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Can Art Revive a Dead Urban Space?

Project Warde helps to revive an otherwise dead urban space, by HQ Architects, Jerusalem, Israel. With cities growing faster than ever, more and more neglected urban spaces are cropping up all around the world. Dealing with the increase in these neglected spaces poses a serious problem for virtually every major city, but could art be the answer to this urban problem? A new installation, titled Warde, was implemented in Jerusalem’s Valero Square in order to help address the lack of pedestrian engagement with the site. HQ Architects, based in Tel Aviv, is responsible for the installation, which is part of a greater plan to enhance the neglected urban spaces in Jerusalem’s city center.

Warde by HQ Architects

Warde aerial view. Photo credit: Dor Kedmi

Reviving a Dead Urban Space

Valero Square is located squarely in the center of Jerusalem’s downtown, at a busy tram line station and next to a major open-air market. With such a prime location, the site should have been a vibrant community area, bustling with life, but the reality couldn’t have been more different. [contextly_sidebar id=”xbLLrm4msy271U7FXEAtWMPq5AtvclxH”] Unfortunately, the square had fallen into a state of neglect. Largely due to a serious lack of people-oriented programming, over time the site had simply become a wasted space. While thousands moved through the square on a daily basis, virtually no one stopped to spend time in the square. People would instead simply pass by without so much as a second thought. While the city had made a few attempts to improve the space, ultimately all that resulted was an incoherent and fragmented space that failed to provide any meaningful use for or connection with people. That was, until the implementation of the Warde installation.

Warde by HQ Architects

Warde closed flowers. Photo credit: Dor Kedmi

Valero Square Reblooms The installation is a cluster of rather unusual street furnishings — giant red “flowers” resembling poppies, which open to 30 feet wide, on top of 30-foot-tall “stems.” The flowers themselves can be filled with air. This inflation and deflation cause the bloom to open and close.
Warde by HQ Architects

Warde. Day view opening up. Photo credit: Dor Kedmi

You Can’t Miss it The new installation is difficult to overlook, but what is truly amazing is the way that these flowers interact with their surroundings. The flowers open and close in reaction to passersby, inciting curiosity and playfully inviting people to interact with the space. Standing under one of the flowers will cause it to open and stay open until you choose to leave, providing shade and relief from the hot summer sun.
Warde by HQ Architects

Warde. Day view opening up. Photo credit: Dor Kedmi

The Transition from Day to Night At nighttime, the installation functions as lighting, providing a spotlight while open and a warm, soft light while closed. The installation is also programmed to react to public transit, springing to life as the trams arrive and depart from the square, warning travelers not to miss their tram.
Warde by HQ Architects

Warde at daytime opened up. Photo credit: Dor Kedmi

Casting Light on Neglected Spaces Warde, with its eye-catching flowers, draws users who would normally just pass by into the space. But that’s not all. The installation goes even further, drawing public attention to what had become a neglected, wasted urban space. Even the flower choice for the installation, whether intentional or not, seems to allude to the neglect of the site, as poppies often thrive in neglected and disturbed environments. Altering Behaviour and Perceptions Temporary art installations such as Warde are being used more and more as a way to re-engage communities with neglected spaces. These installations alter behavior and perceptions, as spaces that were once just background noise suddenly become highlights. This type of art also forces people to take a much closer look at their cities and to notice those neglected urban spaces all around them. In the case of Valero Square, the installation has created a more playful, interactive environment, which has invited people to not only actively engage with it, but to notice a site that was previously neglected.
Warde by HQ Architects

Warde in the evening. Photo credit: Dor Kedmi

Has Warde Revived Valero Square? Art installations can be powerful in changing the attitudes and behavior of people in cities. In the case of Valero Square, a space that was once devoid of life is now animated by an art installation that captures the imagination, and which has awoken many to their urban surroundings. However, this type of interactive installation is not free from problems. Over time, the novelty can wear off and the behavior of passersby can return to normal, resulting in a loss of public interest in the space all over again.
Warde by HQ Architects

Warde close-up. Photo credit: Dor Kedmi

While it’s too early to say if Valero Square has been revived by the installation, it has certainly managed to generate increased public interest in the future of the space. Hopefully, Warde will continue to generate interest in the future of the square, as well as draw public attention to the many other neglected sites in the city. In any case, Warde is an excellent example of how urban art installations can be a great tool for engaging communities with neglected spaces, as well for getting people to stop and really take notice of their surroundings. – Do art installations such as Warde revive neglected urban spaces, or it is merely a temporary, “Band-Aid” solution to a larger problem? Tell us what you think in the comments below. WATCH: Can Art Revive a Dead Urban Space?

Full Project Credits

Project Name: Warde Location: Valero Square, Jerusalem, Israel Designers: HQ Architects Date of Construction: 2014 Client: Jerusalem Municipality Project Team: Erez Ella, Matan Sapir, Ruth Kedar, Netta Bichovsky, Guy Balter Executed by: Guy Ella Music in the movie: Riff Cohen Search on Google Maps

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How 300 Ivy Street Unites a Community

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio, in San Francisco, California. Public space plays a really important role in residential areas. People spend most of their leisure time inside dwellings with family or outside in public spaces visiting with neighbors. How do we create attractive public spaces surrounding a dwelling to increase social communication between neighbors and at the same time improve the pedestrian experience? The following project will give us an excellent answer. 300 Ivy Street is a new five-story mixed-use dwelling area in San Francisco. The project was built on an existing surface parking lot that was part of the now-demolished San Francisco Central Freeway. Designers concentrated on a balance between private and public space in order to build a peaceful dwelling area and vibrant neighborhood.

