
  • Thanks for reporting back Kathy.
    If I were a student, I would be learning VWL and after a couple weeks I’d feel just fine drawing up a site plan and playing with site mods What makes things more complicated in the professional world is need for accuracy and file interoperability with other consultants. I’ve spoken with Robert before and he is very…[Read more]

  • We are officially, albeit slowly, transitioning our small practice to VW Landmark. I’ve been running two trials back to back on different computers to try and get the hang of the software and although I’ve been tinkering and watching all the videos I can for several weeks I can say with certainty that I am still just scratching the surface.
    The…[Read more]

  • Do you really need to use pervious materials? in a flood plain? or is it a flood way? 

  • nca replied to the topic IFC for Landscape in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years ago

    How do I contribute? I think the biggest challenge is building up a standardized plant library. Tools for grading and drainage would be great.
    Right now, one of the architects we work with does the bulk of the grading for a given project in archicad–seems silly and frustrating LA’s dont have a good surface modeling tool. I know theres Civil 3D,…[Read more]

  • I used to think that the best way to design was to start drawing (and I draw alot), but lately ive found myself thinking through concepts in my mind, writing, note taking, discussing, then finalliy diagramming the thought. The traditional design process comes much later for me after lots of thinking. Often times when i sit down to draw im just…[Read more]

  • I was in school, but also working for several firms. i always received positive feedback on my work from instructors, other students, and prospective employers. it could be said that i had a very strong portfolio, coupled with solid work experience–all before graduation.

    i watched as students from the class ahead of me get picked up by firms all…[Read more]

  • vray is the best, longer learning curve though..

  • nca replied to the topic 3D Graphics in the forum TECHNOLOGY 10 years ago

    Despite what some here might say, sketchup is plenty powerful and combined with a robust render engine like vray can produce very nice renders, comparable to much more complex programs like max or rhino. There are a couple downsides, namely;

    1. file size limitation (most sketchup files will start crashing consistently around 100mb with a pretty…[Read more]

  • Whats ‘a Chicago’ ??

    My advice: if you’re job searching, bypass the larger cities and look for growth opportunities in small, medium cities and towns–if your goal is to make a living. If you want to be a small fish in a big ocean and maybe do some cad for some very prestigious projects go for the big city.

    There’s plenty of work on both sides…[Read more]

  • Houston has so much sprawl, it’s sprawl has sprawl…hence, ‘suburban sprawl’ 🙂

  • Chris– I don’t do lot farms 😉

  • I think you’re just being a contrarian.
    I agree that virtually ANY development creates more work for LA’s and other allied professionals, even so-called ‘suburban sprawl.’ We could argue semantics on that one all day.
    Further, I think it’s a bit of a cop-out (or youre trolling a bit) to say it’s all OK as long as you’re not violating HSW–that’s…[Read more]

  • nca replied to the topic Vectorworks Landmark 2015 in the forum STORY BOARD 10 years ago

    I spent most of the day yesterday with the Landmark trial and a handful of the tutorials VW offers and as much as I WANT to love Landmark, I’m really having a hard time justifying spending more time with it. 
    The button based commands are exhausting coming from command prompt driven CAD. The windows and palettes get out of control just drafting…[Read more]

  • nca replied to the topic Vectorworks Landmark 2015 in the forum STORY BOARD 10 years ago

    Thanks so much Robert!
    Like I said, we are still a very small upstart, but have invested in technology to give us an advantage over other larger firms and it has paid off–however slowly.
    I would be interested in speaking with you further at some point about how you can help us transition. In the meantime, I may download a trial and tinker a bit.…[Read more]

  • Robert,

    We are a small firm of two, both with over a decade of experience in AutoCAD. We are looking to transition to a BIM platform, but I am waffling between something like a Land f/x addon and VW Landmark.
    Landfx of course has the advantage of being AutoCAD based, so the interface and commands are familiar. As I understand, the BIM component…[Read more]

  • nca replied to the topic Vectorworks Landmark 2015 in the forum STORY BOARD 10 years ago

    Anyone able to share a few details, maybe a good site, layout plan?

    I’ve watched all the tutorials and demos I could find on revit and vs for landscape and the design is with nearly non existent or a small cottage garden. I find it very difficult to understand the capabilities of the program if the sample is poor. I’d love to see some streetscape…[Read more]

  • For what it’s worth, I have been listening to the audio version of ‘Creativity Inc.’ about the founding and management of Pixar studios. I am finding it to be entertaining and focused mainly on the interplay between creativity and process management.

  • nca replied to the topic Looking for a mentor in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 10 years ago

    Post your portfolio here. I’ll critique.

  • nca replied to the topic Engineering AND Architecture in the forum EDUCATION 10 years ago

    To add to my earlier comment–
    There is also professional/business consequence to being  one stop shop. If you area a practicing la/civil, other civils are going to be reluctant to float you work as opportunity arises, same with architects, structurals, ee’s whatever. Youre potentially limiting your market share. I can tell you a large portion of…[Read more]

  • nca replied to the topic Engineering AND Architecture in the forum EDUCATION 10 years ago

    You had me up until the structural-architect comment. My experience with dual professionals is that one is far and away subordinate to the other. One usually dominates. Architects are generalists..our job is to synthesize information into a well orchestrated, beautiful symphony of disciplines and specialties. There s people like calatrava, but one…[Read more]

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