Robot replied to the topic What all can you do without a license? in the forum STORY BOARD 9 years, 5 months ago
As Craig said, it depends on what state or local municipality you want to do work in. Here are links to some of the regulating authorities that you might encounter working in the Memphis vicinity:
http://asbalaid.arkansas.gov/Pages/default.aspx -
Robot replied to the topic LARE test: Who takes it and who decides not to? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 11 years, 3 months ago
Regarding your statement, “I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that most every State allows ANY designer to produce Landscape Designs as long as they do NOT use the TITLE “Landscape Architect,” I think you are wrong. Your statement would be correct in states in which regulate the profession through a title act. Most states now regulate thr…[Read more]
Robot replied to the topic Small Office (Solo Practitioner) Network Setup in the forum TECHNOLOGY 11 years, 7 months ago
I believe the only way to solve this computers vs hand drawing debate that seems to surface anytime anybody mentions or insinuates anything about computers is to change this internet discussion forum into a chain letter. We can all be pen pals!
Robot replied to the topic Sketchup 3D People in the forum GRAPHICS 11 years, 8 months ago
In both of his books, Daniel mentions FormFonts as a good source of 3d and 2d material. Have you checked there?
Robot replied to the topic LARE Study Materials in the forum EDUCATION 12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the insight and the site analysis notes, Toby. I’m sure there are plenty of people here that would be interested in any other tips or notes you might be willing to share; I certainly would be!
Robot replied to the topic Scale Drawings in Portfolio in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 12 years, 9 months ago
The pixelated look in InDesign is normal. I think that displaying images at full resolution slows the processing speed down, so the InDesign default for on-screen display is at a lower quality. You can change this if you go to Edit–>Preferences –> Display Performance. I would recommend leaving it as is, though, because displaying at a hi…[Read more]
Robot replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
Robot replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
Your not alone I went to public school to. Its a wander we maid it this far! By the way I hate papyrus font to it is the worst.
Robot replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
I’ll bite. It has become apparent that landscape architects seem to believe that using good grammar is NOT a necessity/priority. I have seen more than enough spelling and punctuation mistakes to make anyone sick. No, I’m not prescribing that everyone spend inordinate amounts of time editing their text to make sure their words conform to the hi…[Read more]
Robot replied to the topic Urban Soil Remediation in the forum RESEARCH 13 years ago
I don’t know much about this topic, but the first person/company that comes to mind is Julie Bargmann of D.I.R.T. Studios. I heard an interesting Terragrams podcast several years ago in which she describes her practice and research.
This might at least be somewhere to start. -
Robot replied to the topic Playground Redesign in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
I’ve been following the Playscapes blog for a year or so. There are some really interesting playground ideas in that blog. Many are from Europe and other parts of the world, and would likely not be possible in litigious America, but the blog is still a good resource to get the creative juices flowing.
Robot replied to the topic Mainstream Hollywood Movies Portraying Landscape Architects? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
I think they are making a movie based on “The Devil in the White City,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio. I wonder who will play Olmsted?
Robot replied to the topic Species selection and soil amendments for coastal tree planting in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
Results from 2 minutes on the google machine:
The Life of the Dunes
The Life of the Forest
The Life of the Marsh
Robot replied to the topic Species selection and soil amendments for coastal tree planting in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
Okay, I don’t really know where this is, but I’ve got to believe there are some readily available resources for you to easily find this info. Looking at the photo, sure its a lot of grass…but that can’t be the native condition. What barrier island is this? I’m not familiar with MD’s barrier islands, but with a quick google search for ma…[Read more]
Robot replied to the topic Parking Lot Landscape Islands, what is the best approach? in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years, 5 months ago
Some trees are “naturally” shaped like lollipops. You know, like Bradford Pears. I can’t tell what this tree is, though, so maybe you’re right.
Robot replied to the topic How did you get started on the path to where you are now? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
Well, Cara, I singled out your response because, unlike Andrew and Henry’s, yours seemed mean-spirited. Theirs seemed rather playful. I will concede though, that I had not read the entire thread before I read yours and said to myself, “that crazy b!@#@.” Had I done that, I would have read the portion where William made completely idiotic and di…[Read more]
Robot replied to the topic How did you get started on the path to where you are now? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 6 months ago
And for the record Cara, he said 70% of landmass is covered in grass, not 70% of the planet. I’m sure this percentage is still way off, but relax! I think you would do well to smoke some.
Robot replied to the topic GIS users? in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years, 6 months ago
Robot replied to the topic In search of a good perennials reference or "Dirr for herbaceous plants" in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years, 7 months ago
I don’t yet own an authoritative perennials reference, but always assumed that the equivalent of Dirr for perennials was Herbaceous Perennial Plants: A Treatise on Their Identification, Culture, and Garden Attributes by Allan Armitage. It’s been on my list for quite a while.
Robot replied to the topic Completely ridiculous in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 7 months ago
“Suitable” in my Merriam Webster’s Dictionary is NOT defined as “common.” Nor are the two listed as synonyms in Roget’s thesaurus.
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