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

The masterplan from 300 Ivy Street. Image courtesy of Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street

The project includes 63 different dwelling units and 5,000 square feet of retail space. The buildings are separated by a T-shaped courtyard. The bay and recess forms are used for the facades of the dwellings next to the street side to establish a similar style to the surrounding districts. In order to prevent disturbances from the street, the borders of the ground floor are pulled a few feet back from the property line and the first living floor has been lifted off of street level. At the same time, the sidewalk for pedestrians has been widened to also buffer the dwellings from the public space. [contextly_sidebar id=”IduvMN4LBLaZkCFDmUq9sFJU7MWfEtNv”] The one important thing, for landscape architects, to note about this project is that Fletcher Studio designed most everything outside: the furniture, the fencing, the bollards, bike racks, metal work, the basalt patterned (milled) paving, etc. helping them to create a visually unified design. The corner of the building between Gough and Ivy streets is used as a cafe, which helps to orientate visitors and bring lively environment to the district. The entrance is set on Ivy Street, which is a more peaceful area than Gough Street. The entry gate contains several steel frames with glass. This open view creates an interaction between pedestrians and residents. By using planters, the courtyard extends to the street and becomes a part of the street landscape. From the entrance, a ramp leads residents to the door of dwellings.

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

Creating an Outdoor Living Room One side of the ramp is a small plaza with a wood table and bench, which offers a perfect place for residents to communicate with neighbors. Next to the plaza is a bike storage area, which is covered with wood doors. The wood features create an outdoor living room, providing a space for residents to relax as they arrive in the plaza after a busy day.
300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

The Roof Garden On the top of the north building is a roof garden that offers different leisure activities. An outdoor kitchen with some wood furniture gives residents an opportunity to cook together. A wood patio supplies a peaceful place for residents to relax or enjoy the cityscape. Between the outdoor kitchen and the wood patio, a lot of perennial herbs are planned. This provides a nice community space for residents for different uses. The Inclusion of Private Terraces On the west side of the courtyard are private terraces. Plants such as bamboo are used in the middle of the yard in order to offer privacy to residents who live in both the north and south sections of the housing development. Creating a Buffer Zone Between Private and Public Spaces By using a stoops-planter pattern, the entrances to the houses are established on Grove Street and Ivy Street. This kind of landscape gives a buffer zone between private and public space. At the same time, it provides a vibrant and interesting streetscape for pedestrians.
300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

Clever Design Means an Enhanced Lifestyle In this project, plenty of planters are used in order to soften the hardscape and split private and public space. At the same time, the planters also help to improve the quality of the streetscape. Small shrubs or perennial herbs were chosen for the project so that a slender environment is built to match the small spaces of the district. The customized outdoor furniture in the project is also a key to improving the experience of residents and increase neighborhood enjoyment.
300 Ivy Street, by Fletcher Studio

300 Ivy Street. Photo credit: Bruce Damonte

Full Project Credits

Project: 300 Ivy Street Location:  300 ivy Street San Francisco CA Developer: Ivy Grove Partners LLC Architect: David Baker Architects Landscape Architect: Fletcher Studio Completed: January 2014 Client: Ivy Grove Partners, LLC Photographer: Bruce Damonte Site Size: 22,837 sf Show on Google Maps

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Staying Safe this Summer: Using Your Landscaping to Secure Your Property

We all want our homes to be as safe as possible. Most of us understand that this entails more than simply locking our doors and windows when we leave. We know that using a wooden dowel is a cheap and effective way to secure sliding glass doors and windows. We know not to leave ladders out and windows open. We know to close our garages. We know all of the basics. But what about the advanced stuff? What many people don’t realize is that there are a lot of ways to beef up home security that have little to do with your actual house. Yes, that’s right: one of the best ways to beef up your home security is to secure your yard and the rest of your property. Here are some tips to help you do that. Keep it Clean A yard with a lot of debris makes the house beyond it look like an easy target. Messy lawns and yards are often signals that nobody is at home and that, even if someone is home, that person does not care a whole lot about keeping their home kept up. For many intruders and neighborhood casers, this means that you are less likely to have a home security system or other measures in place to keep the nefarious at bay. Mow your lawn. Rake the leaves. Put the kids’ toys and bikes away at the end of the day. A well kept lawn and yard are like blinking stop signs that say “I pay attention!” Thieves and intruders are wary of those that pay attention. Keep it Clear You might love the idea of a yard with lots of plants and shrubs and big leafy trees. Someone who is casing your house sees all of that “wildness” and thinks “look at all of the great places to hide and wait for a good time to break in!” The more trees, bushes, tall plants, etc you have on your property, the harder it is to see every inch of it–both for you looking out and passerby who might be glancing in. You want people to notice if someone is lurking around, right? Why would you block their view? If you’re worried about your privacy, close your curtains! Plant Carefully Yes, we just said that you need to keep your yard and lawn well maintained. It is also important that, what you do plant be planted with security in mind. Why? Because thieves see a yard that is meticulous and assume the people who keep it up have money. While the risk is great (see above), it might pay off in a great reward. This is why you need landscaping that is meant to trip up intruders. In particular you want plants and shrubs that are thorny and prickly to discourage nefarious types from trying to fight through them. And those who do take the risk will likely make enough of a racket to alert you and your neighbors to the fact that someone or something is where they (or it) shouldn’t be. Good Lighting is Incredibly Important Your porch light is not ever going to be enough to deter thieves and other jerks who want to find their way onto your property. You want flood lights strategically placed so that your entire yard can be lit up in an instant. Another important factor here is that the lights you install need to be hooked up to a motion sensor. This way you don’t have to worry that the intruders are simply waiting for you to turn out your property lights to try to break in. As an added bonus, motion detected lights can also alert you to kids who might be trying to sneak out (or back in)! Obviously plants and great landscaping aren’t going to be enough to deter thieves. You’ll also want to protect your home with a security system. That handy “this home is protected by [name of security agency]” signs do a lot more to discourage jerks than most other things you will do. The type of security system you need is going to vary depending on your home, your neighborhood, and how much security you want (and can afford). Don’t simply buy the first system you find. Compare ADT home security plans and all of your options before you make a decision. Finally–and this might seem counterintuitive–try to relax. Vigilance is good for your safety, but paranoia is bad. If you’ve put all of the proper measures in place, security system, safety plans, security measures, landscaping details, etc the best thing you can do is get back to your life and hope everything works the way it is supposed to work.

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Article by Brooklyn Williams. Return to Homepage Featured image: Park lighting. A night photograph taken at Garden of Five Senses, Delhi. Photo credit: Author – Kprateek88. Licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA. 

