Informative infographic on bike lanes. We were so happy to come across this infographic on bike lanes for the Green Lane Project, outlining innovative ways to highlight bike lane development and ensure safe journeys for riders; we felt we had to share it with the LAN community. As landscape architects one thing is sure in order to encourage more people to adopt the environmentally friendly practice of riding their bikes we must do whatever we can in the design process to ensure their safety and implement design measures to the best of our ability.
“Feel free to share or republish this image in any way you’d like. It’s based primarily on research by Austin engineer Nathan Wilkes, whose work on this issue we published in March in the form of a less web-friendly (but much more detailed) spreadsheet. Some details to keep in mind: first, there’s judgment wiggle room in a lot of these ratings, especially the one for aesthetics. Your mileage may vary, in large part based on what a street looks like. Also, the cost figures include various assumptions. You can learn more about each by donwloading Wilkes’s full spreadsheet and clicking the “cost estimates” tab. You can also download a print-quality PDF of this infographic and hang it to your cubicle wall. As cities everywhere prepare to install more of these, would there be any better way to proclaim the nature of your infrastructural nerdiness? We submit to you that there is not. The Green Lane Project is a PeopleForBikes program that helps U.S. cities build better bike lanes to create low-stress streets. You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook or sign up for our weekly news digest about protected bike lanes. Story tip? Write”. Featured image: Source Flickr by Paul Krueger, CC 2.0 Published in Blog14 Ways to Make Bike Lanes Better