
How Can You Make a Stunning Waterfall Even More Stunning?

Credit: Laurent Gongora

Stunning waterfall art by Laurent Gongora. The Cascade de Vaucoux waterfall in south-central France is one of those wonders of nature that for centuries has evoked awe in all who see it. It’s hard to believe that man could enhance Mother Nature’s handiwork, but artist Laurent Gongora may have managed it. Gongora has added a series of 24 steel triangles, which protrude from the waterfall in the mountainous Massif Region, “redrawing” the flow of water, splitting and scattering it as it pours toward the ground. The water diverges from its natural path, providing a gleam of light and misting the skin of visitors.

Stunning waterfall. Credit: Laurent Gongora

Credit: Laurent Gongora

The Design Gongora arranged the steel triangles in an eight-meter-high diamond formation, with the pointed shapes emerging from the falling water and diverting the torrent over and around them.
Stunning waterfall. Credit: Laurent Gongora

Credit: Laurent Gongora

Gongora has created something very geometrical that holds firm and stands strong against the fall of water. I like to think that the artist signified the triangles as a symbol of equilibrium that holds tight but remains affectionate toward Mother Nature. The artwork’s title, Les Cascadeurs, translates as “the stuntmen” and also relates to the French word for “waterfall”.
Stunning waterfall. Credit: Laurent Gongora

Credit: Laurent Gongora

The metal peaks were colored black to match the local stone and were fixed onto a steel base frame hidden by the water. Horizontal bars beneath each peak were designed for daredevil wildlife to take shelter from the cascade. There is a small wooden perch under each roof, in case a “stunt bird” would like to come and shelter. Gongora worked with two climbers over three days to hang the structure from rocks and trees above the site, using six steel cables. The piece was installed for the annual Horizons Sancy art and nature festival in 2012. Art and Nature By their very nature, waterfalls attract visitors who delight in the feeling of elation they experience in the presence of such a powerful force. Gongora has only enhanced that magnetic pull – for humans and wildlife alike. By choosing this setting, the artist has revealed how smart and deliberate he is  in his work.  He has created a wonderful vision that explains his love and enthusiasm toward geometric shapes through the use of triangles inscribed within a diamond-shaped frame, creating a state of equilibrium that holds the frame in a crescendo against the flow of water, splitting and renewing the path of its fall. The birds that flit and perform stunts around the sculpture add to the artistry, providing photographers with a multidimensional canvas for their own art.
Stunning waterfall. Credit: Laurent Gongora

Credit: Laurent Gongora

Gongora’s artwork has revived the Cascade de Vaucoux waterfall. He has made  impeccable use of the mountains as his canvas, the flow of water as his paint, and the triangles as the brushes for his masterpiece. I hope this article has given you an insight into this wonderful place and the splendid artwork of Laurent Gongora. Recommended Reading: 

Article written by Sha Sulaiman Return to Homepage

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