What Lies Behind the High Concrete Wall and Gate of T. Residence in Bangkok?

T. Residence, by LOKOH=Co, Bangkok, Thailand. The tops of large trees and the side of an arbor just behind a high perimeter wall may prompt a visitor to ask what hidden delights lie beyond the large rustic wooden gates of T. Residence in Bangkok, Thailand. A lush vine rambling along a trellis and a bed of groundcover resembling dwarf Schefflera offer a clue. T. Residence, designed by LOKOH=Co Landscape Architects, was nominated for the 2015 Thailand Landscape Architects (TALA) award for best private residence project. Criteria for winning projects include innovation, outstanding planting design, beauty, functionality, and representation of Thai landscape. An article of this length can only cover some of the features of this complex garden.


T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

T. Residence

Creative Divisions Add Functionality and Atmosphere Upon passing through the wooden gates, visitors find themselves in the arrival courtyard, an open space between two discrete gardens. From here, one can travel along extensive walkways to explore different aspects of the garden that combine modern and rustic elements.


T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

Dividing the Space Changes in levels, plant combinations, water features, timber decking, walls, rocks, pebbles, paving, and other elements have all been combined to transform a simple rectangular plot into a tiny tropical wonderland. The garden has been carefully divided into three living areas, each with its own atmosphere and functionality.

T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

Creating a Jungle like Atmosphere The main entrance abuts the Living Courtyard, where tropical foliage plants of contrasting colors and textures combine to create a jungle-like atmosphere. The axis approach pond — a long narrow strip of water at right angles to the main entrance — lies along a grand axis that extends through to the Private Garden beyond. By the boundary wall is a stone garden, where a series of stones are juxtaposed with tufted grass.

T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

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A wooden platform extends by the axis pond, which is next to a higher pond stepped up one level. A detour from the wooden platform leads to a living terrace, a cozy timber deck between the water and the house. From the living terrace, one is treated to a view of ponds in the foreground, as well as a crafted wooden screen wall by the boundary wall.


T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

Creating a Space to Create an Experience Beyond the gateway pergola, the visitor is offered a tantalizing glimpse of the Private/Guest Garden beyond, a lush garden with many tropical plants reflected in the nearby decorative pond. Timber platforms facilitate easy movement through the garden to the wooden terrace at the other end, which holds another entertainment area.

T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

The far side of the terrace is bordered by a stepped, raised green terrace containing a low-maintenance, lawn-like space of tufted Mondo grass (Ophiopogon japonicas). At the end of the garden is an accent wall and garden sculptures. The Tranquillity Backyard The visitor reaches the Tranquillity Backyard via a cool corridor between the house and the perimeter wall, known as the moss/fern garden, which is shaded by the perimeter wall and a grove of very large trees. Underneath, various mosses and ferns flourish on top of and between large rocks. With its fish pond and brightly colored tropical fish and its secluded wooden terrace, the Tranquillity Backyard invites the visitor to wind down and contemplate. Mature Trees and Lush Undergrowth Bring the Tropical Rainforest to the City Large, mature trees create a cool, moist microclimate underneath which layers of tropical shrubs and ground covers flourish. Epiphytic Staghorn ferns (Platycerium alacorn) cling to tree branches underneath which moss on large rocks thrives beside bromeliads (Bromeliaceae spp.), birds nest ferns (Asplenium spp.), and jasmine (Jasminum spp.), all reflected in the many ponds.

T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

Specialised Planting Selection  Foliage plants include heliconias (Heliconiae spp.), with their paddle-shaped leaves and pendant-like flowers; elephant ear-shaped plants (Alocasia spp.); the sword-like leaves of dracaenas (Dracaenae spp.) and pandanus (Pandanus spp.); as well as frangipani (Plumeria spp.) and fleshy palmate-leaved philodendrons (Philodendron spp.). Some of the large trees resemble Thailand’s auspicious species that are traditionally planted in large gardens or on temple premises. These include the Pink Cassia (Cassia javanica), an umbrella-shaped tree with pink blossoms; the Golden Shower tree (Cassia fistula), with cascading yellow blossoms; and the Coral Tree (Erythrina orientalis), with bright orange/red blossoms.

T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

Every Square Inch a Tropical Treat T. Residence incorporates key elements of the traditional Thai garden to create a riot of foliage around a well-planned structure with focal points of shade pergolas and accent walls. Trees are strategically placed to provide shade and beauty, creating a microclimate underneath which lush tropical foliage thrives. Natural elements such as rocks and pebbles are placed near paving and retaining walls. Numerous ponds, including fish ponds, are traversed by timber decking that leads to quiet hideaways. Almost every inch of land serves a purpose and contributes to the overall ambience of the garden.

T.Residence. Photo courtesy of LOKOH= Co., Ltd.

Full Project Credits for T. Residence

Project Name: T. Residence Designers: LOKOH=Co Location: Bangkok, Thailand Awards: 2015 TALA Award for Best Private Residence Project

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Kontum Indochine Café Takes Bamboo to Whole New Level

Kontum Indochine Café by Vo Trong Nghia Architects, in Kontum, Vietnam. The Kontum Indochine Café is located in Kontum, Vietnam. It was designed by Vo Trong Nghia Architects and was built in January 2013 This bamboo creation has an area of 551 square meters (5,390 square feet) and is located near the Dakbla River in Kontum city. It is part of a hotel complex in which the natural color of the bamboo creates an open space where the hotel’s guests can have a different dining experience. The café has a breakfast, dinner, and tea area for the guests. Bamboos are some of the fastest-growing plants in the world, due to a unique rhizome-dependent system. Certain species can grow 35 inches within a 24-hour period, at a rate of three centimeters an hour (a growth of approximately one millimeter every two minutes). Bamboo has a higher compressive strength than other wood, brick, or concrete and a tensile strength that rivals steel.

Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Kontum Indochine Café

In its natural form, bamboo as a construction material is traditionally associated with the cultures of South Asia, East Asia, and the South Pacific, and to some extent Central and South America and by extension in the aesthetic of the Tiki culture. In China and India, bamboo has been used to hold up simple suspension bridges, either by making cables of split bamboo or twisting whole clumps of sufficiently pliable bamboo together. This insight into this material will help you to better understand the Kontum Indochine Café, which uses a lot of this wood for its magnificent concept and structure.

Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Inspired by the Vietnamese Baskets The concept of building a space where you are one with nature while safely experiencing the scenery is an amazing accomplishment. The architects were inspired by Vietnamese baskets used for fishing to build the bamboo columns. The structure is supported by bamboo via 15 inversely shaped cone supports.
Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Image courtesy of Vo Trong Nghia Architects

Taking Full Advantage of Natural Light A shallow artificial lake sits right next to the café, reinforcing the open nature concept that has been established. Functioning like a forest canopy, the café has plenty of natural light. The climate is muggy, allowing guests to experience a real forest-like environment without the use of air conditioning. Bamboo Related Articles: 

Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Maximizing the Wind Flow By providing shade under the bamboo ceiling, this open structure maximizes the wind flow in the building during the summer and resists the severe storms during the windy season. The characteristics of bamboo are different from wood or steel. When the data and method of building structures of wood or steel are applied to bamboo, the advantages of the bamboo can be affected. The roof is covered with panels of reinforced plastic and straw. The Right Material in the Right Place Traditional treatment methods are used for the bamboo, as well as low-tech data sets suitable for this type of structure. The columns were prefabricated before being installed to achieve adequate quality and precision. The idea here is to respect the nature of the bamboo as a material for construction and to create a distinctive space exclusively for this material. It is a material so right for the space that it almost seems like it was there before it was constructed. To keep the natural concept in this project, the architects decided against using steel for the structure support; instead, they took a prefabricated one off-site to minimize the waste.
Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Different Materials Means Different Thinking This café is a groundbreaking achievement in the landscape scene and also a well-executed plan. I do believe that by using different materials, instead of the more usual ones (steel, concrete, or stone), we can develop more efficient projects by letting nature guide us into what it is that we should do. Kontum Inodchine Café is a great example of letting nature “take its course” — seeing what the wood can do for the space, and how the landscape can adapt to it. Land and space are well thought out here. The combination of light, bamboo, and water has resulted in an amazing creation.
Kontum Indochine Café

Kontum Indochine Café. Photo credit: Hiroyuki Oki

Full Project Credits for Kontum Indochine Café

Project: Kontum Indochine Café Program: Cafeteria Architects: Vo Trong Nghia Architects Location: Kontum, Vietnam Architect In Charge: Vo Trong Nghia Architect: Dau Nhat Quang Contractor: Wind and Water House JSC, Truong Long JSC Area: 551 sqm Status: Built in 01. 2013 Photographs: Hiroyuki Oki Site area: 1,150 m2 Building Height: 6m Number of Rooms: Open space café + annex kitchen Show on Google Maps

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How Cumberland Park Became a Riverfront Adventure Park

Cumberland Park, by Hargreaves Associates, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. With more than 3 million visitors a year, the city of Nashville realized it was losing an opportunity in regard to the Cumberland Riverfront. With the help of Hargreaves Associates, the government, many specialists, and a considerable private and public investment, the project went from paper to rock. Water has always been the source of life, whether it is the ocean, a river or a lake. All great cities in history have been founded around or along a body of water: the River Thames in London, the Seine in Paris, New York Harbor and the Hudson river in New York City, Lake Michigan in Chicago, and the world-famous Nile River in Egypt. This natural treasure is mainly used as a food resource and communication bank, but sometimes a very clever individual or a group comes up with the great idea of using this magnificent element as an urban strength for social and economic development. The master plan is divided into four phases, the first of which is now completed, and we are going to take you there.

Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Kenny Clayton

Cumberland Park: A Plan for the Future

The second-largest city in Tennessee waited too long, but, as a result of collaboration among the Metro Nashville Parks and Recreation Department, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the citizens, the Nashville Riverfront Concept Plan was conceived. The project consisted of a four-phase regeneration program, with each phase longer and bigger than the last. The Kick Starter: Phase I Phase I was estimated to last five years and was conceived as a major improvement of the Riverfront Park. Water features, climbing walls, river overlooks, trails, and picnic lawns are among other elements that have turned this park into a new city landmark.

Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Hargreaves Associates

Phase II With the success of Phase I, the next step will be to design a new inland recreational waterway, with the LP Field (home of the Tennessee Titans NFL franchise) as the major attraction. Phase II will offer a world of fun opportunities, starting with the LP Field, an indoor entertainment center, waterfront restaurants, sports fields, an outdoor music pavilion, a festival lawn, river walks, bridges, and a boulevard with multimodal transit options. Phase III For Phase III, we have Cayce Landing — an industrial-like area that will be transformed into an integral small business option for entrepreneurs and a simple residential neighborhood. The purpose of this intervention is to unlock the riverfront’s potential, through a partnership between all levels of government and private investors of nearly $2 billion for the development of the city. It may take up to 15 years to complete this phase. Phase IV An ecological restoration would be made in Phase IV, taking up to 20 years to recover natural areas that will remain untouched by tourists and visitors from the city.
Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Hargreaves Associates

A New Riverfront Park & Cayce Landing The project had many obstacles: poor water quality, environmental issues, and a lack of wildlife corridors and urban lungs such as greenways or parks. A highly experienced group of specialists took action and accepted the challenge of reactivating this key node of the city. Hargreaves Associates, along with Hawkins Partners and Everton Oglesby Architects, were now in charge of the implementation of the project’s first five-year phase. Before the transformation, the riverfront site consisted of a 17-acre parking lot, without a single tree and sullied by pollution. This massive asphalt slab was used as esplanade during festivals and concerts. This space was divided into two 7.5-acre parcels for the redevelopment.
Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Hargreaves Associates

Home of the Tennessee Titans NFL franchise The LP Field, extends its parking space into this area, so a generous space will remain for the same activity — but with a greener approach. What’s left over from the park will be turned into an “urban forest”, with grass and porous pavers along the tree swale. We Are the World, We Are the Children Mayor Karl Dean wasn’t just impressed with the final result; he said he wished he were young again so that he could play in the glades, hollows, and ridgelines that have become spray grounds and picnic lawns.
Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Hargreaves Associates

