Jason Turner replied to the topic Landscape Architect sallary in Dubai ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
I know that this subject died a natural death in 2008. I find myself considering a move to the Middle East to pursue employment. Can anyone there cast some light on the current opportunities?
Thanks -
Jason Turner replied to the topic How do you create plant schedules on AutoCad plans? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 7 months ago
Gosh – I feel so old fashioned…
There is nothing new to contribute – we either use the Excel – Paste Special command and/or the SSX command for block count in Autocad, but we only use the differentiated blocks for trees – and even then, fairly seldom.The reason for my mailing is to query the general acceptance that differentiated blocks are…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic Gulf Oil Spill in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 8 months ago
Trace, that is probably the most graphic ‘Handle’ on this. The reason we are muted is we all know the extent of our own complicity. They wouldn’t be drilling there if we weren’t buying it as fast as they can suck it out of the ground. So OUTRAGE against the machine sounds so hollow and hypocritical. We all want it to quietly go away so we can get…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic State of the Profession in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years, 10 months ago
second furlough? sorry – what’s that?
Jason Turner replied to the topic Are you working or not ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Yes, thankfully. Chatting to other professionals in the built environment field – we are all at the same point where we have pretty much exhausted whatever was on the table when the bubble burst, and we have hung on by our fingernails since then, but that work is more or less all gone. Despite the talk of things improving, I think we will see more…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic More work ahead? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 4 months ago
Can landscape architects contribute to a world where more human effort is required? Can we make a transition to reshaping food production, supply routes, localized manufacturing, transportation, cities, and housing when hydrocarbons are doing less of the work, or are we too engrained in the status-quo?
Back when studying N.L.P. I recall there was…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic Winery Waste Water Reuse in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 4 months ago
I’m going to be watching this one with interest, as we have the same issues here in South Africa. I’m told that recycling the water is a tricky issue, as there are vitriolic acids (or something like that – their name eludes me right now) and residues which can only be removed with Reverse Osmosis. Even if you do use R.O. on the water, the…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic Survival in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 5 months ago
Whilst it doesn’t pay the rent, we are focusing our efforts on sorting out our systems and sharpening our output quality, preparing for the inevitable uptick, and all those things we never get to do the rest of the time whilst we are so gunnel under. We have enough work to keep us going (just – and for the time being), but we are diversifying our…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic Adobe CS3/CS4 in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
There is freeware version called Gimp which I use on my Mac. It’s ok – worth what you pay for it. I am not that good with image editing software, so I wouldn’t really know just how good or bad it is, but I can do just about anything I need to do on it. Its fairly much like Photoshop, if not quite as slick.
Jason Turner replied to the topic ethics, practical questions in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
I am currently working on a project on a farm where for technical reasons, we have limited access to water, and are making use of dry land management for cut flower production. Where this becomes relevant to this discussion is that I had a consultation this week with Ken Yeoman, author of ‘Water For Every Farm’ and Keyline designer. In essence,…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic ethics, practical questions in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
“It’s Worse Than That,- He’s Dead, Jim”
10 inches a year! Now that is dry. I have heard about your snow melt problems. You guys are in for a rough ride, by the looks of it.
What is your through put of potable water through the dwelling/estate? Is recycling on site possible? You can install a simple recycling plant very easily and it is not that…[Read more] -
Jason Turner replied to the topic ethics, practical questions in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 6 months ago
An interesting question. In a nutshell, I would say that if you are using safely recycled water, then it is fine – but that depends…
I guess it depends on what you are doing with your waste water, on a macro scale, and how much is available on the project, as to whether or not there is adequate available to meet your requirements (or depending…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic I'm not necessarily endorsing it, but it made me laugh… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
Yup, that goes on the desktop as a widget for the next splurb I gotta write – a truly invaluable tool, which lends itself to TLA’s (Three Letter Acronyms) with disarming ease. The perfect Jargon Mill. Thank you so much for sharing 🙂
Jason Turner replied to the topic What should the goal of the Landscape Architect be on the project team? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years, 7 months ago
As was mentioned in one of the responses above, it does kinda seem to depend on a number of factors, not least how good you are and how many skills you bring to the table. In this neck of the woods (Cape Town) things are very ‘clique~y’ and once you get in with a team, you seem to end up working with the same people and developers repeatedly. As…[Read more]
Jason Turner replied to the topic Greywater Treatment Systems in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years, 7 months ago
I had a company doing wastewater recycling, which arose out of necessity during a dought. I closed the company once the drought was over, as it is not my passion, but the experience has proven valuable.
There are a vast number of systems on the market, most of which use a very similar system. Essentially, you are farming bacteria. There are two…[Read more]