Dominic Esser replied to the topic New Feature: Jobs from Around the Web in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 14 years ago
Oh thats great news!!! Thank you so much for getting on top of this issue I really appreciate it.
Dominic Esser replied to the topic master in urban design in the forum EDUCATION 14 years ago
Hey Ridzuan,
I would also take a look at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. That is where I did my Masters in Urban Design and I really enjoyed it. -
Dominic Esser replied to the topic New Feature: Jobs from Around the Web in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 14 years ago
Hey Andrew,
I clicked on all of the links and all of them have the same error message in the bottom left part of the window as shown below. -
Dominic Esser replied to the topic New Feature: Jobs from Around the Web in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 14 years ago
Oh no, sorry, I meant the actually webpage where all the jobs are listed. I click on the “more” link but it tells me there is an Error on the Page. Thank you for answering though.
Dominic Esser replied to the topic New Feature: Jobs from Around the Web in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 14 years ago
Hey Andrew,
That is really great that you are putting up these opportunities. Anything helps right now. I was wondering though why I am not able to click into the job postings. Is this something you’re still working on or is it something with my computer?Thanks and keep up the great work.
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Studying for Sections A,B, and D in the Chicagoland/Milwuakee area in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I too am studying for the A,B and D sections in Sacramento. There is a whole lot of info that I have found and a lot to take in as well. I found a really great Google group http://groups.google.com/group/lare-exam/files which has a lot of amazing information.
Good Luck in your studies. -
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Are you working or not ? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Solar Studies in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I agree and have found a website called http://www.gridalternative.org which seems to be like a Habitat for Humanities type deal except with installing solar. I have to read more on it.
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Illustrator vs. Photoshop for Rendering Plans in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years ago
Hey Jessie,
Just so you know I have very limited exposure to SketchUp and so I dont know too much about it. If I’m wrong, I hope someone corrects me.
With that being said, I’m pretty sure you can either import PDF files or CAD files into this program and create a 3D drawing. What I have been working with is Google SketchUp and I dont see a need to…[Read more] -
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Illustrator vs. Photoshop for Rendering Plans in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years ago
The last office that I worked for we used mostly Photoshop to do renderings. We were able to creat a pdf file of our Cadd file and then drop it into a PS file and start coloring. Eventually what we did in our office, so that all of our plans looked mostly uniform was to creat a template of trees (flowering, autumn, summer) which could be cut and…[Read more]
Dominic Esser replied to the topic MLA programs – Emphasis urban design in the forum EDUCATION 15 years ago
Thats a really good way to go about it. I couldnt imagine having gone through my graduate program plus having a full time job. I practically lived at my graduate school. I think I will look into taking classes through Open University.
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Rainwater harvesting systems in cold climates in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years ago
Wow, that project came together really nicely. That is a beautiful house and property. Must have been fun and also frustrating working on this project.
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Landscape Architecture Profession on the RISE Towards 2018 in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
I agree, I sure hope that this is true as well. I was talking to my former employer not too long ago and he was telling me that it is starting to look better again, eventhough 2009 can be completely written off, but there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.
…keeping my fingers crossed…
Dominic Esser replied to the topic MLA programs – Emphasis urban design in the forum EDUCATION 15 years ago
Hey Paul,
I attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY for a Masters in Urban Design:
As far as the universities that you have mentioned above, I have heard that Harvard and Denver have really good programs.Dominic
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Rainwater harvesting systems in cold climates in the forum SUSTAINABILITY & DESIGN 15 years ago
Hey Phillip,
I think rainwater harvesting systems are a fantastic idea, in fact, depending on where you live (like me where the average annual rainfall is low) I believe harvesting greywater for irrigation is a great concept as well. Personally I have only seen an above ground rain harvester, very primitive, where the water spouts from the roof…[Read more] -
Dominic Esser replied to the topic AutoCAD in Irrigation Design in the forum TECHNOLOGY 15 years ago
Hey Chuck,
I have done all of my irrigation design in Autocad. Like Nick has said, you can look online and im sure you can find plenty of symbols. I have myself made rotor symbols using symbols from online and the symbols that our office had allready made, plus gathering the spray radi’. Our office came up with some pretty simple designs, which…[Read more] -
Dominic Esser replied to the topic International Project Opportunities in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 15 years ago
Hey David,
Working in Europe (Germany for me) is quite different than what I have known to be working here on the West Coast. I did a summer Internship back in 2000 at a Landscape Architecture Firm in Duesseldorf Germany and it was a lot of fun. The people there were really nice and also very understanding being that that was my first office job.…[Read more] -
Dominic Esser replied to the topic Preview: The New Land8 Website in the forum ANNOUNCEMENTS 16 years ago
Wow, that looks very easy to navigate and full of information. Thanks for creating this site.