The Greatest Weekend Experience The whole place is made to provide the greatest weekend experience and the Riverfront Adventure Park is made for children in every way; it is an exciting design that provides all kind of activities in a safe environment. Besides the design and fun features, the park has a series of sustainable considerations. Approximately 80 percent of the vegetation is native species from Tennessee. Stormwater Harvesting System All the water features are part of a stormwater harvesting system, collecting from the parking area and the bridges. It also feeds the wetland gardens, and the irrigation system takes it from here and it is used for the green areas and lawns before it returns to the river.
Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Hargreaves Associates

What Makes This Park So Special? The first thing to know: This is not a regular park; we’re talking about a riverfront adventure park. Water, not lawns, is the main element. Almost every detail of the park is “playable”. We have here an example of how esthetics can also be used for fun. Related Articles Featuring Hargreaves Associates:

Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Hargreaves Associates

Smashing Social Boundaries  Unlike other recreational playgrounds, the zones of play are not limited to a specific spot, neither are the age limits. Thanks to its clean views and open spaces, the park doesn’t feel too long to walk by. This feature also makes child supervision easier, making the park a safe place to play. In addition to the “ageless” areas (such as the pavilion, the picnic lawn, the amphitheater ridge, the fishing piers, the river overlook, and the plaza), the play zones consist of the Gorge, an extensive climbing wall for children with a continuous, irregular, organic-shaped metal net; the courts, for basketball games; the spray ground, fog emitters, and waterfalls as the water amenities for a hot summer; and trails and lawns for kids to do what they enjoy the most — RUN! There are also skate parks, slides, hammocks, docks, and a sensory garden, among many other spaces that you wouldn’t believe could all fit in a not-so-big site.
Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Hargreaves Associates

Transitioning into the Night During the night, the place is still alive and in perfect communion with its surroundings. The sound of water and the soft illumination, along with the stars, make the river walk a very pleasant place to gather. Occasional movie projections and events take place in the amphitheater, as well. It is great that projects like these are being made. We hope every project takes into consideration the three main strengths that make the Nashville Adventure Park a one-of-a-kind intervention: • Fun! Parks are places to relax and enjoy what you can’t do on weekdays, not just to exercise and sit on benches. Kids will take advantage and show us how to do it. • Aesthetics. This is an obvious one, but not always achieved. Good design and quality work should be a must in all the things we do. • Green solutions. Fortunately, landscape architects are becoming more conscious of environmental issues, and this is now part of the program. Achieving fun, esthetics and green solutions in one design is a tall order, do you believe this park successfully did it?
Cumberland Park

Cumberland Park. Photo credit: Kenny Clayton

Full Project Credit for Cumberland Park:

Project: Cumberland Park Prime Design Consultant: Hargreaves Associates Architecture: EOA Architects Civil Engineering: Barge Cauthen & Associates Structural Engineering: EMC Structural Engineers Water Feature Design: Commercial Aquatic Engineering Planting & Irrigation: Hawkins Partners, Inc. Lighting Design: LAM Partners Electrical Engineering: Power Management Corporation Geotechnical Engineering: TTL, Inc. Environmental Engineering: Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Surveying: Thornton & Associates, Inc. Graphic Design: Blue Tractor Digital Design Co. General Contractor: Hardaway Construction Corp. Bridge Building Architect: Hastings Architecture Associates Location: Nashville, Tennessee, USA Developer: Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency Program Manager: American Constructors Inc. Operator: MetroParks Park Stats: Size: 6.5 acres park size Length of Riverfront: 900 feet of riverfront Length of Esplanade: 700 feet of esplanade Capacity: 1,200 people for an event Flow Rate: 1,000,000 gallons of stormwater captured and reused for irrigation in a typical year Planting: 180 trees and 1650 shrubs planted 1.6 acres of meadow and riparian grasses restored. Undercover hardstand for temporary basketball courts, skate park or ice rink Construction Cost: $9.5M Show on Google Maps

Recommended Reading:

Article by Eduardo Reguer

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Banyoles Old Town Remodeling Celebrates Historical Roots

Project Banyoles Old Town Remodeling, by Miàs Architects, in Banyoles, Spain. Landscape architecture often has the power to transform a space, bringing out the best features and demonstrating that it is never too late for urban remodeling. The remodeling of Banyoles old town stands is clear proof of how far landscape architecture has advanced and how talented are the people who work in this field. The project was commissioned by the Banyoles City Council and it was undertaken by the talented team at Miàs Architects. Completed in 2011, the project covered an area of 18.000 m2 and it had a budget of approximately €4 million. The project was successful (to say the least), receiving numerous awards and recognitions, including the Premis D’Arquitectura Comarques de Girona in 2007.

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling

Transformation as a process and a journey of discovery The decision to remodel Banyoles old town came out of necessity but also because the respective space had a lot of potential for aesthetic improvement. The powerful sensation of deterioration that encompassed the area, doubled by the entangled urban system that was present stimulated the dedicated architects to come up with a project that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing. It was the perfect moment to update the utility lines and take them underground, where they belong. Plus, there were too many cars parked in the Central Square, reducing the functionality of that urban space.

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

A Pedestrianized Dominant Space In organizing the steps for the project, it was decided that almost all the available space is going to be pedestrianized and that the old sidewalks are going to be removed. Another important change would be related to the irrigation canals, which had become part of the sewer system and reducing the interest of being in that respective area. Once again, it was the right time to make water a central element of a refreshed water space, blending it with stone elements for spectacular results.
Banyoles Old Town Remodeling.

