. 1. Zainudin Ab Razak from aQidea Studio A really professional sketch and representation of an otherwise very simple landscape with significant planting along the lines of movement allowing for a free flowing, open and harmonious transition from space to space. – That’s it for this week’s Sketchy Saturday, thank you all for a terrific edition, please keep your sketches coming in week in and week out, we love publishing them. Check out the Sketchy Saturday official Facebook album and see literally 1,000′s of incredible sketches! Follow all the winning entries on our dedicated Sketchy Saturday Pinterest page. If you want to take part send your entries into us at Recommended reading: Sketching from the Imagination: An Insight into Creative Drawing by 3DTotal Article written by Scott D. Renwick Published in BlogSketchy Saturday | 023