Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Container resources in the forum STORY BOARD 11 years ago
Check out old town fiberglass. They have some great planters !
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Netafim Techline vs. Rainbird XFS in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
Toro DL2000 is what we spec. They offer a drip zone valve kit with filter and all included in one product number which is convenient.
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Corten Steel Pavers in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
There are ceramic tiles available now that look exactly like corten. You could form and pour small concrete pads the size of your pavers and then fix the tiles to the top of them…
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Succulents for commercial/public projects – SF BAY AREA in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 12 years ago
Katharine – what container sizes do you offer in the larger specimen aeoniums, agaves and aloes? Are any of the aoniums more tolerant of cold…down below freezing?
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Amsterdam equivalent in North America in the forum PLACES & SPACES 12 years ago
pacific northwest. start in portland or eugene and work your way north
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Any kind of book for project a terrain footbal stadiums in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
This may help..
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Fresh graduate stuck and need advice in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
These are all great suggestions. Many firms are going towards BIM (Revit) and Civil 3D which there are courses in. Also if you already are a wiz at Sketchup, I’d look in to rendering programs and render some of your old projects from your portfolio. If you could get some sort of certificate or credible experience with those programs, I would…[Read more]
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic How close is too close? Planting ornamental trees near a foundation. in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
You should be alright with those tree choices. If there is still concern you could use a root barrier…
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Travel Map/Blog in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
You’ve got a lot to see on the West Coast! Hopefully you will have time for San Deigo all the the way north to Vancouver!
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Greenroof Turfgrass in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
Since the area will be receiving some foot traffic, lounge chairs etc…It seems that maybe a grass paver type application may be applicable. If there is a light weight grass pave system you could use with the correct grass, that may be a solution. The pavers may take some of the abuse away from the grass. But… you will likely run out of gro…[Read more]
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Too much text? in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
I think it looks great. You may benefit by summarizing your text into more of a summary of the project. One key item for each project I would include is the programs/process you used for each to show your experience and skills with handsketching,Photoshop,Modeling,CAD, Illustrator, InDesign etc..
People first want to see and look at the photos or…[Read more] -
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Recycled Benches in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 13 years ago
Are there any materials on site that could be re-purposed? Boulders, fencing, structures, concrete slabs etc..
stacking rectangular pieces of a saw-cut existing concrete slab could be a neat bench…
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Efficient way of creating planting plan and planting lists in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 13 years ago
make a block for each plant which is named accurately. place all your blocks where you want them and then run ‘bcount’ command and it will generate a total count for you..
thats the old school, simple way to do it in CAD…
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Large Patio Tree 25-35' – Seasonal Interest – Will be in tree grates – Modesto Area – Any Suggestions? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
just looking for some plant material which is a bit different with some seasonality and interest to set the project aside from others
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic LEED GA Exam and Study Guides in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years ago
you can send the money you saved my way
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic LEED GA Exam and Study Guides in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years ago
the green exam prep practice tests are all you need! best of luck. if you can ace the practice tests you will pass the exam with flying colors.
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic LEED GA Exam and Study Guides in the forum PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 13 years ago
I focused for a few weeks on the practice tests below, shooting for an average of 80% on all of them. It will let you know which topics you are weak on and then you can target those areas to perfect them.
Those were all i focused on and passed the test. I didn’t do any r…[Read more] -
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Parking Lot Landscape Islands, what is the best approach? in the forum PLANTS & HORTICULTURE 14 years ago
Do you or anyone have a plant list or specific grasses that you would suggest for San Francisco bay area?
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Macs Vs PCs in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Spend a third or a quarter of the money on a nice PC that way you are not paranoid about scratching it or having it stolen etc… and you will be able to run… AutoCAD!
Wes Arola, RLA replied to the topic Typical drawing production hours CAD & hand drawn in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
It is tought to come up with numbers untill you have some experience. My main suggestion would to be to start to develop a library or set of standards. Have all your linetypes and blocks setup, so that you can copy and paste those into your plans and that will speed up production a lot. Have the hatches you use, trees, etc. all setup so that you…[Read more]
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