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

New with the feeling of old This project would not have been possible without taking into account that this town has a lot of old buildings and architectural elements that have been dating for some time. The architecture of the area has guided the talented team of landscape architects in choosing elements that correspond, with water and stone being the main actors on the remodeling stage.
Banyoles Old Town Remodeling

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

Maintaining the Medieval Feel Travertine stone was used for a lot of the open spaces and the changes made in the small squares, maintaining the same medieval town atmosphere that locals and tourists have gotten accustomed to. The interesting thing is that the travertine stone had always existed in the subsoil of the city, being used not only for the actual squares but also for the raising of those beautiful, medieval buildings. Related Articles: 

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

Water, the driving force of this project The old town had beautiful water canals, but they had become part of the sewer system, with the water’s quality being undoubtedly affected. The project successfully managed to restore the old water canals, these appearing intermittently between the recently pedestrianized spaces. The bigger sections were specially arranged so that children could enjoy playing with water. The flow of water is felt everywhere, but it is not overwhelming. New pavement gets its inspiration from the art that is water The pedestrianized areas were re-defined by the complete replacement of the pavement. The chosen pavement borrows from the characteristics of water, with the slopes reminding more of a cascade and the flat areas resembling a peaceful, still ocean. Historical center, a museum of past and present The urban planning for this project was a definite success, with the sequence of squares adding value to the overall results. Each square was named after the historical buildings that were present there, such as the Central Square, the Studies Square or the Theater Square.
Banyoles Old Town Remodeling.

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

Architecture Dating From The 12th Century The remodeled squares, the water canals and the elegant travertine stones are all elements that have contributed to the success of this project. Both residents and tourists who come to this town have the opportunity to enjoy the remodeled historical center of Banyoles, with the architecture dating from the 12th Century.
Banyoles Old Town Remodeling

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

In looking at how the project turned out in the end, we cannot help but be thankful to those whose great ideas are taken from the paper and brought to reality. It takes a lot of talent and effort to take an urban space and transform it into something amazing, without having a negative impact on the medieval atmosphere. – Bringing contemporary design to a historical setting is not without its challenges and is a sensitivity operation. Do feel the designers respected the history of the site, what more could they have done?
Banyoles Old Town Remodeling

Banyoles Old Town Remodeling. Photo credit: Adrià Goula

Full Project Credits for Banyoles Old Town Remodeling:

Project: Banyoles old town remodeling Type: public urban space Architect: Josep Miàs (Miàs Architects) Project team: Silvia Brandi, Adriana Porta, Mario Blanco, Josep Puigdemont, Fausto Raposo, Mafalda Batista, Judith Segura, Sophie Lambert, Sven Holzgreve, Thomas Westerholm, Oliver Bals, Marta Cases, Julie Nicaise, Lluís A. Casanovas, Anna Mallén, Bárbara Fachada, Marco Miglioli Completion date: 2011 Location: Banyoles – Girona – Spain Client: Public – Banyoles City Council Size: 18.000 m2 Budget: 4M € Technical Architect: Albert Ribera Engineer: Josep Masachs Photographer: Adrià Goula Awards: 2007, PREMIS D’ARQUITECTURA COMARQUES DE GIRONA Winner 2008, EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR URBAN PUBLIC SPACE Finalist 2008, 5th ROSA BARBA EUROPEAN LANDSCAPE PRIZE Finalist 2008, PREMIO ESPACIO PÚBLICO EUROPEO CCCB Finalist 2009, PREMI CATALUNYA CONSTRUCCIÓ Winner 2010, PREMIS FAD Finalist Show on Google Maps

Recommended Reading:

Article by Alexandra Antipa

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The Ecocapsule Will Make You Rethink How You Live

Ecocapsule, by Nice Architects, Bratislava, Slovakia. As humans, we have been incredibly lucky to be given the right to live on planet Earth, with its amazingly diverse resources. Unfortunately, a lot of Earth’s inhabitants have taken these resources for granted, wasting them and not thinking about the future. Concerned about future generations and wanting the human spirit to thrive for as long as possible on this planet, the talented team at Nice Architects has created the most amazing micro-home you have ever seen. The Ecocapsule is a more than suitable choice for the modern dwelling needs of Earth’s inhabitants, given the fact that it functions solely on the energy provided by the sun and the wind. Let’s find out more information about it.


Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

How Did The Ecocapsule All Start?

In 2008, Nice Architects took part in a competition, proposing the Ecocapsule as an idea for small housing units. Even though the design was not successful in the competition, it spawned further development. The first prototype of the Ecocapsule demonstrated that it is possible to intersect passion with the potential for shaping the world and creating an overall positive impact. Its potential has already started to show: Each element has been carefully considered so as to guarantee a reduction in the resources used and offer functionality at the same time. One could easily fall in love with the Ecocapsule and its amazing features, from its round shape that stanches energy loss to its ability to collect rainwater and its instant mobility.


Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

The Swiss Army Knife of Houses It is said that great ideas are refined with the passing of time. The second prototype of the Ecocapsule was presented in 2014, showing that this micro-home is definitely a success. The most interesting feature is its ability to function without any external resources. The creative minds from Nice Architects have even compared it to the famous Swiss army knife, declaring that it “packs everything you need”.

Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

What Makes the Ecocapsule a Friend of our Fragile Environment? The Ecocapsule has been designed with the purpose of reducing the impact of a home on the environment. The architects working on the project have also spent a lot of time trying to determine the best strategies to encompass reusable energies into this small yet amazing micro-home. They have added a dual power system, harnessing the energy of the sun (solar cells of high efficiency) and the wind (silent wind turbine).

Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

Energy Storage Means Longer Staying Power With the storage of this energy, the Ecocapsule can be used for a long period of time, even when the sources of energy (sun and wind) are not available. What is more, the harnessed energy is stored in batteries; the energy can be used for all the systems in the home. Thermal loss has been reduced and prevented by the addition of a thick thermal insulation layer. The dwelling’s round shape has not been chosen arbitrarily – this allows for the efficient collection of rainwater and dew. Designed with the purpose of sustainability, the Ecocapsule also has a series of highly efficient membrane filters. These are extremely useful for the purification of water, allowing for the transformation of natural water into drinkable water. The micro-dwelling also has been equipped with a composting toilet, in which bio waste is collected.

Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects.

