Steve_White replied to the topic Domestic golf course designers find opportunities, challenges in China in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
Going through school I wanted this to be a focus, at least this was a focus i was most interested in. I did a semester abroad doing a case study of a course in the Netherlands. Unfortunately as I came to find out I should have started at age 10 running a mower in order to be up to speed with where i should have been.
I will leave the designing…[Read more]
Steve_White posted an update in the group
Denver LA 13 years, 1 month ago
Been a while since anyone had posted here. How is it out there?
I am staying employed in the residential design BUILD world. -
Steve_White replied to the topic Non-RLA's using the title Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 8 months ago
personally I don’t see how anything in this thread is helping the profession. registered or not we all love this profession and choose to do it and we all know it wasn’t for the money.
LA work is so vast that everyone here also knows how difficult it is to explain what we do(as a whole) because their are so levels and facets.
As my prof…[
Steve_White replied to the topic Right Now- My only real live job option- I need some input from anyone that wants to offer it in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
He had it right all along.
Steve_White replied to the topic To Beard or not to Beard? That is the question… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
haha. Dam you Madison Ave!!
what do they say? Don’t hate the player hate the game.
And I agree with what you say. But is there nothing to the fact that when you dress sharp, comb your hair(seriously no pun here), get a nice shave it makes you feel good and more confident. Even if you have been sold that image, I still feel it. If i were to w…[Read more] -
Steve_White replied to the topic To Beard or not to Beard? That is the question… in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 11 months ago
Maybe it is the east coast in me, but personally I would not have a beard if I was job hunting. I think having a beard is a bigger mark on your character(good or bad it is noted) than not having a beard.
but if done well, it can give a dignified look. -
Steve_White replied to the topic An "ah-ha" moment on Defining Landscape Architecture in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years ago
“You can be a Landscape Architect and also a painter, furnishing designer, illustrator, etc. etc. but if you have not passed the LARE then you are a painter, furnishing designer, illustrator, not a Landscape Architect.”
I get what you are saying here and I agree to some extent. Even though I am not licensed I am a Landscape Architect. I wen…[Read more] -
Steve_White replied to the topic LARE TESTING HOAX!? in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 14 years ago
what aboot Canadia?
Steve_White replied to the topic Working over 40 hours? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 1 month ago
God forbid you have a family in this career.
I know this doesn’t help answer the posters questions but i want to add that I have had this conversation multiple times with family over the holidays.
When will the time come when companies (not just LA) realize the day of low balling employees and working them to the bone with the threat of job l…[Read more] -
Steve_White replied to the topic Gulf Oil Spill in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 8 months ago
I am not sure to think of this as acceptance or pessimistic.
I kind of agree with what you are saying. The world can feel very David vs Goliath meets ignorance is bliss.
For example: Compact fluorescent light bulbs
They use energy more efficiently and they last longer, giving the impression that they are good for the environment. which they…[Read more]
Steve_White replied to the topic Gulf Oil Spill in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 8 months ago
this is the type of reaction I would loved to have heard 30 days ago.
Steve_White replied to the topic Gulf Oil Spill in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 8 months ago
I think it is difficult for it to hit home for some people across the country.
This is site is a special case of people who would naturally keep tabs on it closely.
I like the obama quote “plug the dam hole”
Steve_White replied to the topic beyond new urbanism in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years, 8 months ago
“He points out that the New Urbanists were fiercely opposed and often mocked as “being slaves to worn-out traditions — like walking from home to work.””
this is just funny. a bunch of white collars standing in a room making fun of the guy who wants to “walk home from work”
Steve_White replied to the topic Gulf Oil Spill in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 8 months ago
I am wondering the same thing nick. i have been keeping tabs on the story but i have also been thinking why isn’t this a HUGE DEAL. why is this not #1 ands always on top in the news. why is it that news reports on what is happening so “oh this is whats happening….what a shame”
This is a game changer imo. we will talking and dealing with this…[Read more]
Steve_White replied to the topic Creating prairie in photoshop in the forum TECHNOLOGY 14 years, 9 months ago
This is what I like to see around here.
thanks nick
Steve_White replied to the topic IS anybody Happy? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
“They know that they will see another “boom” just as they knew that they would see another “slump.”
Just hearing that is relieving. I know it, I have been told before, I have said it myself. The difficult part of unemployment or employment challenges is that it can begin to feel like there is no end. but there is ups and downs good and…[Read more]
Steve_White replied to the topic IS anybody Happy? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
Well said mark and I too share the same concerns as you. I am happy, as most people i think are. If you choose landscape architecture chances are you like living though I am slowly beginning to think that my idea of what an LA does and is capable of doing is changing before our eyes.
Steve_White replied to the topic IS anybody Happy? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
The theme of your response Rick is spot on with many of my gripes with Colorado and choosing to start my ‘career’ here(the timing didn’t help). I love it here, its beautiful…..I too would like to pay over $350 to be asked if I mow lawns also….only time will tell.
Steve_White replied to the topic IS anybody Happy? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
I agree with you and I don’t think you are telling anybody anything new.
I hate to say this and you may be angry with me….but I want to call you Old Man Rick.
You always have valid and valued points but I have the impression that you are a bit jaded.
Are you happy?
Steve_White replied to the topic feel like a typewritter salesman circa 1994? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years, 9 months ago
I didn’t read all the posts in this thread. But I think the topics pretty interesting and rather comical to think about.
I have been out of work since august 09 so sometimes I am an out of work typewriter salesman. lol could it get any worse???
But then i got to thinking. Its tough for LA’s who are down and out to think positively about our…[Read more]
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