Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Subtle Sexism in Design/Build- Need Advice in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 6 years ago
Not to minimize your predicament, but when I started out, I also was asked to perform grunt work even though I’m a member of the ‘y’ chromosome club. In my case, the culprit was the 1990s groupthink of the design professions (think Madmen) to heap tedium, long hours, low pay, and lesser tasks onto apprentices so the partners and owners could do th…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Cost Estimating Presentation in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 6 years ago
Edward Tufte’s books are the gold standard when it comes to the display of quantitative information. Left-brained people like engineers, and half-right and half-left brained people like architects will relate to Tufte’s logic. You could even present the same information simultaneously in traditional spreadsheet format (which Tufte characterizes as…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic The day before you started classes … in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 6 years ago
I’m not doing what I hoped to be doing the day I started classes but am pretty sure I couldn’t go back to my original career expectation and find fulfillment in it. While in college, my goal was conservation oriented—like working for the National Park Service. Now, as I wind down my career, I’m a bureaucrat managing public art. In between these…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido commented on the post, Assuming Beauty [Video] 6 years ago
When I saw ‘Beauty’ in this post’s title, I immediately wondered if David Brooks would be referenced and sure enough, there he is! Mr. Brooks is, of course, the compassionate conservative commentator on the PBS NewsHour and other media outlets as well as an Op-Ed columnist for the New York Times. He occasionally writes about culture. Several years…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic urban planning vs. landscape architecture in the forum EDUCATION 6 years ago
Key phrase in your question is ‘higher median salary’. Depending on many variables e.g., policy versus physical planning, big/small market, private/public sector etc., LAs can make much more, or less than planners. And I would argue that the Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t consider the potential income from moonlighting available to LAs.
In…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido commented on the post, Beatrixpark Turns Art Installation into a Playground 7 years ago
Love the bulbous form–it looks like it was made from Silly Putty. Curious about the color–seems toned down. Was there a reason for this? Also curious about the material–fiberglass or some kind of resin-based material? Last, how does the rain drain out?
Mark Di Lucido commented on the post, The Divinity of Detail: Lessons from the Japanese Garden 7 years ago
Leave it to Miles to cut to the chase of giving focus to the details. Seems like Thelonious Monk’s title, ‘Straight, No Chaser’ might be an apt metaphor too–although it would be to explain how ‘straightforwardness’ is not always obvious in garden design. Your article was so well written and informative that I didn’t even mind the little bit of p…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Licensed without a L.A. degree in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 7 years ago
The exam also requires test-taking skills in addition to landscape design knowledge. That is, you will need to use your design knowledge, however acquired, correctly and quickly in sustained focus for several hours. This means good time management skills (you’re racing against the clock) and the ability to swiftly and fully understand what is a…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Career change at 41 in the forum EDUCATION 8 years ago
Perspective from the other side of the pond . . . I’m guessing you’re mid-40s which is certainly not too late to retrain. Mid-50s might be pushing it. I can’t speak to how it’s done in the UK, but in the U.S. there’s a tendency to hire younger workers, in part because they learn applications faster (a little bit of irony here because you alrea…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Trump as President? Meaning for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 years ago
I don’t think I’ll invite any of you to my Christmas party.
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic stamping drawings in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years ago
Putting your work (sub-consultant) on a client’s (prime consultant) title block and sealing the sheets that only have your work is very common. And it makes sense because the disciplines’ drawings will have consistent information such as issue dates, revision numbers, addenda, etc., and it makes for a professional looking set. The bigger reason t…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Grasscrete or grassy pavers use in public parks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years ago
Thanks Jason.
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Grasscrete or grassy pavers use in public parks in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years ago
Thanks Rob.
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Sustainable Sites in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years ago
OK everybody, play nice. Was not my intent to cast any aspersions with my original post but I do believe LEED primarily benefits the USGBC and is only marginally effective in doing what it’s supposed to do—save energy. And I believe it’s overly complicated otherwise it wouldn’t need accredited professionals to rate sites and buildings. Overl…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Sustainable Sites in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 9 years ago
Hi Alan,
I detect some latent curmudgeonly tendencies in your response. But that’s OK—takes one to know one! I also agree 100% with your viewpoint. Used to be just LEED, then Sustainable Sites came into vogue (apparently subsumed by LEED), then it was/is Green Globes (green industry’s version of the Golden Globes?). So I’m wondering what the lates…[Read more] -
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic What is the best way to improve design skills? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years ago
I would add two things: the design process should include discovering what the site really wants to be, as if you’re uncovering a hidden treasure or peeling layers of an onion. Some designers call this, “letting the site tell you what it wants to be”. This idea comes from Alexander Pope’s ‘Epistle IV’, which introduces the concept of ‘genius loci’…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Looking for a mentor in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years ago
This reply addresses the CAD portion of your post.
A co-worker in one LA office I used to work in was trained as a steel fabricator on buildings. He injured his back and couldn’t return to his original trade so he taught himself Autocad (I want to say he did this in 6 months to a year) and was able to parlay his relatively quickly gained p…[Read more] -
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Job Prospects in the forum STORY BOARD 10 years ago
Potential job opportunities are also a function of your local economy. States like Florida, Arizona and Nevada, that way over built in the single-family market still have not returned to pre-recession hiring levels. Other locations like North Dakota, Texas, Maryland, are hot now but whether they will continue to be so when you complete your degree…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Pre-recession landscape architecture in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years ago
Might help you understand ‘what the profession was like’ in terms of job security and pay if you had some numbers. I’ve been through three economic ‘events’: the first when I came out of school in 1991; the second in 2001; and the Big Kahuna in 2008. Averaged this works out to one event every eight years. Except for the Big Kahuna, I suspect the…[Read more]
Mark Di Lucido replied to the topic Is Urban Sprawl good for Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years ago
“Does more low density developed land create more work for LA’s?”
Compared to what? Landscape design for Paolo Soleri type arcologies—certainly. Designing urban forests for dense, walkable cities—probably. Producing landscape architecture design for transit oriented development—probably not. Is it another way for LA’s to make money—of cour…[Read more] - Load More