Eric Galvin replied to the topic Correct Initials for a Licensed Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 4 months ago
Virginia says “Licensed Landscape Architect. I thought hard about using LLA for that reason, but it seems its just not used by most in the community, and its not even easily understood by many LAs who just dont care. Whatever happened in the process of making Practice Acts and Title acts is so odd, and it would be nice if it didnt take an act of…[Read more]
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Correct Initials for a Licensed Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks! Happy to be joining the ranks of the licensed. Its interesting to compare it to Architects and not engineers, the ASLA idea of using PLA to compare to engineers is the other way to look at it. Glad that ASLA is taking a stance on it, but it will be interesting to see how it works out. So far im using RLA as well.
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Correct Initials for a Licensed Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks! Its a crazy subject and its amazing that we dont have a standard. It seems like just using LA is most appropriate since you have to be registered/licensed to even use the title LA (for both states that have title and/or practice acts) so the R, P, etc, proceeding LA seem unnecessary.
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Correct Initials for a Licensed Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years, 4 months ago
Thank you very much, just what i was looking for! Thats a great conversation on the topic
Eric Galvin replied to the topic The new LARE: Section 3. Thoughts and study topics in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 12 months ago
Agreed! as soon as i saw the fact that the exams would be 50 questions, my jaw dropped. First time clarb has done something so useful That, combined with the study topics ASLA has provided are making this test much more reasonable and on par with other professions.
Eric Galvin replied to the topic The new LARE: Section 3. Thoughts and study topics in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 3 months ago
Couldnt agree more. Im having trouble deciding how much effort to put in to details and materials because of the exact sentences you quote. Im going to attend the online webinar discussed here https://land8.com/forum/topics/lare-sections-3-and-4-new-format-intel-needed and hopefully that will answer the questions tomorrow. I will post any new i…[Read more]
Eric Galvin replied to the topic LARE sections 3 and 4 – new format intel needed in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 3 months ago
Hey, ive been preparing for section 3, made a post here that didnt get much attention https://land8.com/forum/topics/the-new-lare-section-3-thoughts-and-study-topics
I did find these sample vignettes which i dont think asla had posted before (first time i saw them at least) http://www.asla.org/lareprepsamplevignettes.aspx -
Eric Galvin replied to the topic The new LARE: Section 3. Thoughts and study topics in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 12 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Tosh. I agree that one of the points of the new style test is to minimize random mistakes that cause a fail. I have been able to get my hands on a few redlined vignettes, and some of the mistakes people make are fairly simple to not make (not following setbacks or other info from the reference manual). Luckily i read code for work everyday,…[Read more]
Eric Galvin replied to the topic hourly rate for small side jobs in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 8 months ago
I agree with Rick. No straight answer really. I also believe 100 to be the minimum per hour (based on your years in practice), but i would never charge that for a off the street project. If the project was small, i.e. taking some measurements and drawing up a planting plan and one to two basic details, 300 would be my very bottom (ive done that…[Read more]
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Concrete Pedestrian Pier Details in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 14 years, 8 months ago
All makes sense. Ill just do an “interpretive” type section of what we are looking for, concentrating my details only on the paving and railings etc. Then send it on to a structural eng to get things right. Appreciate the advice – Eric
Eric Galvin replied to the topic IS anybody Happy? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
im happy. i have a new design strategy. I will make this an integral part of all my projects! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gppbrYIcR80&feature=player_embedded Let the happiness commence!
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Complicated Bio-retention in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 14 years, 9 months ago
Thanks to you all! I spent most of the day yesterday looking at examples and how well they were done and in minutes you came up with the best answers i have come across.
It seems like the two options we will evaluate will be the flared pipe/rip-rap & forebay option, as well as the “stand pipe” option. Thanks for the info on the stand pipe John, i…[Read more] -
Eric Galvin replied to the topic city planning/zoning colors in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
i got one: Land-Based Classification Standards ,
not sure where i got it from, just check out the PDF, its all the standards, actual RGB values and everything, very detailed – enjoy -
Eric Galvin replied to the topic the Dirt in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years ago
im subscribed to the land online newsletter email thingy and i really dont like it much. the content is fine however. i personally think its a little snippet of the web from the 90’s; no RSS feeds, comments or any other social features that are easily accessible (something like the fine job done here at Land8lounge is much more effective) The dirt…[Read more]
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Creating "Cut-outs" of People, Vegetation, Cars, etc. in the forum TECHNOLOGY 16 years, 1 month ago
i use two plugins for photoshop that are free and really excellent at removing backgrounds –
http://www.mehdiplugins.com/english/erasergenuine.htmgood luck starting you library of images, ive been doing it for about four years and have so many i can barely keep them all organized now ;-9
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Lawn in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 16 years, 4 months ago
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Blogs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 6 months ago
yeah, i just found Worldlandscapearchitect.com a week or so ago, and its really informative and quite different from any other LA blogs out there – im really enjoying it ~
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Blogs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 6 months ago
Thanks! that pageflakes page was a great idea, i also made one for netvibes if anyone uses that service
http://www.netvibes.com/ergalvin#LA -
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Top Salary for Entry Levels (and the like) in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 16 years, 7 months ago
As i originally looked for jobs a few years ago, i found very little diversity in entry level salaries. There was a difference between areas that seemed to go along with different prices of living however. Smaller firms (2-6 employees or so) will only be able to pay a certain amount no matter what, while at the larger firms you will have a little…[Read more]
Eric Galvin replied to the topic Obstacles Facing Our Profession? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 16 years, 7 months ago
Public recognition of what we do. Too many people think of us as landscape designers or even landscape contractors. Our work is very broad in its definition and people have trouble knowing when a landscape architect should be the lead on a project or how they can be involved.
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