Bob Luther's profile was updated 6 years, 3 months ago
Bob Luther replied to the topic Design Software in the forum TECHNOLOGY 6 years, 3 months ago
LandFX with FXCAD, Sketchup for 3D, Pixelmator for image processing (great Mac alternative to Photoshop). Wouldn’t change a thing!
Bob Luther replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
Well I am disappointed in my industry if you are the future… This whole conversation is a joke, I get it you are just trying to get people fire up on a stupid topic, egg on my face… You are… Why do I even, I’m done!
Bob Luther replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
Yes I use a whole crap load of fonts on a wide range of projects, it just isn’t the first or fifteenth thing I think about, in fact I love to make lists for my project to-dos, never have I written a to do… Find perfect font… I have had the opportunity to do a pirate/shark themed project and did use papyrus and who knows maybe I will put it on…[Read more]
Bob Luther replied to the topic Thomas Kinkade (RIP) Landscape Painter in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
Bob Luther replied to the topic Tablet PC or IPad useful? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
I often pull out my iPad in meetings to pull up manufacture websites to help a client pick stone, or benches, or to pull up images of plants to verify what the client wants. I have plugged my iPad into the tv in the clients conference room and done a power point presentation, I have used it to take quick photos, there are a wide range of great uses.
Bob Luther replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
First off, it takes a huge amount of restraint not to just rip into how… Oh I almost went there. Two things graphic presentation (preliminary design) fonts may make a difference to give a theme or feeling, construction documents need clear crisp legible font/typeface so that a contractor can read and install the design.
A quick question, where…[
Bob Luther replied to the topic Working Remotely for Small Firms? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 12 years, 11 months ago
As silly as it sounds I have had consultants who we work with that reclines are done with photographs. We will plot the consultants work, redline it, pin it to the wall and take digital photos rather than scanning ( because of scanning costs and also scanner access) then email or Dropbox a bunch of photos and a note to explain the changes, then a…[Read more]
Bob Luther replied to the topic Thomas Kinkade (RIP) Landscape Painter in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
When you deal in fantasy and without a budget and have the perfect setting anything is possible… It is also one perfect vantage point of an idealic scene, in the design landscape we often don’t ask the viewer to stand in one exact spot to create the visual, we ask the view to move through the space, or use the space, or be apart of the space not…[Read more]
Bob Luther replied to the topic Enough with the Sinuosity already! Santa Monica park designed by James Corner Field Operations in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years ago
Hey cool piece of art for the guys in the Good Year Blimp to look at as they take shots of Santa Monica for the Lakers game on TNT. I love aerials like the one you posted as nobody will ever see that visual. Not a favorite of mine either, seem like something else could fill the space better than 50 paths to nowhere.
Bob Luther replied to the topic Which 3D Design Software is Most Used? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years ago
We use Sketchup every day to design elements of the landscape and produce construction detal, we use it for creating bases for hand renderings or for simple exhibits that can be sent to various people with in the design team very quickly. A lot of firms send out their high end modeling/rendering to asain firms who can create high quality photo…[Read more]
Bob Luther replied to the topic What are the most commonly used computer programs used by Landscape Architects in order of most to least? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Autocad with LandFX
Microsoft Office (email, memos, transmitttals)
Microsoft Publisher (use InDesign if available)
Bob Luther replied to the topic ASLA and the Economy: The saga continues…. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
Yes I am contradicting myself, by pointing out that ASLA does not take the steps to promote the industry, they should look outside the box but do not. Would celebrity endorsement help? it couldn’t hurt! If Oprah had a special on Landscape architecture and the role of LA’s on the Green industry it would reach and educate more people in a single…[Read more]
Bob Luther replied to the topic ASLA and the Economy: The saga continues…. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
STOP waiting for ASLA to promote the industry, if you want to promote LA’s in the green industries you need to promote yourself and put yourself on a team that competes for RFP’s and RFI’s you need to educate the architects and engineer’s as to what you can add to their team ASLA will never do that for you. The Brad Pitt Story is a perfect example…[Read more]
Bob Luther replied to the topic what the mainly software used to make 3d? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 9 months ago
it depends on what you are trying to accomplish… I think for most simple models sketchup is the new industry pick. For high end complex modeling Rhino and Max seem to be the standard.
Bob Luther replied to the topic What type of ornamental grass will do in this design? in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 14 years, 9 months ago
for a medow area you should look into a mix of grasses. for a mono-crop planting (single species) blue fescue (more architectural look) or mexican feather grass (wild meadow look) then to mix it up you could add some muhlenbergia (deergrass) for some size and variation.
Bob Luther replied to the topic Need User Friendly Residential Landscape Design Application in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 9 months ago
ABSOLUTELY… a good choice but file sharing (to autocad users) and base import can be a bit of a trick without autocad.
Bob Luther replied to the topic Need User Friendly Residential Landscape Design Application in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 9 months ago
only if the client tries to change the information in the legend or callouts. Because it is all linked information any changes to the plans done on a non-LandFX machine will break the links, but if you are just sharing location of plant the non-LandFX machine just see the blocks like any other drawing.
Bob Luther replied to the topic Key to Walkability? in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years, 9 months ago
it also helps to have a city built before the automobile… Venice was designed to be moved through by foot and by boat are there even any cars in Venice? I don’t really remember seeing any cars at all… so is that really a good city to use as the baseline? maybe Amsterdam or London would be a better choice to study (old cities that now have…[Read more]
Bob Luther replied to the topic Gulf Oil Spill in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
perhaps they were forced to drill in a mile deep water… were you on the board of directors that decided where to place the platform? Big government can be just as stupid. We need to find responsible ways to harvest energy. Oil is and always will be apart of this formula. Coal is “dirty”, the sun does not always shine, the winds do not always…[Read more]
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