Ryland Fox joined the group
LARE Multiple Choice Discussion 7 years ago
Ryland Fox replied to the topic pool construction details in the forum DETAILS & MATERIALS 10 years ago
Alan’s look fairly similar to ours. We always put that they are schematic in nature with the mechanics to be designed by the pool contractor. The we review the pool contractor’s drawings for finishes and sizes.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Planting plans in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 11 years ago
i second the 75% size rule as well. seems to work well.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic BLA or MLA working in video game production? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 years ago
I am not working in the field but I remember seeing ads for Second Life hiring LA’s a few years ago so there maybe someone there.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic HOW TO: Render green walls in 3D design software? in the forum GRAPHICS 13 years ago
I wrote this series of blog posts on render maps a couple of years back. Here is the first one
it goes from transparency maps to bump maps to displacement maps though ideally all…[Read more] -
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Do you really want to know what theyre thinking? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
I have been going to Archinect for years and never really seen anything objectionable. They tend to be more negative towards architecture than any other discipline.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic monochrome graphic presentation in the forum GRAPHICS 13 years ago
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Portfolio Binding + Cover Types in the forum PORTFOLIO & RESUME 13 years ago
Japanese stab binding is pretty nice, I haven’t used it but always plan to.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Is anybody really alive out there ? – Nominate your favorite song that captures these times in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
C.R.E.A.M. – Wu Tang Clan
Ryland Fox replied to the topic The Coming Great Disruption in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 years ago
Friedman was talking about this in the New York Times today
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Creating "Cut-outs" of People, Vegetation, Cars, etc. in the forum TECHNOLOGY 13 years ago
Ryland Fox replied to the topic What's The Best Fireworks You Seen? in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years ago
Disney world fireworks over the park on new years from on top of one of the hotels. Looking forward to the Sydney Harbour ones this year.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Help! Making Sketchup more realistic in the forum GRAPHICS 14 years ago
We got RenderIn, it is $160 a seat I believe and the results are pretty good. Plus it has real time preview with materials and lights which is nice.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Portfolio Websites? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
This guys is pretty cool.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJPuSKIl3Xo -
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Visiting California in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
Go to Green and Green’s Gamble house in Pasadena. Amazing craftmenship plus the visitor centre is Doc’s house from Back to the Future. The patio is really nice.
http://www.gamblehouse.org/ -
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Photoshop Cutouts for Perspectives in the forum GRAPHICS 14 years ago
on the right in downloads -
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Is advertising for LA's still considered unethical? in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
I don’t know if it is advertising but self promotion on sites like Landezine can’t hurt.
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Travel in the forum PLACES & SPACES 14 years ago
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Non-RLA's using the title Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
not really, I am in Australia and am considered a landscape architect because I attended an accredited program. I can get licenced through our professional association but it isn’t necessary.
And yet we still have a healthy, creative, and profitable LA industry. -
Ryland Fox replied to the topic Non-RLA's using the title Landscape Architect in the forum GENERAL DISCUSSION 14 years ago
It just seems kind of harsh to be practicing landscape architecture (under a RLA) and have gone to school for landscape architecture but not be able to refer to yourself as a landscape architect in casual conversation.
I understand people being protective of a title they have earned but as your own title says, you are a RLA which you are u…[Read more] - Load More