The Advantages of the Self-Sustaining Micro-dwelling One of the biggest advantages of the Ecocapsule is related to the fact that it is self-sustaining for prolonged periods of time. Moreover, it has been designed so that no problems arise during the time it is being used. For example, manual water pumps have been installed, so as to function as a backup system in the unlikely event that the battery is depleted. The capsule is the perfect shelter for those who want to spend their time in nature. Initially, it was designed only for those who needed to spend a part of their time in the open outdoors, such as scientists, professional photographers, or mountain rangers. As the design of the Ecocapsule was refined and more features added, its usage extended to other groups of people. Live and Protect the Environment Given the low energy consumption, the Ecocapsule is the ideal shelter for those who are concerned about the environment. Imagine that there is enough energy coming from the sun and wind to power all the onboard systems of the Ecocapsule, including the low-consumption computer. So you can live in a house that is equipped with everything you need, while protecting the environment at the same time.

Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

Reduced Size for Easier Transportation The size for the second prototype of the Ecocapsule micro-dwelling was reduced, making it possible to transport it on a truck or tow it on a trailer. The reduction to the size of a shipping container was welcomed as a definite improvement, as everyone is interested in easier transportation.

Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

What Will the Future Bring for the Ecocapsule? For the next step of development, the ingenious brains at Nice Architects are looking to add an electrically powered incineration unit. The main purpose of this unit is the production of heat for the Ecocapsule. They are also looking to create a special chassis for the capsule (most likely ready around the end of 2016).

Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

The House of the Future In conclusion, this is definitely the house of the future. It is easy to carry, it is self-sustaining, and the resources for its functioning are borrowed from nature. It could be used in emergency situations, such as in earthquakes and floods, allowing rescue teams to focus on saving people rather than wasting time building a base. It can be used to provide power in remote areas, to filtrate water in areas where there is no drinking water, and to recharge electric cars. After reading all of this information about the amazing Ecocapsule, we are left with one last question: Where would you live in this futuristic home?

Ecocapsule. Image courtesy of Nice Architects

Full Project Credit for Ecocapsule:

Project: Ecocapsule Designers: Nice Architects Project Period: April 2008 to present Authors: Tomáš Žáček, Soňa Pohlová, Igor Žáček Team: Matej Pospíšil, Alexandra Bundalová (Nice Architects) Visualization: Nice Visions Basic specs: Dimensions: (HxLxW)2.55×4.45×2.25m/4.5mwith extended pole Weigh: 1500kg Installed power output: wind 750W solar 600W Battery capacity: 9744Wh Article by Alexandra Antipa Return to Homepage

10 Things Landscape Architecture Students Should do Before Graduating

Getting an education as landscape architecture students is tough, enjoyable but tough. So make the most of it and get the rewards most students will miss out on, even the top ones. Getting a degree in Landscape Architecture is rewarding, challenging and at times frustrating beyond belief. The years at university are so packed with academic work that it is easy to forget to take advantage of all the opportunities granted to you. Here are the top 10 things landscape architecture students should make sure they do before graduating.

Landscape Architecture Students, Listen up!

Photo credit: Author - Curimedia. Licensed under CC-SA 2.0. Image source.

Go travel far away. Photo credit: Author – Curimedia. Licensed under CC-SA 2.0. Image source.

1. Get Away from Your University Once you have a feel for design culture and style in your area, get out. Go away, preferably far, far away and see how it’s done somewhere else. Studying abroad is a great way to do this and also get credits, room and board and field trips to surrounding areas. Another option is to just go. Take a quarter off. Set up informational interviews at firms in London, Egypt, or Addis Ababa and learn about their styles, design challenges and how their culture influences design. Comparing, contrasting and learning from the design practices of another place are essential to a landscape architecture education. 2. Find an Internship In your second or third year take advantage of internship opportunities through the landscape architecture department. University is a great time to try out a few different kinds of work to see which you like or can’t stand
Get yoursel an internship. Photo credit:

Get yourself an internship. Photo credit:

before you graduate. Internship opportunities are everywhere, especially pay attention to guest lecturers and reviewers. If you like what they have to say, go up and ask about opportunities in their firms. Internships give you invaluable experience with less pressure since you’re there to learn. That being said, there are such things as bad internships; don’t let them turn you into a CAD monkey, especially if you’re not getting paid. 3. 100% Complete a Project the Night Before Reviews When say finished I mean FINISHED. Posters printed, models assembled, plans rendered and presentation practiced. Learning to manage the amount of time you have for a project is among the most important lessons in your landscape architecture education. Also, sleeping the night before reviews are important. Reviewers can tell if you’ve had ten cups of coffee and haven’t slept in 30 hours and it’s unprofessional. 4. Learn to Work On a Team Nothing can turn friends into foes faster than a group project. Learning to work on a team does not mean “learn to get along with everybody” it means learning how to make good decisions quickly, advocating for your ideas or shutting up and letting others speak. It means learning to tell a friend that their idea is terrible for these reasons and going with the best concept even if it isn’t yours.
The smiling faces, would indicate that this was at the beginning of the team project! Photo credit:

The smiling faces would indicate that this was at the beginning of the team project! Photo credit:

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5. Attend Landscape Architecture Social Gatherings Social gatherings are fun and a great way to meet other students, professionals and professors in a less formal setting.

LAN's Cameron Rodman and Brett Lezon with renowned landscape architect Laurie Olin at an ASLA event; photo credit: Cameron Rodman

LAN team leader Brett Lezon (far left) with renowned landscape architect Laurie Olin at an ASLA event. Photo credit: Cameron Rodman

6. Learn to Draw Even with all of the great digital tools at our fingertips, sometimes fingertips and a pen are the best way to convey an idea. Some university programs focus on hand graphics more than others and if yours is light on the pen-to-trace side of things, seek out a professor, mentor or fellow student with a beautiful hand and ask for pointers.
By Lily Mank

Drawing featured in our famous Sketchy Saturday. Image credit and artist: Lily Mank

7. Find a Mentor The more mentors the better, try to establish relationships with both a professional mentor and a student mentor in your first year. If your school doesn’t have a program in place, the landscape architecture department likely keeps records of alumni that are OK with being contacted about becoming a mentor. Cultivate and maintain relationships with your mentors, ask questions, get their opinion on your projects and invite them to your reviews. 8. Complete an Interdisciplinary Project In your post-university career, it’s likely that you will be working with Urban Planners, Architects, Engineers, Contractors, Ecologists and many, many more. Stereotypes notwithstanding, working with people in other fields can be fun and will definitely broaden your design education.
Rapid landscape architecture | 72 Hour Urban Action

One of the greatest live architectural events/projects on the planet. 72 Hour Urban Action. Photo credit: Mor Arkadir

9. Ask for Informational Interviews Informational interviews are an excellent low-pressure way to check out firms. The ability to say “Hi my name is ______, and I’m a landscape architecture student at _______” wields a serious amount of power to get your foot in the door. Designers are usually flattered that you’d want to add to your education through the lens of their business. After graduation, you can still go on informational interviews but firms are more likely to put a request on hold since they will know you’re job searching.
Great words, that should be dwelled upon, ingrained on mind and used to inspire you into action.

