Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Walking in America in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
Although…I wouldn’t want kids walking on cow paths along the highway.
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Reasonable percentage mark up for plant material? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
If I buy a plant from a wholesale nursery for $10 and sell it for $30, the final price is where I get my labor, overhead and profit?
But if I buy the same plant for $20-25 from a retailer, where do I earn my labor, overhead and profit?
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Reasonable percentage mark up for plant material? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
So should you take the wholesale cost and bring it to retail before applying you overhead and profit? Everything else costs retail. Seems as though it would be better to purchase materials from a retailer.
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Reasonable percentage mark up for plant material? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years, 11 months ago
Does this 2.5-3 x markup include overhead and profit, labor and amendments?
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Follow up to Interview in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
Yes, a thank you letter is a good “By Mennen!”
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Interviewing for a project management position in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
Here’s the job description:
Project Manager/Construction Manager Job Outline
This position will be responsible for profitably running the construction division of. The construction division consists of two crews (3 people each), the truck and truck driver, and the special project/warranty technician. This position reports to
Create p…[
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Interviewing for a project management position in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 5 months ago
I’ll give you my initial response and maybe you can help me formulate a better one.
I’d definitely miss the drive that comes from hard work that results in benefits to my bottom line.
I’d miss the flexibility that being self employed allows me (though this is only true in theory)
I’d miss implementing my designs. It’s very re…[
Jonathan Smith, RLA posted an update in the group
Design/Build 13 years, 5 months ago
I’m interviewing for a PM position with a high end design build company in Seattle next week.
I own a design build company but have never worked for anyone else.
What would you ask me? -
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Plant sourcing resource in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years, 5 months ago
Who do you contract to install your work in Seattle?
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Plant sourcing resource in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years, 5 months ago
If you’re looking for plant databases, in the PNW, look at nursery associations.
Oregon Nursery Association (http://www.oan.org/) has a searchable database for growers and wholsalers in Oregon and a few in surrounding states.
Also Washington ( http://www.wsnla.org ).
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Bad font decisions, yes I'm talking to you Papyrus users! in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 9 months ago
Oops…This^^^ is mine.
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic FIleMaker for Landscape Estimates? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 10 months ago
I’m an RLA and own a design build company. I use this spreadsheet program. Amazing results. Comprehensive and easy to adjust margins, labor rates and material cost.
Hands down one of the best estimators out there and developed by someone who has been in the business for many, many years.
http://www.landscapingestimator.com/index.html -
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Can you suggest a different material? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 12 months ago
Ah! No footing or rebar! Beautiful!
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Can you suggest a different material? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 12 months ago
Thanks, Mark. I’m thinking now of pouring a footing, building a CMU wall for a backing and fixing the steel to the wall. This way I can get away with thinner steel and still maintain the structural integrity of the wall.
I welcome any further ideas… -
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Can you suggest a different material? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 12 months ago
I’m talking about anchoring it laterally to prevent overturn.
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Can you suggest a different material? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years, 12 months ago
So, how would you support a cor-ten wall? Tie into a reinforced footing? Deadmen?
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Off Topic…sort of…Walker knows how to hit a bee's nest. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
So why should those who serve the citizens have it better than the citizens they serve? Why should they have better job security? Why shouldn’t they have to contribute to their health care and retirement like everyone else? Why should they be sheltered from the kind of job competition that people in the private sector face every day?
With more…[
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Off Topic…sort of…Walker knows how to hit a bee's nest. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Not to mention working conditions…remember the Tiangle Shirtwaste Factory Fire? Have you ever read Upton Sinclair? The Jungle? Dickens?
Looking back at relatively recent history, we have so many reasons to unite. I’m a fan of capitalism, but unchecked, corporations only have one thing at heart…to make money. Not to ensure life, liber…[Read more] -
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic Time to Panic? -> LAM March 2011: "Leaping Into What?" in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
That sucks! But I can’t imagine that this experience speaks for all engineering firms…
Jonathan Smith, RLA replied to the topic AutoCAD 2011 LT in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
I downloaded Bricscad and screwed around with it. Very similar to Autodesk.
Thanks for all the input. - Load More