Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic New Features: Network Like Button & Updated Mobile Interface in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 13 years ago
Hey Andrew. I’ve been checking out the new mobile site and I think it’s great. Very sleek, simple, and easy to use. Nice work!
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Client wants to sue over weeds in plant bed? in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
hilarious, great reply….
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic New Features: Network Like Button & Updated Mobile Interface in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 13 years ago
Too funny; can’t believe I’m the first to ‘Like’ this!
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Interesting Santa Barbara landscapes / architecture in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
Ya, I love his hand-drawn business cards too. My favorite is the one that says ‘Jeff Shelton Architect slow but expensive’…
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Nike Grind recycled material in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 13 years ago
Not exactly an answer but a suggestion. Has your friend looked in to KickStarter? They have very cool projects and documentaries on there that are crowd funded. This project sounds like a lot of successful ones that are on there…
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Interesting Santa Barbara landscapes / architecture in the forum PLACES & SPACES 13 years ago
Hey Ryan, I’m sure it’s too late, but I hope that you caught some of Jeff Shelton’s architecture while you were there. I traveled to Santa Barbara quite a bit, and would love seeing some of his designs throughout the city. Check out his work if you didn’t see it while you were there; http://www.jeffsheltonarchitect.com/. Like boilerplater sai…[Read more]
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Plan view photo trees? in the forum GRAPHICS 13 years ago
Very cool Stewart, thanks for the link! Can you use any of these in SketchUp, or just maya, max, etc.?
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic burial at sea.. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
great point…
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Photoshop vs Photoshop Elements in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Hey Erin,
I had photoshop at work and elements at home and I really didn’t mind the differences because I wasn’t trying to use photoshops for it’s full effects. What did bother me was working with the layers on elements, always had a problem with that…
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Right Now- My only real live job option- I need some input from anyone that wants to offer it in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Hey landplanner, I only have a small amount of experience with people working in SE Asia, and it has all been bad. I’m sure that there are many others that have great stories about taking these opportunities, but the one’s I know of were just exploited for being from America. They made the move and tried to settle in. Obviously the work en…[Read more]
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Does Our Profession Need a Union? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Wow, being from Detroit I couldn’t agree more. Unions destroyed the entire metro area. I doubt I would ever join a union after seeing how it affected so many families by crippling the auto industry, and putting a choke hold basically on the state. Now in AZ, I see how the unions are trying to take over the education market, and the few te…[Read more]
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Social Media in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Hey Sean, have you checked out The ROI of Social Media Marketing by Augie Ray?
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic What Does it Mean to Build "Green" Today? Speaker: Eric Corey Freed, Principal, organicARCHITECT in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 14 years ago
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Land8 Chat Room in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Hey Matthew,
Like Jeffrey said, we do a weekly Friday chat and the topic is usually picked from one of the forums that have raised alot of discussion. It’s a great place to speak to LA’s and designers about important topics. Another cool part about the chat that I’ve found is that after an hour or so of chatting on topic, many stay on and talk a…[Read more] -
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Android Apps for design, business, and productivity in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
recently heard a rumor that apple is releasing the iphone 5 later this year and the move to verizon was to ensure sales of all backloads of the iphone 4 because it’s not selling at AT&T to add to the motivation…
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Android Apps for design, business, and productivity in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Land8 iPhone app in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years ago
a mobile app with easy search buttons for forums, gallery, friends, groups, etc?
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Facebook fan pages and groups in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Hey Scott,
Cool link! I started a discussion on cool links on Land8, not necessarily all landscape architecture related but still very cool. Check it out: http://land8lounge.com/forum/topics/best-sites -
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Best Sites… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Just ran back across this post and I’ve added a few over the last few weeks:
http://www.carbonrally.com/ -
Ryan A. Waggoner replied to the topic Land8 iPhone app in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years ago
don’t see one yet for land8 on the android market kristin, but I use SkyGrid for daily landscape architecture news…
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