Great words, that should be dwelled upon, ingrained on the mind and used to inspire you into action.

10. Survive Failing a Project I’m not saying you should try to bomb a project; intentionally failing is not ok. But bombing a project once is a reminder that it is not the end of the world if you fail. Learn to let go of a failure and make a better product next time. It’s university, it’s ok to take chances and make mistakes! – A Landscape Architecture education involves a lot more than just attending class and turning in projects. Being a student provides you with opportunities that won’t necessarily be available post graduation so make sure you take advantage and use your student status to the fullest! What would you add to this list of recommendations for student landscape architects? Recommended Reading: 

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Sketchy Saturday |037

This week’s Sketchy Saturday top 10. We don’t run the Sketchy Saturday every week because we have to wait until the right sketches come in. We take pride in posting a rich diversity of hand drawing talent as we want to celebrate the many different styles that are sent into us. We don’t just want generic sketches, we want sketches that are unmistakably yours and an extension of who you are and what you can offer the world. Student, professional or hobbyist, everyone gets treated the same when it comes to Sketchy Saturday, making it a unique melting pot of passion, creativity and skills. Enjoy this week’s Sketchy Saturday top 10! 1o. by Elisabeth Lindman garden designer / architect at Lustgård Trädgårdsdesign, founder and chairman of the Swedish Society for Garden designers, Sweden


By Elisabeth Lindman

 “This is a sketch I made as part of a big project in a private garden in Sweden. This young couple traveled a lot and wherever they went in the world they bought them self a hammock / cot as a souvenir. But in their garden they had no big trees and nowhere to place them. Therefore, I designed this sheltered garden room with poles for the hammocks. Easy to change and replace them. A place to relax / hang with friends. The sketch is made really quick in the garden, just to illustrate my idea”. 9. by Eva Suellen de Oliveira Fortaleza, Architecture and Urban Planning student, in Brazil
Sketchy Saturday

By Eva Suellen de Oliveira Fortaleza

“My motivation was to represent a landscape project that I was working on. Last year I was in USA (Kansas State University), living and studying as an exchange student. There, I took this Landscape class and I fell in love with it. So, in this project I was told to make a landscape project of one part of the Manhattan City Park. I wanted to make an expressive drawing, just with ink and showing the shadows of the space. I made it in USA on tracing paper and ink”. 8. by Richard Hodgetts, director of Vista Landscape Studio 
Sketchy Saturday

By Richard Hodgetts

“The existing garden comprised a series of stepped terraces with a little useable space. The brief was to create a more useable garden with a large terrace to the rear for entertainment. The proposed garden was created by using cut and fill and creating a large flat grass area with a glass balustrade at the end to allow for views towards London. The lower garden had a seating area, fire pit and bbq area along with a children’s play Area. The perspective shows the lower garden area”. 7. by  Djordje Pralica
Sketchy Saturday

By Djordje Pralica

“This sketch represents the neglected Sava riverfront in Belgrade, Serbia. In the center is the small floating shipyard for river boats surrounded with other deserted boats. For this sketch, I used colored pencils on brown paper”. 6. by Namdev Talluru, architecture student, nit trichy, India.
Sketchy Saturday

By Namdev Talluru

“Its a simple rough sketch of a small scale design. The wall extensions turn into plant pots and the building turns into a beautiful play of colors with white red and green”. 5. by Eric Ernstberger, Rundell Ernstberger Associates
Sketchy Saturday

By Eric Ernstberger

“League of Extraordinary Artisans” a monumental cor-ten steel and wood array. A small college in Northern Indiana with emphasis on the arts commissioned REA to “create a new image for the half mile road frontage they owned” . The original sketch is 11×17 inches red pencil on trace paper”. 4. by Peter Bonette “The view is of the Bay Bridge in San Fransisco. It is fun to be able to sketch plain air and helpful professionally. Drawn in ink first and then rendered in color pencil at home. It is 4″x6”. Drawing Related Articles:

Sketchy Saturday

By Peter Bonette

3. by Bakhtiar Amir, Co-founder of ADA Design Internationale, Architect / Urban Designer, Malaysia
Sketchy Saturday

By Bakhtiar Amir

“The sketch was a conceptual design proposal for a mixed use development, as part of the overall Tianjin Redevelopment Masterplan in Tianjin China. It is a preliminary expression of form + place-making as a synthetic gesture towards the overall development master plan. Materials used were artline 0.6 for building outline definition, and artline 0.4 for architectural articulation, landscape and context. Drawing was done on butter paper”. 2. by Lily Mank
Sketchy Saturday

By Lily Mank

“This sketch is for my senior capstone project taking place at Rogers Memorial Hospital in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. I created it using pen and colored pencil, I wanted to capture the softness of the plantings and the serenity of the space”. 1. by Peter Bonette
Sketchy Saturday

By Peter Bonette

“This is option one for a covered patio space. It included a monumental Rustic stone fireplace that you can grill in, pizza oven and a bar with seating. There is room for a sectional sofa and coffee table, and a dining table for eight”. – That’s this week’s Sketchy Saturday Top 10, congratulations to all of you who featured, you have come out on top of a very talented bunch of people. Check out the Sketchy Saturday official Facebook album and see literally 1,000′s of incredible sketches! Follow all the winning entries on our dedicated Sketchy Saturday Pinterest page. If you want to take part send your entries to us at Recommended reading:

Article by Scott D. Renwick Return to Homepage

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